
Roger Aronoff

Roger Aronoff is a member of Citizens Commission on National Security. Roger is the writer/director of Confronting Iraq: Conflict and Hope

Most Recent Articles by Roger Aronoff:

Trump’s Immigration Pause and the Media Backlash

The mainstream media continue their misleading reporting about President Donald Trump’s executive order, which calls for temporarily limiting immigration into the United States from seven countries, and a review of refugee policy. The media have blatantly sought to undermine Trump’s initiatives.
- Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Obama Legacy

While the media continue to champion the legacy of former President Barack Obama, some of his signature policies are rapidly being ended or overturned by his successor, President Donald J. Trump. However, this does not mean that Obama’s policies weren’t a disaster for America during his tenure. Obama’s enduring legacy, far from a collection of his signature achievements, will be the decline of his own party and a lackluster economy, as well as the appeasement of dictators, and a world in chaos and disarray.
- Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Obama's Disgraceful Departure

Although President Barack Obama acted friendly toward Donald Trump, aiding him in the transition and meeting with him, behind the scenes he left Trump with a number of policy landmines that our new President must confront as he pursues his agenda.
- Friday, January 27, 2017

Who Decides Which Facts are "Alternative" and Which are Real?

When White House counsel Kellyanne Conway said on NBC News that the White House Press Secretary, Sean #, had presented the press with "alternative facts" about the size of Donald Trump's inauguration crowd, the press immediately concluded that alternative facts were, in fact, lies. They've had a field day with it ever since.
- Thursday, January 26, 2017

Obama’s Iranian Nuke Deal is a Major Challenge for Trump

No matter how false and misleading it is to cite the Iran deal as “signed,” when it is little more than a set of unenforceable political commitments, the news media continue to publish fake news arguing that somehow Iran and the P5+1 have agreed on a single text of the deal. In reality, the Iranian parliament endorsed a different version of the deal than was supposedly accepted by the P5+1, and the JCPOA was agreed upon without signatures or signatories.
- Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Top Ten Misreported and Underreported Stories of 2016

As we look back on 2016, we would like to highlight some of the American media’s worst abuses that occurred during the past year, including coverage of the very divisive election campaign. We have picked ten stories in which the media were either derelict in their duty to report the truth, or sold a false or biased narrative to the public that furthered the left’s agenda.
- Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The “No Scandals” Obama Administration Revisited

No matter how many times it is disproved, members of the Obama administration and the liberal media continue to claim that President Barack Obama has overseen a scandal-free executive branch during his two terms in office. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fast & Furious, the IRS targeting scandal, Benghazi, and the Veterans Administration scandal are but a taste of President Obama’s scandal-ridden leadership.
- Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Times Struggles with Lessons from 2016 Election Debacle

Back in August, during the heat of the election, New York Times columnist Jim Rutenberg suggested that reporters could abandon their objectivity and engage in “oppositional” journalism, because then-candidate Donald Trump was “an abnormal and potentially dangerous candidate.” Now, as Trump’s inauguration approaches, Rutenberg writes that “what” the mainstream media “did right” during the election “has been less appreciated than it deserves.” The column is titled, “Lessons From 2016 for the News Media, as the Ground Shifts.”
- Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Modern Day Bitter Clingers

With the results of the Electoral College votes in, supporters of Hillary Clinton must realize that their favored candidate has lost, again—this time irrevocably. The left’s resistance to a President Donald Trump hung on the twin thin reeds of a recount under Green Party candidate Jill Stein and the fight to convince individual electors to be faithless.
- Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Where “Fake News” Meets Real News

With the media in disarray, even in meltdown, over their failure to prevent Donald Trump from winning the presidency last month, the issue of “fake news” has become an urgent concern. What is really of greater concern? Fake websites that are established to make money and discredit their political opponents? Or is it the establishment media that are pushing a political agenda, while claiming to adhere to high standards of journalism?
- Thursday, December 8, 2016

Fake News Sites Continue False Claim about the Iran Nuke Deal

The mainstream media and President Obama have made a considerable issue out of the dissemination of fake news leading up to the election, even going so far as to hint that Donald Trump’s victory might have been owed in part to the work of the fakers. On cue, The Washington Post recently published a story citing anonymous sources that claimed the fake news was the product of Russian propaganda.
- Thursday, December 1, 2016

Obama Attempts to Distort His Legacy

The election of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on November 8 was not only a rejection of Hillary Clinton, based on her trustworthiness and her legal and ethical problems, it was also clearly a repudiation of Democratic policymaking, with Trump promising to eliminate or revise a number of Barack Obama’s signature achievements. But, speaking to the press in his first press conference after the election, President Obama maintained that he is leaving the White House and America in as good a shape as possible.
- Friday, November 25, 2016

Trump’s Amazing Victory Against a Stacked Deck

While the media and the Democrats are in disarray over last week’s elections, it looks like President-elect Donald Trump’s honeymoon is over before it even began. While there may have been a few reports in the past week that were simply factual about Trump’s transition team and process, virtually all of the reports in the mainstream media have been negative and even hostile towards Trump, his transition team and his supporters.
- Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Hillary Clinton File

October certainly lived up to its reputation as being a month for surprises in this year’s presidential election, especially for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The media have done as much as they could to help minimize the damage, but a massive amount of new information came out that has confirmed and revealed a pattern of deceit, duplicity and corruption, unmatched in any presidential candidacy in modern times.
- Thursday, November 3, 2016

More Politicized Justice to Protect Hillary

A recently revealed connection between Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a local Virginia politician and the FBI exposes, at the very least, another deceptive conflict of interest that was likely intended to help protect the viability of Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions. These politicians believe they can get away with such actions because they trust that they can count on a complicit mainstream media to cover for their corruption.
- Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Corrupt Democrat-Media Complex Seeks Clinton Victory

While the left-wing, so-called mainstream media continue to raptly discuss dissension within the Republican Party and Republicans who oppose Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the media are quietly ignoring evidence of their own enduring and pervasive bias on behalf of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
- Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Media’s Thumb on the Scale on Issue of Candidates’ Taxes

After jostling between the candidates during Sunday night’s debate in St. Louis, Missouri over the issue of the day, “Who was the worse abuser of women, Donald Trump, or Bill and Hillary Clinton?,” the debate turned to the issue of Trump’s taxes. While Trump acknowledged that he used the tax laws to pay as little in taxes as required by law, he reminded Hillary that some of her big supporters, such as George Soros and Warren Buffett, do the same. In fact, most everyone pays as little in taxes as is legally required. And why shouldn’t they? But Trump missed an opportunity to land a more direct hit on Hillary for tax-avoidance maneuvers that the Clintons engage in, both through their foundation, and beyond. The media continue their reporting frenzy based on speculation about Trump’s tax returns and whether he has paid federal income tax in the last 20 years. The Clinton campaign has jumped on the bandwagon, publishing a Donald Trump tax “calculator” which calculates a visitor’s tax contribution as zero dollars. It is obviously meant to mock Mr. Trump. “While millions of American families, including mine and yours, were working hard and paying their fair share…it seems he was contributing nothing to our nation,” said Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. Similarly, NBC’s Chuck Todd said on Meet the Press on October 2 that “this is basically a deduction that benefits wealthy businessmen. He failed at his businesses. Those first three businesses were failures. And then he was able to get a tax break for that failure on the next billion dollars of income. Look, it’s all legal. Should it be?” Todd also said that Trump had exploited a tax “loophole.”
- Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Media Judgment Corrupted by Desire to Defeat Trump

The mainstream media are delighted to saturate the news cycle with a story that potentially injures Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, with many news organizations making a big deal about Trump’s 1995 tax returns which could have, they argue, allowed Trump to skip paying his fair share of taxes for 18 years.
- Thursday, October 6, 2016
