
The unconditional dismissal of Barack Hussein Obama, and the dismantling of his horrendous "Fundamental Transformation" of America

“Let Them Go Their Way”

William R. Mann image

By —— Bio and Archives August 22, 2011

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"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival." - Winston S. Churchill, Speech, House of Commons, May 13, 1940 Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Herculean task at hand: The unconditional dismissal of Barack Hussein Obama, and the dismantling of his horrendous "Fundamental Transformation" of America.
We must not fail. We must send Obama Packing. Whether this is done via the ballot box, impeachment and trial, or a resignation resulting from calls for his dismissal, I care not. But happen it must. I shall focus on the electoral prospect. I grew up politically with Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. I personally do not see many in the Republican field as being in the Reagan mold. The visions of some are too narrowly focused or self-limiting to my liking. Of course the mold was broken after Reagan passed into Heaven, but there are some candidates out there who I think "get it." We must decide if we want conservative principles and deeds, or, whether we are satisfied with conservative rhetoric alone. This election is not about jobs alone. Fascist, Statist, and Communist countries can "create" jobs.
The issue is not about creating jobs, but creating jobs that create. That, my friends, is the difference between us and the Marxist in the White House and his toadies in Congress and the Media. Jobs that "create" spur growth. They beget more and more jobs. More jobs begets more growth, and a higher standard of living for everyone who works.. A higher standard of living opens possibilities for all families seeking a move to the next level of personal and professional betterment. A rising tide does indeed raise all boats. Remember when America believed this? Democrats were wrong then, and wrong now. We Americans used to be optimists. Why can so many Americans not see this now? Have we given up because we see what Socialism in America has wrought? We are not stupid and we can fix this. We have come a long way since the end of the Reagan Presidency. Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II allowed Reagan's magnificent renaissance in American Exceptionalism, Economic Growth, Security and Cold War Victory over the Soviet Union to dribble into the gutter and down the drain. The 1980-88 Conservative Reagan Platform has suffered death from a thousand cuts over sixteen years from the George H.W. Bush, to the Robert Dole and George W, Bush campaigns. Their successive New World Order, the Big Tent, and Compassionate Conservatism slogans were a retreat from true Conservatism. Despite the failed results of these GOP Establishment counter-revolutions have failed to stem the Leftward drift of society. Despite these bitter results, we again hear a drum roll for candidates to cater to jettison Conservatism and appeal to the Liberal Republican Wing, and the Independent voters. On March 1, 1975, Ronald Reagan, having freshly concluded eight years as Governor of California, gave a speech to the 2d Annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington D.C. The setting was the Post-Watergate shellacking the GOP suffered at the polls. The legacy of this defeat was the emergence of those far Left Progressives as the dominant force in the Democrat Party. Many of those Leftist Democrats elected in November 1974, are still in Congress and in positions of great influence. Reagan was addressing a dispirited audience of Conservatives. I recall the times. I, too was gravely disappointed that Nixon had been involved in Watergate and his old Leftist enemies had finally brought him down. [In retrospect I also think it was also Nixon's own hubris, misplaced loyalty to some of his advisors, and the urgings of his some in his own Party that caused him to resign. But that's a different topic for a different time] "Déjå vu all over again?" Beginning in 2004, Progressive Democrat Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid trumped up phony issues about Iraq and the Economy as a "new Watergate" to bring down George W. Bush's effectiveness and to eliminate his House Republican Majority. You recall the mantras: "There were no WMD," or "Bush lied and soldiers died." The Democrats outright lied about Iraq and an otherwise robust economy whilst Rep. Barney Frank [D, PRMA] and Sen. Chris Dodd [Sub-Prime, CT] sowed the seeds for the collapse and failure of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Their actions were par of the collective goal of setting the stage for the Progressive Socialist takeover of America by Barack Hussein Obama. By 2006, Pelosi , Reid and their Marxist cohorts had won a commanding majority in the House. I personally suspect that the Left's fix was in for Barack Obama to be nominated for the Presidency from the day of his maiden teleprompter performance at the 2004 Democrat Nominating Convention. However, random these events may seem, the facts and our present predicaments have been anything but desultory. We have been asleep at the switch. This has been the Left's plan all along. Curiously, after all of this market chaos and unemployment, most Americans still refuse to believe that a US President would deliberately sell out America to Socialism. Yet here we sit on a precipice which is the exact historical model of what happens when a free market is destroyed and a Socialist economy is substituted. But all is not lost So, dear reading audience, let us return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, and a hero named Ronald Reagan. I have excepted parts of his 1975 speech to CPAC. See if you don't agree that as much as things have changed our Conservatism has remained the same as Reagan always described, evaluated, and then recommended in his speeches. He did not read teleprompters and he wrote his own words. Here are some excerpts from that 1975 CPAC Speech on the 1974 Congressional Elections. [The emphasis is mine.]:
"The people of America have been confused and disturbed by events since that election, but they hold an unchanged philosophy. Our task is to make them see that what we represent is identical to their own hopes and dreams of what America can and should be. If there are questions as to whether the principles of conservatism hold up in practice, we have the answers to them. Where conservative principles have been tried, they have worked" **** "Our people are in a time of discontent. Our vital energy supplies are threatened by possibly the most powerful cartel in human history. Our traditional allies in Western Europe are experiencing political and economic instability bordering on chaos. We seem to be increasingly alone in a world grown more hostile, but we let our defenses shrink to pre-Pearl Harbor levels." **** Can we live with ourselves if we, as a nation, betray our friends and ignore our pledged word? And, if we do, who would ever trust us again? To consider committing such an act so contrary to our deepest ideals is symptomatic of the erosion of standards and values. And this adds to our discontent. **** "We did not seek world leadership; it was thrust upon us. It has been our destiny almost from the first moment this land was settled. If we fail to keep our rendezvous with destiny or, as John Winthrop said in 1630, "Deal falsely with our God," we shall be made "a story and byword throughout the world." Americans are hungry to feel once again a sense of mission and greatness. I don't know about you, but I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party"‚ when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents. It was a feeling that there was not a sufficient difference now between the parties that kept a majority of the voters away from the polls. When have we ever advocated a closed-door policy? Who has ever been barred from participating? Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?"
What always strikes me about Ronald Reagan, as I reflect on this speech, or any of his presentations are the real nature of his words. He does not spin anything. He tells us that Americans do not like being "confused and disturbed." Americans recognize when something is not right, and we eventually figure it out. Americans hate a loser. Americans love a winner. Remember: Conservative Principles are a winner and work every time they are tried. Reagan knew this in his heart. He speaks to us about America has a Natural Leadership role in the world, that we have a "Rendezvous with Destiny." He asks why we are betraying our friends? At that time, we were running out on allies in Indochina. What are we doing today in the Middle East today in Iraq and Afghanistan? What is Obama doing to our ally Israel? Americans do not seek to lead in troubled times, yet the task of leadership is thrust upon us. How are we doing under Obama? If this [still] free country does not stand up for freedom and lead, then who will. Would Americans prefer Chinese Leadership or Russian Leadership? [Well, maybe some would: like Former Obama Czar and Communist agitator Van Jones; or Mao-loving, former White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn.] is the current confused and muddled US Foreign Policy respected around the world? Do we see the contrast? Reagan firmly believed that America was Exceptional and that doing less when called to lead, would be to deal falsely with God. How's that "Hope and Change" working for us? I say enough is enough. I believe, as did Reagan, that when Conservatives run and act like conservatives, they win and they succeed. I therefore say "no" to the undue Moderate-Liberal influences on the GOP, as if they alone should pick the candidate. I particularly say "no" to John Huntsman and his confused, self-absorbed arrogant identity. I want a choice of conservative candidates who say what they mean and mean what they say and don't grovel to this failed President. Failing to do this will bring on a Third Party Candidacy that would confuse many unnecessarily. Delivering a Conservative program is therefore paramount. Do not be fooled by the resurgent "middle-of-the-road" rhetoric. Reagan was clearly impatient with those who thought the cure for losing an election was to be even more Liberal in the next election! He banishes the RINO belief that broadening the Party Base means opening the doors to more folks. When he asks, has the Republican Party ever had a closed-door policy? To believe this is to understand how the GOP [aka "Stupid Party" by some] often manages to seize defeat from the jaws of victory. Today there is a sense among many Conservatives that there are those like Karl Rove, Mitch Daniels, and Congressional Republican Leadership who often deliberately "fuzz up and blur even the differences between us and our opponents." I have regretfully concluded that the Rove faction wants a Jeb Bush candidacy for the White House in 2016 after Obama has all but finished driving this country into the ground. Paul Ryan is their sacrificial lamb. As a minimum. These misguided souls absolutely fear and dread the possibility that Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, or Herman Cain might be the GOP Standard Bearer. They mistakenly think that this is a bad move. Why are our Party Elites apologizing for who we are? This is almost a Rockefeller-Goldwater Redux, nothing more nothing less. We must nip this in the bud. It is a fight for the soul of Republicanism in America. If we lose this one, it is "game over." It has been 23 years since we had vision, clarity, purpose, and uncompromising dreams for "American Exceptionalism" in the White House. Do you not miss it? Do you not yearn for a turn-around? There are many good horses in this Republican Race. If Trump wants to run and not just talk, the door is open to him as well. Let's see who's got what it takes to carry this battle to Obama and give the Progressive-Socialists Democrats not just a shellacking, but a down home, Southern-style whuppin' in 2012. This is no time for a Third Party, it is time to double down. Can I hear an "AMEN" out there? I reiterate. Reagan said it best, "Where conservative principles have been tried, they have worked." Reagan stated what amounted to his Republican Platform of Principles at the end of this speech. I believe it necessary to restate these principles. I have distilled his Ten Principles into 2012 language. Because they are truly principles this was quite easily done.

10 Principles to stand with

  1. Stand for fiscal integrity and sound money. End Deficit Spending, and retire the National Debt. Cut the bloated Federal Government Budget. Eliminate Base Line Budgeting. Balance our Expense to our Income, and live within our means.
  2. Place a permanent percentage cap on the amount of people's earnings government can take without their consent, period.
  3. Proclaim genuine tax reform. Eliminate the Internal Revenue Service. Index taxation to the cost of living. Flatten and simplify the tax code. A family should not need lawyers or accountants to be able to understand their tax obligations.
  4. Proclaim belief in a free market and free enterprise as the greatest provider for the people. End reliance on Big Government, bank bail-outs, subsidies, and entitlements as a way of life in America.
  5. End interference, harassment and over-regulation of business and industry which restricts expansion and our ability to compete in world markets. Lower the corporate tax rates by at least 50%.
  6. Explore ways to ward off socialism. Do not redistribute income; encourage Entrepreneurs. Restore the American Industrial Machine so people can work, earn and achieve their American Dream.
  7. It is the responsibility of government to protect the law-abiding. Hold those who commit misdeeds personally accountable. Lawless Flash Mobs and Anarchists are the Socialist way of political discourse, not the American way.
  8. Make it plain to aggressors and adversaries that our love of peace stops short of "peace at any price." We will stand by Treaty Obligations and defend Israel and other Allies from naked aggression.
  9. Maintain the robust and capable Military necessary to defend preserve our borders and our free way of life. It is essential to keep the faith with promises made to our Service Men and Women.
  10. The Republican Party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs. One of those principles must be open door debates of policy and budget proposals. Principled compromise is one thing; but compromising sound beliefs for political expediencies, or for voter popularity is wrong.
I invite all GOP Candidates to read and unify on these Ten Principles! As Ronald Reagan said to end his speech: "I do not believe I have proposed anything that is contrary to what has been considered Republican principle. It is at the same time the very basis of conservatism. It is time to reassert that principle and raise it to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."

William R. Mann -- Bio and Archives | Comments

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].
