
Utterly reject the disciples of mindless diversity and multiculturalism

A Time for Choosing

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By —— Bio and Archives March 25, 2016

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After the latest atrocity inflicted by ISIS,Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon offered the world another look at the utter bankruptcy that informs the progressive mindset. "It was always possible that more attacks could happen," he explained, "but we never could have imagined something of this scale." Never imagine it? The death toll engendered by the attack in Paris last November was more thanthree timesthe total notched by Islamic thugs in Brussels. As for the"possibility" of more attacks, who's kidding whom? Does anyone, other than the terminally clueless who still buy into such drivel, remotely believe we've seen the last attack on a European Union that rolled out the welcome mat tomorethan one million Muslim"refugees" in 2015 alone?
One might have thought EU politicians besotted by political correctness might have been chastened by that Paris attack, or the Charlie Hebdo attack before it, or even the outbreak of"migrant" rape gangs that plied their trade in Cologne on New Year's Eve and spread their evil to other EU cities in the following days. But it's a sad reality that progressive ideologues, who fervently believe they own the franchise on the"superior" wisdom that drives their multicultural Utopian ambitions,will never admit an uncomfortable reality best expressed in a question asked by PJ Media columnist Roger L. Simon. "Are progressives going to murder our children with their political correctness?" he wonders. Sadly, the answer is yes. Even as the carnage was unfolding, the oh-so predictable fusillade of progressive bromides was being employed to provide "balance." They are so transparently obvious at this point, British columnist Douglas Murray was able to catalogue the left's"standard response." It includes social media hashtags, courtesy of sentimentalists who hope such vacuousness "will tide them over until the piano man arrives at the scene of the attack to sing 'Imagine there's no countries'." This will be followed by a "good news story amid the rubble...best of all is a Muslim good news story," followed by a phase "during which broadcast media will ask questions that address no major points," while "experts" claim insight into what drives Islamic radicalism. In the meantime, "people will change the subject over to the question of Belgium's unacceptably interventionist foreign policy," or "get onto Israel-Palestine," while leftist politicians will move on to their favorite subject, "which is not dead bodies in airports but people who have been looked at meanly on a bus while wearing a headscarf." And by Thursday Murray rightly predicted, "no one will be talking about the victims."
Unfortunately we'reallpotential victims. Victims of a no-class president who pretended staying at a baseball game with a Communist mass murderer was about denying terrorists the ability to "disrupt normalcy." Victims of an equally feckless Democratic presidential candidate whose first response to the attack was about protecting American "values," even as one can be one hundred percent certain such values don't include those practiced by Democrat President Harry Truman during WWII, when he dropped nukes on the last American enemy willing to use suicide bombers to advance their political agenda. Victims of those whose first reflex is to shout "Islamphobia!" when anything resembling common sense measures to protect American lives, such as an increased police presence in Muslim neighborhoods, is presented. Victims of emasculating leftist ideology where the "solidarity," of "teddy bears, tears, candles, cartoons, murals,mosaics, flowers, flags, projections, hashtags, balloons, wreaths, lights, vigils, scarves and more," as Breitbart London's Raheem Kassam explains, is the most muscular response to terrorist slaughter leftists can muster. Victims of smug, ignorant leftist legions who comfort themselves with statistical comparisons of terror victims to those of car accidents and drug abuse, or a worldwide Islamist movement to a largely defunct"Christian" KKK. So yes, as despicable as it sounds, progressivearegoing to murder our children--if we let them. If we continue to countenance their"why do they hate us?" hand-wringing,their lust for open borders and unrestricted immigration, their odious assertions that the only thing keeping a committed Islamic jihadist from becoming a model citizen is a good job, and their reflexive contempt for their own civilization. If we continue to ignore the nexus between jihadists and progressives, both of whom wish to overwhelm conservatism, and the Judeo-Christian roots of Western civilization, prior to facing off against each other. Too harsh an assessment? Compared to what? Waiting until we can no longer place teddy bears, candles, et al, near the site of another massacre--because radiation remains at fatal levels? Waiting until we become a de facto police state out of necessity? Waiting until Western civilizations and economies ground to a halt because"normalcy"requiresan unrelenting fear of public spaces?

And spare me the notion the majority of Muslims are "on our side." Disturbing statistics aside, most Muslims have been silently agnostic, neither standing against the jihadists, nor abetting their savagery. If tradition holds, they are merely waiting to see which"stronger horse" finally emerges. They are fully entitled to their silence, but we're reaching a point where even reasonable people will interpret it as acquiescence. That is not bigotry. It is human nature, driven by one bloodthirsty incident after another."You're either with us or with the terrorists" is utterly anathema to leftists, but one suspects most people will not indefinitely abide a potentially cancerous population living within their midst to satisfy the left's moral ambiguity. Moreover, it is not impertinent to ask: where is the army of young Muslims willing to standagainstISIS in their countries of origin, or against the jihadists who live in their midst, in the cities and towns of Europe and America? A time of choosing is upon us. And the most transparent choice of all is to utterly reject the disciples of mindless diversity and multiculturalism, who believe it is bigotry to assert that vibrant democracies are better than totalitarian theocracies, or that highly selective immigration is superior to being overrun by hordes of Islamic discontents with no intention whatsoever of assimilating. We have "celebrated our differences"--in all their socially-corrosive and culturally suicidal insanity--long enough.

Arnold Ahlert -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Arnold Ahlert was an op-ed columist with the NY Post for eight years.
