
Cold records are being set at various places around the world, or in some cases no temperature change has been noted for decades.

Cold Records Get Ignored

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By —— Bio and Archives December 17, 2022

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Cold Records Get Ignored
The majority of the world's major mainstream media, especially those that regularly spotlight hot weather events as signs of climate apocalypse do not address the fact that extreme cold stands in stark contrast to the theories of climate alarmists. When high temperature records are set, most of the media immediately let folks know. Yet when a cold record is set, you most likely will not hear about it. Cold records are being set at various places around the world, or in some cases no temperature change has been noted for decades. The following are some examples.
Antarctica Antarctica has suffered a fiercely cold the last 18 or so months--cold that is refusing to abate. More than all that, though, the entire year of 2021 (not just the winter) was also a record breaker. The unusual chill has extended into 2022, too. All of this continues the unmistakable cooling witnessed over the past 40 years. And likewise, when it comes to ice, Antarctica's glaciers have been expanding in recent years, also continuing the trend of growth witnessed over the part four decades. 1 Antarctica's Larsen Ice Shelf station indicates a cooling trend, -1.1 C per decade, and this has been gong on since the late 1990s. 2 About 85 percent of the East Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet has sustained 'uninterrupted advance' since 2003. 3 Arctic Despite the current rising trend of carbon dioxide levels, Arctic ice is actually expanding, not melting. Arctic ice is currently at a 30 year high. 4 This is the fifth year out of the last seven that enough sea ice has formed along the west coast of Hudson Bay by mid-November for bears to be able to head out to the ice, just as they did in the 1980s. 5 For the last 200 years (1800 to present), a site in north Svalbard there has been no significant change in temperature, increased sea ice and glaciomarine conditions. 6
Alaska This winter was one for the record books in Denali National Park, Denali officially broke 99 years of record, making 2021-2022 the snowiest winter since the park started tracking snowfall in 1923. 7 Wrangel Island reindeer numbers plummeted from 8,500 to 400-500 individuals within 5 years (2002-2007) due to repeated cold weather related icing episodes resulting in starvation.8 Iceland Iceland experienced the lowest June temperature in 30 years. 9 Japan The Tokyo off shore island of Hachijo-jima is located 287 kilometers south of Tokyo in the Pacific Ocean. The island is rural and free of urban heat island effects. Here the mean April temperature hasn't risen in 81 years! 10 This past October the mean temperature in Tokyo came in at 17.2 C, making it one of the coolest over the past decades. More significant, however, is the trend over the past 33 years--it's been downward. 11 Japan reported 13 deaths in early January 2021 and hundreds of hospitalizations due to intense snowfall in the country. 12

Russia and Belarus Regions of Russia and Belarus have suffered the earliest frosts on record since the onset of September of this year. 13 Northern Hemisphere Snow extent in the Northern Hemisphere at the end of November was running much higher than average and is beyond the highest ever observed since 1967. 14 Southern Hemisphere New research continues to document non-warming an even 'robust cooling' trends for entire regions of the Southern Hemisphere in recent decades. 15 South China Sea Since 1979 there has been no net warming in the South China Sea and no evidence of a hiatus or 'growth discontinuity' in this region's coral development. 16 Australia "Year after year, they told us it would get warmer, ski seasons would get shorter and children won't know what snow is." reports Joanne Nova. Instead Thredbo in the Australian Alps just had 125 cm of snow, a full 4 feet in 7 days, which some are calling a 54 year record. Skiers in Australia are thrilled. 17 On Thursday December 8 was the equal coldest weather ever recorded in Australia in summer time. The low temperature of 7 C equaled a record set in January 1979 and also 1999. The media was very silent on this issue. 18
Italy In an assessment of the performance of climate projections for all of Italy over the 1948-2021 period, no rising temperature trend is evident that could align with the rise in CO2 emissions. 19 Portugal Daily temperature records in northern Portugal indicate no net warming from 1863-2004. Also, the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than the 21st century at this location. 20 Affirming this temperature record, documented Northern Portugal grape harvest date records also show no net warming since 1855. 21 India In India, Delhi experienced one of its harshest winters in recent memory, with intense cold waves. 12 Madagaskar A 334 year coral record from southernmost Africa (Madagascar) indicates there has been no obvious long term net sea surface temperature trend since the 1800s. 22 Spain Residents in Spain were in awe over the record snowfall in their streets. 23 Washington A record-cold spring in central Washington, although good for water storage, has not done cherry growers any favors, Frost and snow hitting the cherry blossoms is bad enough, but consistent overnight lows in the 30s and daytime highs in the 50s has taken its toll on crop yields--it was too cold for the bees to pollinate the cherry blossoms. Orchards are down as much as 90%, according to industry experts. 23


  1. "Fierce cold sweeps Antarctica, drives the continent 4.4C below 1979- 2000 average," electroverse.net, June 27, 2022
  2. Deniz Bozkurt et al., " Recent near-surface temperature trends in the Antarctic Peninsular from observed reanalysis and regional climate model data," Advances in Atmospheric Science, 37, 477 (2020)
  3. Frazer D. W. Christie et al, " Antarctic ice shelf advance driven by anomalous atmospheric sea-ice circulation," Nature Geoscience, 15(5), May 2022
  4. "Global freezing? Arctic ice levels reach 30 year high," principia- scientific.com, June 3, 2022
  5. Susan Crockford, "Hudson Bay sea ice freeze--up in 2022 for 5th time since 2015," principia-scientific.com
  6. Marion Peral et al, "Identification of Atlantic water inflow on the north Svalbard shelf during the Holocene,"Journal of Quaternary Science, 37, 86, 2022
  7. Maisie Thomas, "Denali National Park sees snowiest winter in 99 years," newsminer.com, May 17, 2022
  8. Kenneth Richard,"The reindeer on Wrangel Island have experienced mass die-offs due to 21st century icing events," notrickszone.com, December 5, 2022
  9. "Lowest June Iceland temperature in 30 years," principia- scientific,com, August 2, 2022
  10. P. Gosselin, "Sayonara to warming: April mean temperature for Tokyo, Hachijo-jima island, see no warming in decades," notrickszone.com, May 3, 2022
  11. P. Gosselin, "Tokyo mean October temperature has been falling for decades," notrickszone.com, November 4, 2022
  12. Vijay Jayaraj, "Record cold of 2021 reminds us: be wary of climate predictions and energy priorities," townhall.com, January 17, 2021
  13. Cap Allon, "Regions of Russia and Belarus suffer earliest frosts on record," principia-scientific.com, September 15, 2022
  14. Renato R. Colucci, "Snow extent in Northern Hemisphere now highest since 1967," principia-scientific.com, December 5, 2022
  15. Kenneth Richard, "How can the globe be warming when most of the Southern Hemisphere isn't?", notrickszone.com, September 22, 2022
  16. Fel Tan et al.," Assessing the intercolony 180 proxy calibration in a coral microatoll and its implication for ENSO reconstruction in the northern South China Sea," Palaeography, 598 (12), May 2022
  17. Joanne Nova, "Expert scientists wrong again: bumper snow season kicks off in Australia," joannenova.com.au, June 11, 2022
  18. Joanna Nova, "The coldest summer day in Australia and nobody notices," joannenova.com.au, December 12, 2022
  19. Demetris Koutsoylannis and Alberto Montanari, "Climate Extrapolations in hydrology: the expanded bluecat methodology," Hydrology, May 12, 2022
  20. Leonel J. R. Nunes, "Reconstitution of the climate in the Municipality of Guimaraes (Northern Portugal): a regional approach based on historical information and the record of measured data," Climate, May 10, 2022
  21. J. Moreno et al., "Grape harvest dates as indicator of spring-summer mean maxima temperature variations in the Minho region (NW of Portugal) since the 19th century," Global and Planetary Change, 141, 39, June 2016
  22. Jens Zinke et al, "A 334 year coral record of surface temperature and salinity variability in the greater Agulhas Current region," Climate of the Past, 18, Issue 6, 2022
  23. "Persistent chills reduce central Washington cherry harvest," electroverse.net, June 27, 2022

Jack Dini -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Jack Dini is author of Challenging Environmental Mythology.  He has also written for American Council on Science and Health, Environment & Climate News, and Hawaii Reporter.
