
We admit our failure; his name is Barack Hussein Obama

I suck at math

Erik Rush and Jim Garrow image

By —— Bio and Archives September 18, 2012

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“There are three kinds of people in this world. Those who are good at math, and those who aren't.” As someone who has had a lifetime hate-hate relationship with mathematics, who was once near to tears and ready to give up on a degree over one mere advanced math requirement, I readily identify with those right-brainers who struggle with the subject. Such deficiencies, if you will, can present real barriers to academic and professional success. But in the real world, when difficult things present themselves, one just has to man up and do what’s necessary, even if it means swallowing one’s pride and enlisting a tutor, for example.
Well… that’s how it usually works. A few days back, conservative radio host and nascent media mogul Glenn Beck and his morning posse were discussing the dismal record of President Barack Obama on the US economy. Amidst the litany of fiscal horrors foisted upon the American people, they broke off and changed direction. This is paraphrased, but it was along the lines of: Maybe we’ve been looking at this the wrong way. Maybe he just can’t count! Uproarious laughter ensued. Perhaps this isn’t so far off the mark... Citing Kelly O’Connell’s “Leftism & Ponerology—Studies of Human Evil in Political Spheres,” which appeared in the September 4, 2012 edition of CFP, Obama has been noted as being “ridiculously lazy.” O’Connell and others he references recall Obama having been disconnected in school, and his habit of abdicating such aspects of his presidential duties that prove “uninteresting” to him is well-reported.
Suppose, however, that this wasn’t due to a lack of interest. According to Andrzej M. Lobaczewski (via O’Connell), “some believed this [detachment] was due to his sense of intellectual inferiority… On the average, they [people with psychological pathology similar to Obama’s] are also less intelligent than normal people, and their mind avoids consistency and accuracy in reasoning. Their psychological world view is clearly falsified, so their options about people can never be trusted. A kind of mask cloaks the world of their personal aspirations, which is at variance with what they are actually capable of doing.” Countless observers have expounded upon Obama’s wild and irresponsible spending, having added $5 trillion to the US debt in less than four years. The term “drunken sailor” has been fairly liberally employed in reference to this President (as in spending like one). While he is all about façade, it might be that his talent as a glib hustler is in fact his only talent, his analytical and reasoning skills being all but nonexistent. He was the quintessential case of being “passed along” in school; at the university level, it is almost certain that he was a beneficiary of Affirmative Action, fraudulent grants, and the largesse of wealthy, influential benefactors – and altogether possible that his university and law degrees were outright “gifts.” As such, he would likely become highly uncomfortable in situations where he was the center of attention, but which required his input on subjects about which he knew nothing. Given the distribution of acumen across the general population, it is probable that these would include things such as economics and financial matters, as they demand higher levels of mathematical skills. The liberal mind tends to have a skewed and inaccurate perception of economics and finance anyway; factor in a math phobic, America-hating Marxist, and we have an irresponsible teenager with a limitless credit card on steroids. Thus, it should surprise us little that Obama reneged on his campaign promises as regards economic issues. His Cyclopean health care bill was of course drafted by others, so there was no real input on his part, and his various czars have overseen nearly all aspects of government, closely overshadowed by “the ball buster” Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s go-to protector. In the recent past we had Presidents like Clinton (Rhodes Scholar) and Bush (Harvard MBA) who could not only do math but could analyze vast amounts of information and understand it to boot. That is why their cabinets were full of folks from all strata of business; these were relied upon to provide real analysis without having to cut the crust off the bread for their President. Not so with Obama, who has to have everything reconciled with his socialist/Marxist underpinnings. Don’t like what the media said because it’s too “capitalistic?” Call them up and have them change it (which is why the rhetoric spouted by the press often sounds eerily similar to White House press releases). We in the vast right wing conspiracy call that “collusion.” Obama’s Marxist bent obviously more than suggests that he wouldn’t be too savvy apropos the intricacies of international banking, nor particularly concerned with them. Case in point: Look what happened when just two idiots (Former Senator Chris Dodd and Banking Chairman Rep. Barney Frank) exercised their power to push an agenda. Playing the race card (which must have brought joy to the cockles of Obama’s heart), they brought down the entire American banking system with threats against American mortgage banks. “Lend to unqualified minorities, or we’ll accuse you of racist practices and shut you down.” How much more harm might be done by a President who has far less understanding than theirs? Each time the Congressional Budget Office scores the costs of a program, we discover that what they scored was a narrowly-defined area contained in a given bill, not the entire bill. So something which Obama claims won’t add to the national debt will in fact increase it by a few hundred billion dollars. Could it be that Barry is as bad with his check book as “my brother Russell with whom I slept,” or “Daryl and my other cousin Daryl” (with apologies to Bill Cosby and that guy from “Newhart”)? If all this has been a function of Obama’s mathematical ineptitude and refusal to even address such issues, finally coupled with his boundless arrogance, it stands to reason that The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (you know them as your friendly neighborhood HSBC) has been able to run roughshod over US banking convention. HSBC is among the Chinese banking interests that have been buying into the US economy (and buying dollars) with a generally free hand granted by fellow commie Barry Obama, and why the latter has been accused of selling the US off to China. It’s essentially because that’s exactly what he’s been doing. The average television viewer knows that HSBC substantially increased its business in the continental US. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was welcomed by the President, and we were all encouraged that great things were to come. Unfortunately – but not entirely surprisingly – both of these organizations proved to be monster launderers of some of the biggest mobsters and cutthroats on the planet. We’re talking murderers, drug lords, and organized crime here. Might not having to play by the rules and enjoying the countenance of an economically-detached president give them an advantage in the American banking world? We are now faced with the incontrovertible evidence of a President who probably does not understand simple mathematics. More importantly, he does not understand history, nor the country he leads. Thus, he has failed in doing what is decent and necessary in fulfilling his obligations to our honored dead, whether they be our Founding Fathers, casualties of war, or dead foreign service personnel. Instead, he continues to highlight himself and tell Americans what he thinks they want to hear. What Obama demonstrates is his total disregard for the living. He does not understand mourning, nor what is appropriate in the community that he was elected to lead, which includes the military and those in government service overseas. He misses the mark badly, and fumbles to the degree that he besmirches the office he holds – which he also holds in contempt. It is all about Obama, not about the devastation that his weakness is wreaking in the civilized world, which opened its doors to those fleeing tyranny and poverty. Shame on him, shame on us for being fooled; may we repent and be rid of this sham and his entourage of fraud. What an embarrassment to the free world. America apologizes to the families of our fallen and to a world which desperately needed us. We admit our failure; his name is Barack Hussein Obama.

Erik Rush and Jim Garrow -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Crossing the Divide is the effort of a black American and a white Canadian to cross color, cultural, and sociopolitical lines, as well as those that reinforce ignorance of how things really work in our world.

Erik Rush is a New York-born columnist, author and speaker who writes sociopolitical commentary for numerous online and print publications. In February of 2007, Erik was the first to break the story of President (then Senator) Barack Obama’s ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright on a national level, which ignited a media firestorm that smolders to this day. His latest book, “Negrophilia:// From Slave Block to Pedestal ~ America’s Racial Obsession,” examines the racist policies by which the political left keeps black Americans in thralldom, white Americans guilt-ridden and yielding, and maintains the fallacy that America remains an institutionally racist nation. Links to his work are available itErikrush.com.

Dr. James Garrow, PhD. is a Canadian teacher and businessman. In 1968 he founded the Bethune Institute, the legendary schools in China named for the Canadian thoracic surgeon, Dr. Norman Bethune.
