
14% Lost in First Month of Leftist Power

Marxist Obama-nomics Destroy DOW

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By —— Bio and Archives February 27, 2009

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The DOW Jones average closed at $8,281.22 on January 19, 2009, the night before the Obamanation became an historic reality. A little more than a month later, the DOW continues its free-fall approaching the $7000 mark and nobody knows where the bottom is. But so far, Obama-nomics have cost Americans trillions in new debt and 14% of their savings, in just a month...
Hope for economic recovery is fast flying right out the window as Obamanation change sends investors running for cover. Left-leaning news rag Newsweek, proclaimed that We Are All Socialists Now only days after Democratic Socialists claimed unchallenged control of the federal government and started ramming Marxism down the throats of every America. It appears that the New Leftist regime in Washington DC just can’t figure out why private investors won’t invest in unbridled socialism. Or is it that they simply don’t care, while they are systematically destroying the entire free market? They are selling socialism under every name they can think up and investors are still fleeing from the market. Clearly intent upon destroying free market capitalism at any cost, under one name or another, they are growing increasingly desperate to make certain that Bush gets the blame for their failed policy decisions. They have no interest in saving free market capitalism, a uniquely American system which they have long claimed corrupt, mean-spirited and unfair. They only seek to hang its demise around George Bush’s neck. Are the people really that stupid? Before the 2008 election, Democrats told the American people that times were bad due to Bush’s deficit spending. Since the election, they have driven the American economy right into the ditch with a level of deficit spending never before seen anywhere on earth. A week ago today, the Obama White House rushed to settle shaken investor nerves by denying rumors that Obama was going to begin nationalizing the banking industry. The following Monday, they announced that nationalizing banking was indeed their plan, beginning with Citi Group. Throughout their campaign for power they scoffed at accusations from across the aisle, which suggested they would socialize the health industry once in power. Now they have approved billions in new taxpayer debt earmarked specifically for preparing the nation for socialized medicine. ACORN, LaRaza get double-dips of pork. Read it and oh, I don’t know, just sit and do nothing about it if you like. They laughed at folks who accused them of stealing elections via their Black Nationalist movement spearheaded by Obama community organizing group ACORN. Since the election, they have given ACORN access to billions in taxpayer funds so that ACORN can guarantee future Democratic Socialist victories in every national election. The average American voter may indeed be stupid enough to buy Marxist Obama-nomics, but clearly, investors aren’t. Obama has taken to the air waves nearly every day since becoming Resident. He has contradicted himself, caught in his own web of silly lies on almost every occasion. Average American voters continue to place their faith in an empty suit with a blank résumé and a secret past, who is leading by committee, surrounded by well-known anti-American advisors who believe in Karl Marx, not Thomas Jefferson. But investors have a very different opinion of the Obamanation. The Associated Press reports, Economists question budget's economic assumptions. No, Duh!

What Happens When the People Just Say NO?

Investors are simply saying NO! If you want socialism, then you invest in it. And of course, that is exactly what Obama is doing with YOUR money. But what happens if the taxpayers say NO too? Obama says he will take care of 95% of Americans by attacking the top 5% of income earners. Talk about a defenseless minority.... Imagine a 95 to 5 battle of any kind. I’d hate to be the 5... His administration has already sued Switzerland in an effort to force Swiss banks to give up private information on Americans that hold Swiss bank accounts. An unprecedented move aimed at seizing private holdings in foreign investments, protected by Swiss privacy laws for decades. They will follow the same line of thinking concerning private holdings in places like Nevada and Delaware, long trusted as safe havens for private investors who do not want the federal government up their rear end with a microscope looking for ways to relieve citizens of their legal earnings. Yet if America were still the land of the free and home of the brave, American citizens would not have to seek secure safe havens abroad just the keep what they rightfully earned from the greedy hands of Washington politicians who gain political power only on the promise of robbing a few so they buy the rest. What if America’s most productive simply say NO?

Socialism Can’t Exist without YOUR Money

Your silence has been your consent up until now. Clearly, as long as you are not prepared to fight, they are not finished taking. They won’t be finished taking until there is nothing left to take, or until you decide to fight back, while you still have something left. Which is it going to be? Will 95% of Americans stand in defense of the 5% currently under attack, or will they wait until the 5% are gone and the fed turns its sword on them, before they fight back?

What if the States simply say NO?

Thirty Two states have now filed state legislative resolutions reclaiming state sovereignty and states rights, in an effort to remind the fed that it exists only at the pleasure and benefit of the states and the people, not the other way around, as Obama seems to think... In a recent column, I wrote Are the States About to Slap the Runaway Fed Down to Constitutional Size? Hundreds of Tea Party and Tax Revolt initiatives are underway across the country. The states and the people are beginning to say NO! FDR’s New Deal turned out to be a Raw Deal and LBJ’s Great Society has officially become the most corrupt greed driven private property grabbing society on earth. Obama’s New New Deal makes FDR and LBJ look like staunch capitalists. Socialism has failed everywhere on earth it has been tried. But the facts seem to have no impact on people who think it will work here. The American economy was driven into the ditch by Democratic Socialists running the US Congress; history is very clear on that. But how many Americans know history anymore? Most don’t even remember that capitalism is nothing more than economic freedom, or that Democrats are currently engaged in the very activities our founding fathers told us to never allow.

Voters are Stupid... But Investors Aren’t

Has the left made any contingencies just in case America’s productive class decides to say the hell with the nonproductive class anxious to rob them blind? If taxpayers simply say NO, are they prepared to jail million of angry taxpayers in order to confiscate their property for the greater communal good? Are they prepared to order Martial Law and raid private citizens as the only means to grab what does not belong to them? How far are they willing to go to take from some according to their ability; and buy those with a false sense of entitlement? Both investors and taxpayers are CAPITALISTS. That’s why socialists need them. Nobody else can pick up the tab for socialism. But what happens when they decide enough is enough? Or have they already decided?

Capitalists Don’t March in Parades

They vote with their wallet.... They stop investing in nonsense and they eventually, stop paying taxes, once they see that their taxes are buying them nothing but grief. When you find yourself outgunned, your enemy with world class tanks, weaponry and technology, facing 5 to 95 odds... what do you do? You cut off fuel and parts supply, and watch their weaponry rot and rust in the field, forcing them into hand to hand combat, where they never expected to find themselves. Likewise, how is socialism advanced in a place where the productive members of society simply refuse to play along? When the means to advance socialism, your money, is simply cut off, like the fuel supply needed to keep tanks moving, then what? We are talking about America’s most productive here. They actually hold all the cards. So far, they have quietly consented to the nonsense via their silence. That was before push came to shove...

Voters Buy the New Titles

Bank bailout = nationalizing banking Energy investment = nationalizing the energy industry Universal Health = socialized medicine Immigration Reform = open borders and amnesty for millions of illegals Infrastructure investment = creating “government” jobs (not private sector growth) Gun Safety = second amendment infringement Fairness Doctrine = silencing the voice of dissent At least 66 million American voters are foolish enough to buy into the slick marketing terms used to sell America down the drain. Communism became socialism, then liberalism, followed by progressivism and eventually, democracy... The principles and values are exactly the same as when it was called communism, but sold as some new insane form of democracy, those values are much more acceptable in a so-called “democratic” society. But I wonder how long it will take them to figure out, that investors and taxpayers know better! I suspect they won’t figure that out until investors and taxpayers have cut off their blood supply and left them to stew in their own soup, until they eventually realize that what their grandparents told them is true... There ain’t no free lunch! At that moment, and not a second before, they will awake from their media induced trance and they will be really mad at those political messiahs who strapped them into bondage under a promise of free stuff at the expense of their fellow citizens. But they will have only themselves to blame in the end. They all knew better at one time. They chose to believe in ideas they knew were not true. They chose to buy into a Marxist system that they knew had already failed all over the globe. They chose their own fate... And that is freedom... the freedom to choose, no matter how obviously wrong the choice. As average Americans lose their entire future through foolish redistribution spending and a falling market which will end with a dollar no longer worth a dime, investors are still jumping in and out of the market taking profits where they can. But make no mistake... They are taking the profits they can, on their way out. Once that game has run its course, investors and their profits will leave town and find a new capitalists market to invest in... It just won’t be here. If Americans were smart, they would follow the lead of investors, not politicians. But then, if they were smart, Obama wouldn’t be Resident-in-Chief and we wouldn’t be in financial crisis to begin with. His voters said “yes we can take what we want from those who earn it.” Now those voters will simply have to learn the hard way... No they can’t, if we don’t let them!

JB Williams -- Bio and Archives | Comments

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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