
Enormity of importance of the 2016 elections

2016 Election: American on the Precipice...

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By —— Bio and Archives January 11, 2015

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A close friend of mine just recently asked me what I thought of the 2016 elections. Now, for anyone who knows me, the thought of trying to give my friend any kind of simple-minded answers, was, predictably a practical impossibility.
Matter of fact, as far as I am concerned, this was as loaded a question as it had been posed to me ever before, as I thought then and still do now, that 2016 will, more likely than not, go down in the history books as [the] most critical presidential election ever in the history of the nation, bar none. And...if you think I am overstating or embroidering the importance of these elections, I ask you to, please, think again. Since Barack Obama first took the office of the president back in January 2009, our nation has been on continued free-fall like nothing we had ever seen before. Obama's commitment to 'fundamentally transform the country' -- a pledge he made on the eve of Election Day on November 2008 was no joke. It was, as a matter of fact, an omen of things to come, as the country was, in fact, transformed in the worst possible ways Americans could have ever envisioned--nobody to blame but the 52% majority who voted this man into office, not once but twice. Shame on us. As far as the presidency is concerned, throughout its 44 presidents -- beginning with George Washington right down to Obama -- the nation has seen it all. There have been good presidents and not-so-good presidents; there have been mediocre presidents and there have been inept presidents, such as was Jimmy Carter; and then there have been dishonest presidents such as were Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, but, never before had there been a black president who just happened to be a career communist. Two firsts, if you will. One would have or could have expected that, the mere fact that, for the first time ever in the history of the nation, Americans were ready to elect a black man to the highest office in the land, was, in and of itself, a testament to the nation's maturity or otherwise a ground-breaking milestone of better things to come. Enough of the expectations though.

Barack Obama has made Jimmy Carter's presidency pale in comparison

The truth of matter is, Barack Obama has made Jimmy Carter's presidency pale in comparison--it has been that bad. I am not even talking about the fact that in its first two years as president, the nation's unemployment rose by 1.1 million Americans; gas prices went up by 98%; food stamp recipients increased by 25%; Americans in poverty went up by 6.4 million; our national deficit went up by $842 billion dollars; and our national debt went up by $6.1 trillion dollars, up 58%, just to mention a few. I am not, mind you, talking about these grim statistics. I am not even talking about the pervasive scandals that have plagued the nation ever since Obama took over as president, such as was the death of four Americans at the Benghazi embassy in Libya; the infamous IRS scandal targeting special interest groups; the Veterans Administration shameful scandal where at least 40 Americans died while waiting for the services of this government sponsored organization. I am not talking about Obama's pacifism, which has only diminished our role as the world superpower we once were making us, instead, the laughing stock of enemies and allies alike. What I am talking about, is the systematic deterioration of our democratic system. What I am talking about is this charlatan's [Obama's] willful gameness to desecrate our Constitution and our legal system, acquiescently telling the American people, of his readiness to bypass Congress on issues such as our nation's immigration policies and the like. What I am talking about is for an American Congress being ready, willing and able to shove down American's throats, laws such as the Affordable Care Act, a/k/a ObamaCare.. How close can we get to being a totalitarian state ruled by an autocratic psychopath?

How close can we get to being a totalitarian state ruled by an autocratic psychopath?

So ask you may; what does this all presidential narrative about Barack Obama's presidency have to do with the 2016 elections? And, the answer is, more than meets the eye. You see, as far as I am concerned, Barack Obama's rise from the tombs of the unknown to president of the United States of America, was, in my humble opinion, not anything that happened by chance or a stroke of luck, far from it. The Barack Obama phenomenon, if you will, was a well-planned event, the byproduct of years of scrupulous planning. It was the spinoff of a highly sophisticated political machinery which had been arduously working for years to meet its objective, to wit, the destruction of capitalism and democracy in the United States--a superbly challenging objective, tried many times before in the past, while never succeeding until now. A phenomenon which has been culturally embedded in mainstream America for years; a phenomenon which has been incessantly developing and expanding throughout the years right before our eyes, if yet, the majority of Americans chose to dispense of it as merely innocuous and inconsequential, to where, we allowed 'the enemy', to have one of them, guiding the destinies of this noble land, albeit leading us all right into a path of destruction - a scary thought, if ever there was one. All the while as we, conservatives, a preposterous coalition of naively driven constituents, stood by, aiding and abetting the enemy, by simply doing nothing about it at all. By even helping the enemy disguise their true nature, under a forbearing lexicon of preferred cover-up labels such as leftists, liberals and the like, while never daring to call them 'communists'--[the] only truthful description which accurately describes these phonies. But, then again, we all should share in the blame of what has transpired in this great land of ours. Whether or not we realize it or care to realize it, during the past last fifty years, the enemy has been relentlessly grinding away at democracy and capitalism in this country. Joseph Stalin, once described his communist converts as "Useful Idiots". Ironically, in case you may have missed it, as recently as November 2014 Jonathan Holmes Gruber, the ObamaCare architect, came out publicly, and made statements regarding the American Healthcare Act or ACA, to the fact that this bill was written "in a tortured way" to deliberately disguise certain hidden agendas. Gruber went on to say that "the bill's inherent lack of transparency was a huge political advantage", which relied on "the stupidity and ill-informed nature of American voters". Even though Gruber's blundering videos were subsequently underemphasized by the liberal mainstream media, as far as I was concerned, his statements, were an implausibly accurate description of, precisely, everything that is going wrong in our nation today--an abridged, if yet, majestically truthful account of what the Obama administration is all about. And, yes, therein lies the greatest misnomer in our enemy's strategy. They [the enemy], are utterly convinced that all of us, the American people as a whole are, as Gruber claimed, ill-informed and stupid, and while I can accept the former, I must strongly argue the assumption that we are all not as stupid as they would make us out to be. Stupid, we are not, as we dared to prove them wrong in the recent 2014 midterm elections, where conservative republicans regained both houses of Congress by an overwhelming, if yet unexpected majority of votes throughout the country--a highly unanticipated resurgence of Americans' dire urge in returning their country to its former glories; a resurgence of Gruber's "stupid" voters, making a "not-so-stupid" stand on what is best for America.

2016, will, in no uncertain way, determine the ultimate future of this country

I say 2016, will, in no uncertain way, determine the ultimate future of this country, thus my earlier inference as to the magnanimous importance of this election. As far as I am concerned, the enemy's choices are few and far between, as I look upon Hillary Clinton as the enemy's one and only candidate with any chance at all--a potent one at that, mind you, as we should never underestimate this woman's chances of winning the 2016 elections, namely on another "first" platform, this time a 'woman' president, such as was the first 'black' for Obama, save for the fact that Clinton's dirty laundry is somewhat larger and better known than was Obama's back in 2008. My glimmers of hope are all well founded on the presumed realization by the American people of who this 'witch' really is--a derisory extension of Barack Obama's communist agenda if not even more stringent considering the fact that this old politician is a master of deceit, albeit her schooling as wife of husband and former president Bill Clinton - impeached for perjury before a grand jury and obstruction of justice during a lawsuit against him, both related to a scandal involving a White House intern--a legacy of lies kept alive by Hillary in her years of public life that followed as Secretary of State, such as was her unwillingness to be held accountable for her neglectful actions that resulted in the Benghazi massacre. Coupled with America's understanding of Clinton, is, no other than, the questionable ability of conservatives in picking the right contender for the 2016 elections--a field now presumably composed of some recycled candidates, who, in my mind, stand little or no chance in making it to the presidency. We should all, by now, have learned our lesson well with the 2008 and 2012 elections as presidential contenders John McCain and Mitt Romney, both, turned out to be rather frail candidates; unable, if you will, by any stretch of the imagination, to match Obama's savviness and overall charismatic aura, specially, his highly proficient skills in demagoguery--the art of telling people what they want to hear.

Mrs. Clinton's advocacy of Alinsky's nihilism a most revealing precedent to understanding what this woman is all about

So, who, you may ask, would be that ideal candidate to run against Clinton in the 2016 elections? Well, I don't really have the answer to that question, not yet anyways. I am not so sure, we have one, or for that matter, that we will have one, per say, as I don't think that even Jeb Bush, assuming he runs and everything points out that he will, can, in my humble opinion, match up to Hillary's popularity amongst a feeble-minded sector within the voters' universe. My only hope, then, relies exclusively on people just voting against Hillary more than for any of the Republican contenders, whomever that may be. In other words, I am sort of counting on an election which pretty much resembles the 2014 midterm elections--one in which Americans, just simply ousted the incumbent democrats seats all over the land; a sign of the people simply wanting a change in politics. I am just hoping the same holds true in 2016. In lieu of this presumption, I would just like to close by throwing in my small share of campaigning contribution against Clinton, early as it may seem, with a friendly caveat reminder to all voters that, this presidential candidate is the very same person who, back in 1969, in her Wellesley college days, put forward her 92-page thesis "There is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model." In her thesis, Clinton allegedly advocates Alinsky's most important contribution to the radical cause as his embracing of political nihilism. In other words, our ex-First Lady, ex-Senator to the United States Congress, ex-Presidential candidate and ex-Secretary of State, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton advocates Alinsky's commitment to:
"blame political systems such as capitalism and democracy for mankind's shortcomings and hardships, therefore essentially a need to do away with them [the systems] in their entirety."
I found Mrs. Clinton's advocacy of Alinsky's nihilism a most revealing precedent to understanding what this woman is all about; to understanding and realizing that we are not running against just another presidential candidate, if you will. We are, in fact, running against a powerful political ideological machinery whose outreach and power extends far beyond the limits and boundaries which most American have been willing to understand or concede, and, until we do, we stand no chance of regaining the presidency. The choices are clear, though; we can either continue to endorse the entry-level communist platform, now endorsed by presided by Barack Obama, cautiously envisioned for perpetuation by Hillary Clinton, or...we can vote ourselves back to our beloved democracy, capitalism, and sacred freedoms willed to us by the Founding Fathers. The choice is ours. The time is now. It is up to all of us to decide what we want for ourselves; what we want for the generations that follow; and what we want even for the future of mankind, thus the enormity of importance of the 2016 elections, as they will, in fact, go down in the history books as the year that made the difference, one way or the other. May God save us all!

Obie Usategui -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Obie Usategui (The Patriot Obsever) and also runs AFCV-Americans For Conservative Values.  Obie is also the author of The Beginning of the End—“The transition to Communism in our own United states has come peacefully, ironically, via democratically-sanctioned elections”
