
What an incoherent, dithering and withering non-Policy our Obama-Clinton Foreign Policy is

Britain is Under the Bus; is Israel Next?

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By —— Bio and Archives February 11, 2011

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"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. What an incoherent, dithering [and withering] non-Policy our Obama-Clinton Foreign Policy is.
The Jewish World Review writer, Arnold Ahlert, is not alone noting this shift in US Foreign Policy. Many Americans, including me, are trying to put out the fires on our scalps. As Ahlert mentions in the article, the UK Telegraph seems to be able to report the truth of which you'll see scant evidence in the Mainstream US Press. Specifically, there are recent Wikileaks revelations that the United States, as part of the START agreement, gave Russia the serial numbers on the TRIDENT missiles that we sold to them: Aside from that information being British Classified Information and none of Russia's damned business Not withstanding that this information can lead to gold mines of related information regarding technologies, providers, capabilities, etc., by just about any enterprising Intelligence Analyst working for any Country in the World ... What is this bunch of ideological misfits in the White House doing? What incalculable damage have they done? What is Britain to do? Were I the British PM [and thankfully I am not], I would be contemplating a host of actions and regulations and new laws governing National Security Information vis a vis the United States. I would also consider designating new restrictions and release of a wide array of developed and raw intelligence. If loose lips sink ships, then I would be concluding that the United States just put a "bull's-eye" on Britain's Queen Mary [ship of state]. How would you deal with a US President who gives you I-Pods full of his own "precious" speeches and DVDs that will not play; who ships a gift-bust of Winston Churchill back to England; who lectures you at every turn about how you should follow his lead in foreign policy and economic policy; and then, who turns around and gives your National Secrets to a Russian adversary? I cannot begin to fathom the hostility Barak Obama must have toward Great Britain and the history of the English People. Or, perhaps Obama is just plain stupid, a Chauncey Gardner, as I have written in a past article. And what is to be said of his Foggy Bottom lap dog, Hillary Clinton, who either believes in, or goes along with this insanity? Of course, maybe this US Administration would like to show us citizens how we should no longer "dance with the one what brung us." That brings me to Israel. As many know, President Harry Truman was among the first to recognize Israeli Statehood. Was there pressure to not do this? Yes. Then Secretary of State [GEN] George Marshall opposed it. Then Secretary of Defense James Forrestal said it would anger Arab neighbors. Our British Allies thought it a bad idea. But Harry Truman said it was right to provide the Jews a Homeland after the Holocaust. He stuck to his guns [dare I say those words]. Truman made a bold decision to recognize Israel diplomatically. He also recognized factually that it was the right thing to do to create this "Zionist" state. Note also that Truman did not throw the Brits under the bus despite their differences, but continued to send Post-war economic aid to Britain and the rest of Europe to include rebuilding a former enemy's economy in Germany. There were then, and are now, still a host of anti-Semites around the World, Arab enemies of Israel, self-loathing Jews, misguided Christians, and other political entities jealous of the Jewish State's unmitigated economic successes, their strength, their Nationalism and their grit. Many of the aforementioned groups would like to see the destruction of Israel. Others have a pie-in-the-sky notion that the creation of a Palestinian State [whatever that means] would settle the issue and bring peace to the region. Still others have even suggested moving Israel lock, stock, and barrel to a location is Alaska or New Mexico or Nevada. We must stand firm for Israel's right to exist, right where they are. "Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen." Israel's very survival depends upon how and whether the US supports them. If Israel believes that we will betray our oldest ally, Britain, then what must Israelis be thinking about our reliability as a partner for their survival. I, as a bona fide American citizen am worried about current US resolve to stand by and protect Israel, Barak Hussein Soetero-Obama's statements notwithstanding. If I were Israeli, I would be particularly concerned that the US National Intelligence Director Clapper recently characterized The Muslim Brotherhood as just one more political entity out there in Egypt's cauldron of revolution who has a legitimate claim to a seat and a voice in any new Egyptian Government. This is nothing short of giving comfort, support, and legitimization to a terrorist organization whose stated goal is the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of Jews. Ladies and Gentlemen, this "show" was not a presentation of analyzed intelligence information, this was a political statement, an ideological manipulation of an intelligence product. Shocking but hardly surprising; every statement by every individual in the Obama Administration is political. When repeated often enough, it becomes an official Obama propaganda mantra. If Obama and Clinton continue to see this Egyptian uprising as a democratic revolution, then may God help us all. Young people in the streets are not always evidence of democratic movements. The Iranian "students" of 1979 were religious ideological followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini. One of them, also variously identified as one of the "hostage takers," Ahmahdinjihad, is now that country's madman "political" leader. Have you seen the Egyptian crowds demonstrating? Have you noted the anger? People are being beaten and killed. Reporters are being beaten near death. Yet note the muted coverage of this, except on Fox News Channel. Few report that violence and hatred in context and what it means. Do you know what these demonstrators are saying? Neither do I. But, I will tell you straight up that they are not saying "Kumbaya My Lord." Contrast this to America. Our Leftist Obama Government and their Democrat Party sycophants say that raised voices and party political rhetoric by the Tea Party in America is dangerous hate speech. They say Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are dangerous demagogues. They say Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are ignorant populists who don't know what they are talking about. The ideologue rejects true debate. Instead, they believe that if you are riding a dead horse and going nowhere you must not change horses, you simply have yet to dig the spurs in deeply enough. You have heard them say, we must not change horses in mid stream. They want you and me to listen instead to them, and to support their ideologically failed policies of 1979 being applied again in 2011. Watch and see. They want us to ride their dead horse to the bottom with them and live with the fishes.The mark of true ideologues. Look again at the spitting, slavering, apoplectic hatred dripping from the mouths of Egyptian demonstrators. Is that what Obama calls a legitimate movement, "democracy in action?" The Muslim Brotherhood, and other Islamic groups are reportedly stirring the pot to prepare for war with Israel. I believe it would be utter folly for Israel to dismiss this as folly. It would be even worse and possibly terminal for Israel if America continues to soft-pedal the dangers and reassure us that this is not deja vu 1979. Instead of looking at intelligence information through those rose-colored glasses, it is time to take off the shades and remove the blinders. Israel cannot afford for us to be wrong again.To stand up for Israel is to be on the right side of history, and our posterity. Let us not now throw Israel under the bus like we have Britain. We must rise up democratically and throw the Obama Administration under the bus in 2012 and then commence our own apology tour ... to our fellow Citizens, and to Friends overseas.

William R. Mann -- Bio and Archives | Comments

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].
