
Hopefully, the “Deplorables” can break the mindless will of the Deep State

Climate and Citizen Control: “Break Their Will”

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By —— Bio and Archives February 20, 2021

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As reported by many sources, the Climate Czar for Massachusetts, David Ismay, is fretting about CO2 emissions, citing that some 60 percent of such emissions come from heating homes and driving cars. Showing his personal passion to control ordinary people, he is videoed saying :“We have to turn the screws”. Too many Americans are indifferent to his anxieties, and his scheming included the need to “break their will”. That shows a disturbing turn to authoritarian ambition in order to ease his personal anxieties about carbon dioxide.  
The latter is the stuff we all exhale or ingest as the basis of all life. CO2 below 150 ppm and all life ends.  Beyond this, the newly appointed president Joe Biden has declared that “Climate Change is the number one issue facing humanity.” (CNBC, October 24, 2020), which reminds me of the quip by the formidable H. L. Mencken: “On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”  The problem for the Left is that most ordinary folk are practical and are beginning to discover that control freaks have gone, well, out of control. And have been using fear to impose authoritarian constraints upon freedoms that have been the way of life for a long time. Indeed, the American Constitution was intended to protect individual freedom and to limit government ambition.   The most recent fear has been about another serious influenza, which has been escalated to political hysteria. Used to impose the most massive hit to employment in history. Concerningly, draconian measures have been selectively enforced. Big box stores open. Small businesses locked down, despite employing some 49% of the workforce. Bill Gates hopes to force cooling by scattering carbon soot into the atmosphere, at the same time demanding a greater use of solar power systems. Restaurants and churches are closed as Democrats open the border to migrants. Prisoners are released from jails because of COVID, and by not wearing masks ordinary folk will be fined and jailed.  And then there is the tout that a committee can set the temperature of the nearest planet. Audacity without precedent. 
But both hysterias have enabled a massive intrusion upon freedom, huge transfers of wealth to the bureaucracy and an equally massive transfer of power from the people to the state., that has been joined by big business, big media and big social networks, meets a classic definition of fascism: 
“The combination of big government and big business.” 
Or as American socialist Norman Thomas (1884 – 1968) observed so long ago: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened.”  And to avoid intellectual nitpicking between liberalism and socialism, fascism and communism it is best to have a definition that fits every banner or slogan. The Modern Physics definition of a totalitarian system: “That which is not compulsory, is prohibited.”  Which elegantly defines everything from communist states to schoolboards.  So, with disguises exposed it is appropriate to review results.  Herd immunity and vaccinations will eventually remove COVID as a tool for hysteria. However, it is impossible to determine ahead of time, what hysteria will be next promoted. But considering the exhilaration of power today, the establishment will contrive another equally compelling ploy. 

Doubtless that the biggest wealth confiscation has been enabled by Climate Hysteria. Initially into the early 1970s, threats of another ice age were promoted. This employed many journalists and science writers such as John Gribben. But cooling could not be blamed upon modern society.  So, something more plausible and causable was promoted. “Global Warming” could be blamed upon modern society. Socialists discovered that temps were rising since the 1850s and predisposed to hating the Industrial Revolution had society causing “Global Warming”. Academics got on board the grants train, enlisting an uncritical media to tout personal ambition.  This set some remarkable “firsts”.  For the first time in history life was threatened, rather than enhanced by global warming. Just think about the Cryogenian period when the Earth was totally covered in ice. Called “Snowball Earth”. Even today, there is a vast difference in the number of life forms near the tropics compared to the polar regions.  Recently, climate guru Al Gore declared that CO2 was “heat-trapping pollution”. And a trace gas, essential to life on Earth is now a dreadful threat. To life.  And through unrelenting promotion the public’s commonsense has been buried. Or, as CIA Director William Casey observed in 1981: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” However, most Texans are practical and are bound to notice that their huge wind turbines are frozen solid. Nature is suddenly revealing a hugely expensive failure.   Obviously, it is worth reviewing reality, with the chart of the Earth’s temperature since the last ice age. Current CAGW theories can’t explain the wonderful warming of the Early Middle ages that prevailed until 1300, nor can it explain the subsequent Little Ice Age. Nothing to it, as Michael Mann through computer wizardry eliminated both extremes. The infamous Hockey Stick. 
The concept that warming is bad is weird, but some otherwise serious researchers have gone along with it. For example, the Medieval Warm Period was called the Medieval Optimum. Hey – as in better harvests warm is good. Also, there was the really warm period called the Holocene Optimum. Much warmer for longer than recent: The chart follows: Medieval Warm Period However, this fact cannot be explained by Modern Climate Theories. So, recently “researchers” have started working to alter the data. In early February Tony Heller reviewed the suddenly faddish attempt to “disappear” the Holocene Optimum. The picture of the fossilized fir tree in Canada’s Arctic is fascinating. Now called the “Barren Lands” where no similar trees have existed since. (Real Climate Science) The following chart shows that two recent El Ninos drove the temperature up. To +0.70 C in 2016, followed by the sharp decline. This is weather and with the current La Nina, temps are dropping. The number for January was +0.12C, and the posting for February will be interesting.  The Twenty-Year Flat Trend could be back. And in the face of soaring concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Temperature of the lower global atmosphere


In March 2000, Dr. David Viner, a senior research scientist at CRU (Climate Research Unit) at the University of East Anglia declared: “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” We have used this promotional boast before and the update on the snow cover for North America follows: Snow Cover Extent North America And then there is the horrendous example of Texas wind turbines not operating because of the cold. These monsters take more energy to build than they can generate in their lifespan of some 20 years. And when it is cold and with no wind it takes electricity from the grid to keep the generators warm. With the shortage of electricity, huge numbers froze solid. A monumental failure. For perspective, at full capacity some 23 percent of Texan power can be generated by wind. wind power


The late Daniel Moynihan was a scholar, diplomat and senator. He is attributed to the quip about brain washing, that some people only “needed a light rinse”. Which has been the case with recent promotions that rank with the greatest in history. The lockdown of the economy with a serious influenza. And the unprecedented audacity that a committee can “manage” the temperature of the nearest planet.  Both are contrived fears that can only be eased by formidable increases in regulation and taxation.  These, as superstitions, rank with Lysenkoism that caused massive famines in the former Soviet Union. Within which, parts of Poland and Ukraine had been the “breadbasket” of Europe since the 1300s. And that modern society will be forcing a “tipping point” that will “Fry the Earth” is as intensely promoted as the dogma of the early 1600s that the universe rotated around the Earth.  And the last word is one of hope and prescience by George Orwell:  “If there is hope, it lies with the proles.”  In 1989, the “proles” brought down the Berlin Wall and Communist governments. And under another phase of the benign popular uprising, American “proles” can condemn the controlling promotions by authoritarians lusting for power.  Hopefully, the “Deplorables” can break the mindless will of the Deep State.

Bob Hoye -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.
