
America does not have a political problem, America has a moral and spiritual one

A Prescription for Saving the United States

Timothy Birdnow image

By —— Bio and Archives November 9, 2012

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“When the taste for physical gratifications among them has grown more rapidly than their education . . . the time will come when men are carried away and lose all self-restraint . . . . It is not necessary to do violence to such a people in order to strip them of the rights they enjoy; they themselves willingly loosen their hold. . . . they neglect their chief business which is to remain their own masters.” ― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America Volume 2
Now that the parade has passed and the last of the colorful floats have gone by the people with brooms and rakes must get to work, sweeping up confetti and removing horse dung from the befouled pavement of what had once been America's Main street. Gone are the trick riders, the marching bands, the unicyclists, the clowns and theme balloons. Now the real work of setting things back into order begins.
One wonders if this time the mess can really be cleaned up; this particular parade never seems to end, with Barack Obama riding triumphantly on a diuretic elephant eternally down our nation's thoroughfare. We Conservatives are, alas, the last remaining members of the local street department, and our brooms and shovels are quickly overflowing with the trash and excrement deposited by Obama's triumphal march. Where to begin cleaning the filth? We should start with our own house. There are many perks to being a leader, but the leader is and should be under eternal threat of removal (as Damocles so eloquently illustrated) and now is the time to remove some of them. Failure used to be punished by removal from leadership - right or wrong - and the GOP leadership fouled this election up regally. Reince Preibus needs to go as GOP Chair. Preibus has the job of expanding GOP success in government, and he has failed miserably. Preibus was one of the cadre who argued for not going after Obama but nibbling along the edges.
Peibus was one of the cadre who thought we could win on economics alone (it has always been axiomatic that economics is the fastest way to bore people, and while the base of the GOP may have been fired up about taxes and spending, the general public clearly tired of it.) It was Preibus who refused to swallow his pride and give at least passive support to Todd Akin in Missouri after Akin's monumental "legitimate rape" blunder. Democrats would never have made that mistake, preferring to rally around such a candidate. They even had a man credibly accused of rape speak at their convention, and Ted Kennedy was notorious along with Christopher Dodd of the "waitress sandwich". And the Democrats largely ignored rapes at the Occupy Wall Street camps. They were vulnerable, but the GOP devoted too much time to an injudicious comment by Akin. Why? Because the RINO wing thought Akin was too conservative. John Boehner must go, too. Boehner is talking about "enhanced revenue" now, drawing the exact wrong conclusion from this election. Boehner is the guy who mishandled every crisis with Obama. We need new blood in the House. Senate, too; Mitch McConnell has stumbled badly as a leader. He is good at parliamentary tricksterism but simply is not a man with any real vision. It's time for this tired old RINO to be put out to leadership pasteur. No, it's time for fresh blood. This should be our starting point, removing the Country Club wing from the seat of power. Why shouldn't we? Romney was their choice, after all, the man considered most likely to win. They actually believed a guy who could be compared to Thurston Howell III was what America wanted, a man who could not even credibly attack Obama on the Affordable Care Act's most onerous concept (the individual mandate) because he himself was the architect of it. And Romney isn't the only boo-boo made by this bunch; they gave us John McCain in '08, Bush 43 (hardly a conservative, and a man who ruined the GOP brand), Bob Dole in '96, one-termer Bush 41, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon. Can't say much for their track record. The only real bright spot in the last forty some-odd years has been Ronald Reagan, and the Country Clubbers absolutely despised Reagan. And this holds true in Congress as well; the greatest electoral success the GOP has ever had in Congress was the Republican Revolution in '94, led by Newt Gingrich and other conservatives. It was not a moderate movement that gave the GOP electoral success, and it was the moderating of the GOP that saw the painful hemorrhaging of power to the Democrats. So the RINO wing must be purged and quickly, or many on the Right will turn to a third party, something that will do irreparable damage for a generation - and we simply don't have a generation to get our house in order. Look at the deficit, do the math. From there we have to turn to attracting new voters. How to do this? The RINO wing will say we need "comprehensive immigration reform" to attract the Hispanic vote. Well, that sort of thing did not work with the black community; it was the GOP, after all, who pushed the Civil Rights agenda in the '50's and '60's and yet the black community is a solid voting block FOR THE DEMOCRATS. Gratitude is a poor motivator; it has to be endlessly refreshed with new gifts. An amnesty may get the Latino vote for one or two elections, but in the end it will be the Democrats who will profit as they are willing to refresh gifts with taxpayer dollars. The key to the Hispanics is not amnesty, nor is it running an Hispanic for President or Veep. It's to appeal to issues they care about. Hispanics tend to be culturally conservative and Catholic, and Obama has attacked both. Had the GOP had any sense they would have taken on the tough issues, the cultural ones. The Democrats wanted to bring abortion to the fore, and we should have obliged them in the context of support for the Catholic Church and traditional values. The military philosopher Sun Tzu admonished his students to "Forestall your opponent by seizing what he holds dear" , and abortion and contraception are the Left's sacred cows. Yes, they were prepared for that fight, but the time has come to have this battle. The timidity displayed over the Todd Akin gaffe proved to the Democrats that our side did not have the stomach for that fight, and so they kept goading us, knowing full well we weren't going to take the bait. They were gambling on our slavish devotion to the battle plan, which was to go after Obama on economic matters. It worked, and we lost the Hispanic vote because we seemed to ignore what they care about. The social issues should have been addressed. We can address them now. This happens to be useful in peeling off some of the black vote as well, since the black community tends toward social conservatism. We should have stressed Obama's support for gay marriage, his scheme to force Catholics and others to provide birth control against their religious doctrine, his efforts to push for more abortion. We should have spoken of the genocide of the black community that is being perpetrated by Planned Parenthood, and illustrated Obama's support for that child of eugenics. This would have been a winner for the GOP, and could still be turned to our advantage. Also, we should not neglect the politics of Latin America. Somebody should come up with a plan to force the Castros out of power in Cuba after Fidel meets his Maker and subsequently his tormentor. We should work up some plan to help stabilize and modernize Mexico. And we should talk about this in heavily Hispanic communities. What we do not need to do is offer amnesty. Amnesty is another word for cultural surrender. Nobody respects someone so weak as to offer to surrender. Now we come to the matter of vote fraud. How many votes did the Democrats steal in the last election? How many have they stolen over the years? Vote fraud was ubiquitous in this last election. That is hardly a surprise; Obama was himself a "community organizer" working for ACORN, the notorious vote thieves. He comes from the Chicago machine, and his top aides and associates are steeped in the traditions of Bill Daley and the "Chicago Way" - the place that stole the election of 1960 from the GOP. And vote fraud strikes at the very heart of America. It is serious cause for concern, yet it is largely laughed at or ignored because it benefits the Democrats and the media and academia will not address the issue, except to dismiss it as not a problem. But it is a problem, and one with deep roots. Without a secure voting system Americans are disenfranchised. This would be something to explain to Hispanics, by the way; show how their votes are diluted by illegal votes. At any rate, the GOP should push the issue. Which brings us to the bottom line; America does not have a political problem, America has a moral and spiritual one. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels called for a truce between economic and social conservatives, asking the social conservatives to put the social agenda on hold until the economy gets fixed. This is like suggesting we not drain the swimming pool until we finish digging that hole in the surface of the water; we can use our shovel between now and doomsday and not make any headway. The economy is a moral and spiritual issue. The welfare state is a moral issue. Government intervention is a matter of how people view morality. Do we see economic freedom as a matter of personal responsibility and a fundamental human right or as a privilege granted by the state, one the state can and should take away when the distribution of wealth gets out of balance? Is confiscatory taxation an act of legalized theft or a righteous act of charity? Is 99 months of unemployment an act of decency or a theft? These are all moral decisions that must be made, and our moral presuppositions determine how we answer such questions. The fact is we are destined to total failure without a moral and spiritual revival. Working on the economics without the return to Judeo-Christian morality is like trying to dig a hole in the water of a swimming pool with a shovel. People have to eschew the welfare state because it is immoral. It is too easy to take that which is not yours, to parasite off the fruits of another's labor. Americans used to understand that this was shameful at least and actually sinful. Now it is a matter of grabbing what you can. And it is true of all levels of society. We often concentrate on food stamp recipients and SSI clients, but what of the middle class? What about government run student loans, say? I benefited from them myself when I was in school, but is it right to forcibly take money from the producers to give to colleges and universities, institutions designed to brainwash our young? The price of college tuition has gone through the roof since government began paying for it. Why? Simple supply and demand; too much money is in the system. But practicality aside, one must question the morality of such a plan; a hard-working immigrant has no reason to pay for an upper-middle class American kid's education. Remember, that money is taken at the point of a gun through taxation that is not voluntary. We have to get back to the idea that all government spending is theft and needs to be held to a minimum. And of course there is corporate welfare. Solyndra. The bank bailouts. GM and Chrysler. Wind and solar subsidies, ethanol subsidies, etc. (And bear in mind the oil companies do NOT receive subsidies but tax breaks for exploration, which is NOT corporate welfare. The fact is the oil companies shouldn't need such breaks because the corporate taxation should not be confiscatory to begin with.) The average American looks around and sees this, sees social security being taken by scam artists and the like, and moral principles fail him because, well, everybody is doing it. He ends up taking his share. So our financial problems stem from a collapse of moral character. Deficit spending is the epitome of moral degeneracy; it is solely designed to buy votes and influence voting blocks. Caesar's charity is a terrible cruelty, in the end. The Reagan Revolution had a strong spiritual and moral component. The Catholic Church, under the firm leadership of John Paul II, acted as a moral compass for America, standing firm in the fight against the evil that was Communism. The Moral Majority was the political wing of an American spiritual and moral renaissance, and was despised by the Left - a sure sign it was effective. Americans still believed in American Exceptionalism, in the idea that America was destined by God for a mission on this Earth. True, sexual immorality was on the rise, but there were still people fighting it. Even Al Gore's wife Tipper, a staunch liberal, agreed about the need for sexual morality and she led a campaign to rein in excess sexuality on television and in video games. Sexual morality is at the heart of any nation, and a nation that becomes decadent sexually is a nation that will fail. Consider; the family is the core of any nation, and the family transmits virtue and beliefs. Broken families fail at this task. Out-of-wedlock children may be raised in loving homes, but the principle transmission of core beliefs and values will be friends, teachers, ultimately the State. There is a reason why Barack Obama wants to hire an army of new teachers. His friend, the Weatherman Underground terrorist William Ayers, devoted his life to education, and indeed sat on the board of the Annenberg Challenge with Mr. Obama - an organization dedicated to reforming education. Why would a terrorist and communist be so interesting in teaching children? Because he knows that to capture a nation's soul one must first capture a child's mind. The Bible says "raise up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it". The Jesuits famously paraphrased this as "Give me a child for for his first seven years and I'll give you the man". The Left knows that the dissemination of information is key to promoting the socialist paradise, and they have wormed their way into control of all of those institutions; schools, universities, television, movies, literature, even into many churches. And everywhere they have gone they have promoted promiscuous sexuality. Now, why is that? Because sex is one of Man's strongest binding experiences when done in the context of marriage, and promiscuity shreds the individual psyche. Sex is a powerful emotional weapon to be used to justify the creation of the New Man, a Man free to practice any sort of sexual behavior he chooses. It is clearly at the core of Feminism. It is at the core of the homosexual movement. It is at the core of abortion. There is a vested interest on the part of the Left to have free love and easy abortion. and this weds the practitioner to the liberal movement. That is why every television sitcom is dripping with sexuality these days. That is why sex saturates our culture. It serves several purposes; it keeps inquiring minds occupied, turns children against their parents (who wish to transmit old American values), it makes the youth rootless, easy prey for leftist professors and agitators, it gives the young a sense of guilt, guilt which can be turned into political action. It breaks the family (Karl Marx thought the family was the biggest obstacle to his Communist dreams). It breaks religion, particularly Christianity. And there are other, bestial attitudes promoted by television, by movies, by the "cool" culture. Vengeance is a no-brainer on television and in movies. Infidelity certainly, and not just sexual. Materialism. Atheism. Paganism. All are antithetical to what once was the United States and now are promoted as the greatest of virtues. So, what does this all mean? Well, Catholicism has been seriously hurt by the pedophilia scandals (and yet more pedophilia occurs in public schools than ever happened in the churches). The Catholic Church is not to be defended for protecting pedophilia, but we should make the case that this pedophilia was a direct result of the sexual revolution and the hypersexualization of the culture. Some Protestants would rather eat Mount Rushmore than defend Catholicism, but that is beyond foolish; all of our collective beliefs are in the crosshairs. We must form a coalition that stands with any Believers. And we must have a 21st Century version of the Moral Majority, something that fights to explain and advance traditional moral principles. The moral character of the American People is the fundamental problem here. Political tweaking is pointless if that continues to slide. As Alexis De Tocqueville stated in Democracy in America, Volume II: “Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.” And THAT more than anything encapsulates our current dilemma. America has lost her faith, and thus her morality, and is busily dismantling her Liberty. We must restore Faith first, or any alternate efforts are meaningless. The Conservative Movement in the United States must take the following steps:
  1. Purge the GOP of the moderate/Progressive influence through primary challenges, through action in the party at the precinct level and whatnot.
  2. Demand the resignation of the top leadership of the GOP for the disaster that was the 2012 elections.
  3. Establish a third party, to be used only to hold the GOP accountable. DO NOT RUN CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT with this party, but oppose the GOP when they pick unacceptable candidates in smoke-filled back rooms. This is important, having a counter-weight. The RINO wing has used the sword of Damocles of a Progressive victory against us and have cemented their own power in the GOP through our fear of losing to the Democrats. That has to be stopped, and it will if they know they will lose our side to a more agreeable candidate.
  4. Go after vote fraud with all dispatch.
  5. Reach out to the Hispanic and Black communities through a series of conservative steps, such as defending traditional marriage, defending the Catholic Church, working up plans to assist Latino nations in getting rid of Marxist despots. Support dissident movements in Cuba, in Venezuela, etc.
  6. Go after abortion aggressively. Make the Left actually fight us.
  7. Recruit people to go into the arts and education. This is where the battle will be won or lost. Develop things that can compete with the current culture but promote traditional Christian values. Teach history. Make movies about great moral heroes of the past. Illustrate in movies and whatnot the stupidity of following an immoral and dissolute life.
  8. Establish a modern Moral Majority. Don't be preachy about it, but defend traditional values and our Judeo-Christian heritage. Do this by making it appear counter-culture (which indeed it is). Let the young people know that the real rebels are the Christians, not the bohemians.
  9. PRAY!
I cannot stress that last enough. The Bible says that if a nation turns its face to God, repents of its sins, then God will heal it. Even if one is an atheist there is nothing wrong with promoting this; if nothing else, we should encourage a period of reflection, a remembrance of what America once was and could be again. Part of the strategy of the Enemy is to keep us busy, keep us from thinking and remembering. Make us chase our tails while they move forward. Prayer, or meditation, is essential to thwarting this part of their plan. All is not lost yet, but soon will be. America has tolerated too many evils in her midst; abortion, sexual hedonism, redistribution of wealth (aka stealing), arrogance, atheism, paganism, etc. These things will destroy America as surely as they have destroyed every nation that have proceeded us. Greece, Rome, Spain, Britain, have all fallen in their day because of the exact same ills. The Spanish spent too much money and destroyed their economy by hoarding gold. The British overspent on their welfare state and now "Great Britain" consists of the British Isles themselves (and Scotland has been making rumblings of quitting) and a few tiny colonies in places like the South Atlantic or Indian Oceans. Will America follow suit? It does not have to.

Timothy Birdnow -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Timothy Birdnow is a conservative writer and blogger and lives in St. Louis Missouri. His work has appeared in many popular conservative publications including but not limited to The American Thinker, Pajamas Media, Intellectual Conservative and Orthodoxy Today. Tim is a featured contributor to American Daily Reviewand has appeared as a Guest Host on the Heading Right Radio Network. Tim’s website is tbirdnow.mee.nu.
