
Governors, state legislators and sheriffs, are you listening?

Crux of econ disaster: capitulation to climate change rhetoric

A. Dru Kristenev image

By —— Bio and Archives May 1, 2022

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Crux of econ disaster: capitulation to climate change rhetoricTwo central issues are driving the economic collapse occurring in America and the rest of the world – two. One is illegal and unimpeded immigration that flooded Europe over the last 15 years, changing the nations from a Christian-based society into a sharia compliant order that condones civil violence against non-muslims, calling evidence-backed criticism "hate speech." Accordingly, since the installation of Biden in the White House there has been a tidal wave of illegal entrants pouring over the southern U.S. border, swamping social services in every state with millions of non-citizen welfare recipients.

How CO2 got labeled "poisonous"

There is a second vital issue that has undermined the economy to the possible point of no return, and that is the incorporation of climate change language into every aspect of life. The problem is the majority of politicians, bureaucrats, media and educators have capitulated without a fight to verbiage use that fallaciously accepts CO2 to be poisoning the air we breathe. What has been considered to be a minor surrender to progressive con(trol) artists, letting them have their way by agreeing to use a supposedly non-aggressive term "climate change" in practically every bill and ordinance considered by legislative bodies, has ended up being the means to destroy western civilization as we know it. Don't take this to be overreaction or hyperbole because it isn't. In order to prove how completely this sneaky little phrase has disrupted economies it's necessary to start with how CO2 got labeled "poisonous" in law, because it has never been proven to be an actual detriment to the environment. True biochemists will acknowledge that photosynthesis, the natural conversion of carbon dioxide and nutrients into glucose that feeds plants and releases oxygen, "a gas essential to life," into the atmosphere, is what keeps this planet "green." For clarification, general usage of the term "green" by political activists calling themselves environmentalists (an absolute misnomer in this application) has nothing to do with ensuring a thriving planet. Indeed, those supporting a "green" economy are pressuring society to abandon protecting the environment by attempting to limit CO2 production which has been proven to be impossible. Hence the appellation "con(trol) artists" because climate change is a fiction concocted to deconstruct the strongest, most free social order in history.

Rendering CO2 as a poisonous greenhouse gas was a legal opinion and not, let this be emphasized, NOT a scientifically proven fact

With the unwitting assistance of careless legislators these con(trol) artists are succeeding. A recent lawsuit brought by attorneys general of blue states and militant eco-justice organizations is dragging the postal system into court for ordering a replacement vehicle fleet powered by internal combustion engines. Their complaint is specious in claiming "gas guzzling" vehicles damage the environment when the truth is, replacing the fleet with electric vehicles requires more fossil fuels to power non-recyclable lithium batteries than running the trucks on gas in the first place. Statistics bear out how uneconomical and environmentally toxic are lithium batteries, from contaminated open-pit mining to charging danger (spontaneous explosion) and, finally, as unusable waste requiring specialized disposal. Question of the day – How did CO2 become the catch-all culprit of environmental destruction that it's the basis for claims that oil, gas and coal energy production are not "environmentally sustainable"? Aside from environmental propaganda permeating media and education that was incorporated into legislation beginning in the 1960s – thank you gullible readers of Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring," etc. – the narrative was swallowed hook, line and sinker by a naïve SCOTUS in 2006. It was the justices, unschooled in organic chemistry that erroneously named the "greenhouse gases" as poisonous "pollutants" in their landmark ruling of Massachusetts v. EPA. Rendering CO2 as a poisonous greenhouse gas was a legal opinion and not, let this be emphasized, NOT a scientifically proven fact. The upshot is that progressives have been unstoppable from inserting "climate change," claiming CO2 is the earth's arch-enemy, into any and all legislation affecting the economic and physical health of this nation, regardless of the rest of the world's folly.

If the federal government and democrat-run states refuse to provide the energy necessary to fuel the economy, it is up to the conservative states to restart energy production

What is a universal fact is that carbon dioxide is the foremost ingredient of the elixir of life on this planet, which brings forward the real query of what motivates eco-fanatics to wish to eradicate life? What could they possibly think to achieve? Certainly not an easier existence for themselves by casting society back into the literal dark ages. The self-deceit is monumental and it has sucked-in alleged rational thinkers to go along with institutionalizing language that is detrimental to our way of life. Yet, for writing, printing and speaking these scientific facts, the Biden administration's Department of Homeland Security has proposed the establishment of a truth detector panel that will claim natural biology to be misinformation and disinformation. Propagandist wheels of injustice are turning so fast it's hard to counter though congressional members have taken up the challenge. It is past time to put the brakes on federal government criminalizing so-called fossil fuels and intentionally crashing our economy which is founded on energy – energy to build industry, grow crops and feed people, move products and provide services of every kind. If the federal government and democrat-run states refuse to provide the energy necessary to fuel the economy, it is up to the conservative states to restart energy production, including taking back public lands the feds have illegitimately locked away from the People who own them. Sheriffs, who are the closest representative of the People, have the authority to throw out the feds from county property. Re-open drilling, mining, refining and transporting energy products. States do not require federal approval to exercise their constitutional power to serve their citizens when the federal government is deliberately disenfranchising and subjugating them. Governors, state legislators and sheriffs, are you listening?

A. Dru Kristenev -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net.

ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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