
Donald Trump has separated himself from the old Republican party, the Democrats, by standing up for life, liberty, right of every American to pursue happiness without the interference of a bloated, misguided, nonexclusive government

"How in the World was Trump Elected?"

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By —— Bio and Archives November 13, 2016

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A friend recently posted an article by the Wall Street Journal, on Facebook. The article was titled, " 'Deplorables' Rise Up to Reshape America," written by Gerald Seib. Intrigued, as I have always considered the Wall Street Journal to be a respected publication, I read the article. It was insulting to say the least. Sadly, I tossed my Wall Street Journal in the trash and have cancelled my subscription, and with a sigh admit that there is no honest 'middle of the road' journalism left in the United States. We have all heard the bloviating of every major news station and every mainstream publication, who demonized Trump from the beginning, thinking they understand the reason that he was propelled into the White House. Of course, those of us who jumped into the "deplorables" basket freely with enthusiasm, relieved that someone was finally running for office who understood what was happening to our country, know the REAL REASON Trump won. We should all be asking ourselves why anyone would believe the mainstream media in their post-election frenzy, when they clearly lied, misrepresented the truth, cheated in the debates and flat-out lied to the American people during the entire election process. These same naysayers are now standing up clearly delusional in their belief that only they can predict what he will do when he takes control of the White House and the once most powerful Nation in the world.
Well, here's a newsflash. They didn't have clue when he joined the race, they purposefully tried to destroy him when he was winning the race and now they will misrepresent, yet again, what they think will happen to the United States now that he has won. In their infinite stupidity and allegiance to the liberal political elite, they scream racist, homophobe, Islamaphobe, bigot and destroyer of the atmosphere in a continued effort to scare anyone who might agree that we need change. I think, as a self-professed deplorable, I should explain the real reason he won from the point of view of a person who actually voted for him. Unfortunately, the WSJ article is full of accusations, divisiveness and polarization which is, in fact, the message of the liberal left. A left who demands tolerance, unless of course you disagree with them, which will result in the destruction of your personal property, the burning of your business or the beating of your life. Trump won the White House because the "majority" of Americans who voted for him....whites, blacks, gays, women, Latinos, immigrants (legal), rich, poor uneducated and educated, white-collar and blue-collar are sick of the lawlessness and the complete disregard for the exceptionalism of the United States and its people. The majority of America falls in the middle, not only in opinions, but in a class of people who believe that hard work, the rule of law and our constitution should be important enough to defend. This majority is tired of being sacrificed at the altar of Wall Street and the political elites through bail outs and stimulus given to the very people who destroyed the economy for their own personal gain in the first place. Crooks who were handed our money, earned by the same hard-working American people, who lost their homes, their jobs, their savings and retirement plans. Our money, given to the same crooks who were allowed to take the millions they stole and continue with their lives while never being punished or held accountable for their illegal manipulation of the housing market in the first place.
This 'Trump' majority was tired of hearing Democrats and our President apologize for the very things that made this country great and safe, while throwing anyone, who held this country dear, under the bus. A bus full of politically well-connected politicians, CEO's and special interests who were purposefully throwing billions of American dollars to the United Nations while they, in their high and mighty, misguided infinite wisdom, want the UN to rule the world. 'Globalization,' the new buzz word of the liberal left. A word that ultimately means that the US should be bowing to the altar of the same power-hungry global elites who think they know what is best for the 'stupid' Americans. The same elites that want open borders that will eventually make America a place that no longer honors its citizens or puts them first. If they could fool us in to handing over our democratic society, then who else in the world would dare question their intentions. The United States is a great nation and one that has served as a beacon of freedom to the majority of the world. A country that offers liberty, freedom of speech and religion without fear of persecution. A country where hard work will reap great success. A country where millions will place their money and their lives on the line, in order to be called an American citizen. However, ignoring the immigrants who have lined up for years to become a part of this great nation, our political elite give ambassadorships, visas and passports to anyone who will write a check to their favorite charity....them. They chastise anyone who disagrees with allowing unvetted refugees, who have already committed mass murder as a thank you to those who have opened their borders, to overtake our nation by calling us racists instead of realists. Meanwhile here at home, the liberal left, in their misguided self-professed wisdom decided to fundamentally change our great Nation. They took over our healthcare, promising lies of affordability, while knowing from the beginning that a single payer system was the ultimate prize. Our education system, taken over by government, is infiltrated with liberal professors and educators who slowly but surely poison the minds of our future generations. They begin by destroying the integrity of the our nation and then follow-up with altering our actual history to suit their twisted agenda of eventually controlling the masses. Dumb down the youth of today so they can control the adults of tomorrow. Now, their successful infiltration of the education system has resulted in a generation who think they are entitled to everything without lifting a finger. A generation who was congratulated and handed trophies in their youth for doing nothing. A generation who is so spoiled and uninformed that they demean the very people who fought for and died for their rights to insult our country and burn our flag without retribution. The same generation who, under the protection of democracy, burn their communities and destroy local businesses because they didn't get their way. Riots and destruction funded by the liberal elites who use the youth to do the dirty work so they can continue to pretend outrage. The same generation who cheer the corrupt political elite who have weaponized our government agencies and used them to attack and destroy anyone who dare call out their destructive agendas. A generation who cannot recognize how they are being used by the left to seal a future for the United States that gives the well-connected and the elites more power and more money while the rest of us are sacrificed to the altar of globalism. Yes, Donald Trump was elected and has, by the wish of the majority of the people, separated himself from the old Republican party and the Democrats, by standing up for life, liberty and the right of every American to pursue happiness without the interference of a bloated, misguided, noninclusive government, who has forgotten its place. Trump, though the power of the people, will put our government back where it belongs....a government of the people, for the people and by the people.

Leigh Bravo -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Leigh Bravo works in the Hospitality and Marketing Industry.  Leigh considers herself a concerned citizen interested in reaching those people who may not be aware of the entire truth. Leigh is happily married and a mother of three looking towards a better future for her kids. Leigh also writes for thetrumpet.me
