
Most Americans today are the products of an intentionally degraded educational system, and completely unaware that Marx, Mao, Castro

Obama and the Death of American Liberty

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By —— Bio and Archives June 25, 2009

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Confederate General Jeb Stuart once remarked that he did not want to survive the death of liberty in his country. On May 11, 1864, Stuart was gravely wounded during a Calvary charge, and on May 12, his wish was granted. In this time of immense challenge and opportunity, I think we would all do well to ponder the caliber of such a man, regardless of our political affiliations or heritage.
The reason is that we appear to have elected the first American President likely to usher in and preside over the death of the greatest political system the world has ever known. The complicity of the mainstream media in ignoring Obama’s Marxist background – including his longtime alliances with terrorists and terrorist sympathizers –is not unprecedented. Consider that the lifelong grooming of Manchurian candidate Obama began in Hawaii, where, by his own admission, he was "mentored" by the leader of a Communist cell, Frank Marshall Davis. Even though Davis was sent to Hawaii to spy on U.S. military installations and edit the Hawaiian Communist newspaper, his fellow travelers in the media only saw fit to report that Davis was a "poet," neglecting that this pedophile’s "poetry" waxed most eloquent in praise of Joseph Stalin. Further ignored by our own media was credible evidence that money from radical Islamists not only financed Obama's education but also his presidential campaign with what is reported to have been hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal overseas contributions. While the mainstream media continue to fawn over Obama's teleprompter "eloquence," they ignore other credible evidence that the Communist terrorist William Ayers ghostwrote Obama's "Dreams of My Father." For his part, Obama remains steadfast in his refusal to release any of his university papers that could easily disprove this assertion, if indeed it is untrue. Yet, the media just issue their collective yawns. The hypocrisy is nearly incalculable. One can only imagine the furious non-stop assault upon McCain, Palin or any other conservative if it were suspected that a domestic terrorist such as Timothy McVeigh ghostwrote their memoirs.
Ironically, McCain helped to craft the sword that Obama used to slay not only the McCain campaign but also free and open political discourse. While McCain/Feingold expressly limits the very speech the first amendment sought to protect, the Orwellian "Fairness Doctrine" praised by Democrat leaders will destroy any media source not willing to dispense politically correct propaganda at the behest of the Obama regime. Yes, change is coming. They may not call it the "Fairness Doctrine" but rest assured whether it comes under another name or program, the thought police will be on patrol to intimidate, harass or shut-down those pesky dissenters. Moreover, religious leaders, who from the days of our Founders until the mid 1950s regularly opined on matters political, now face fines and imprisonment if they do not meekly acquiesce to a truncated exposition of the Word they claim is relevant to all arenas of life. To avoid these recriminations, one must be a liberal, a minority, or both. The dearth of conservative pastors willing to challenge this unconstitutional abridgment contrasts markedly from the pastors who helped to found this country and served as leaders in the Revolutionary War, when the certain penalty for their civil disobedience was the loss of life. Our culture, by tolerating and even celebrating degeneracy, has largely destroyed the only foundation upon which a free society can stand: moral clarity. The Communist founder of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin, knew this well. While his legacy of well-trained agitators, front-group fellow travelers, and the useful idiots they enlisted, has successfully obliterated the knowledge that civil liberty is inseparable from personal responsibility, they have simultaneously inculcated “the masses” with the belief that civil liberty is a license for irresponsibility. The stated goal of Communism, to destroy us from within, continues unabated. Forgetting Thomas Jefferson’s warning that a "government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away all that you have," Americans “leaders”’ obligingly prostrate themselves before a beast of their own creation – nationalizing the financial industry, the auto industry, the insurance industry, devaluing the currency and condemning generations yet unborn to serfdom. Just as Voltaire cried for "More Light!" in the final moments of his life, those who have set fire to the house of human freedom now cry out for "More Fuel!" Having funded the Communist Chinese military and the infrastructure of Iran, the head of Goldman Sachs, Secretary Paulson, was well suited to dispense the opening pyrotechnics, and current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has now taken the process nuclear.

Our Founders did not delineate a comprehensive list of inalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson summarized them with the words, "Among these are," then specified the principle three in descending order. The pursuit of happiness does not sanction the trespass of liberty, while the exercise of liberty must honor the right to life. In 1973 when our highest court declared the pre-eminent inalienable right to life to be null and void, it de facto declared that all of our rights were only temporary privileges granted by the state. Using Roe V. Wade as cover, Obama seeks to extend the slaughter of the pre-born to those born alive. The principle crime of the latter, of course, is that they have the "audacity" to survive the attempt to kill them. Perhaps Obama could enlighten the world as to just how old a child must be before that child becomes endowed with the inalienable right to life. The Messianic character of the Obama Cult is directly manifested in those who have deeply imbibed the proclamation of the Humanist Manifesto that mankind "must save itself." This declaration, a logical descendant of the German philosopher Hegel is, in essence, a deification of the individual (god) and the collective (God). It makes the state the ultimate arbiter of good and evil, and thus makes the doctrine of enumerated powers, espoused by our Founders, passé – a doctrine that is only rational if a transcendent moral authority exists, the jurisdiction of which supersedes human opinion. Never mind that all Utopian Revolutions throughout the ages have produced the worst tyrannies in the history of mankind. The media, having elevated Obama to the status of "Savior," now consider it a violation of protocol to either question or expose the Marxist and Islamic unseen hands in his rise to power. For those inclined to believe that socialism is somehow either a compassionate or a Christian form of civil government, I share the words of the great theologian Oswald Chambers, who wrote: "The vision of Socialism is magnificent; these are benedictions and blessings for mankind on the line of Socialism, which have never been yet; but once the root is cut from Redemption, it will be one of the most frantic forms of despotic tyranny the human race has ever known. It looks like the lamb, but when the big crisis comes, it gives life to the beast." This beast, though not fully arisen in the American body politic, is beginning to stir. Egalitarian propaganda works. Most Americans today are the products of an intentionally degraded educational system, and completely unaware that Marx, Mao, Castro, et al, sang the praises of democracy. They viewed democracy as a fundamental precursor to socialism and therefore embraced democracy the same way that Obama and the modern Democrat Party embrace it, as a vehicle to gain the attention, support and participation of the masses in their own enslavement. Upon leaving the Constitutional convention of 1789, Benjamin Franklin was asked, “What form of government have you given us Mr. Franklin?” He responded, “A republic madam, if you can keep it.” Whether we can and whether we will has never been more uncertain. It is here that Obama’s campaign slogan, “Yes, we can” presents an interesting historical irony. If it were spoken in response to Franklin’s solemn warning it would express hope for our republic’s longevity. However, from the mouth of this 21st century Marxist change agent and parroted by a mindless sea of useful idiots, those same words will serve as a requiem and epitaph of the republic - if Obama’s agenda is not stopped. We are not powerless, but expect neither enlightenment nor repentance from the U.S. Congress. All of us, in all our spheres of influence must decide to act with the courage of a Jeb Stuart to take back our fundamental freedoms and say, “Yes, we can” to Franklin and “No, you can’t” to Obama. Joe Crews is an Architect who lives in northeast Texas and practices in several states throughout the southern and central U.S. In addition to his interest in American History and political commentary, the homeschooling father of six also teaches seminars on developing a Biblical Worldview and the importance of the Creation/Evolution controversy to science, theology and public policy. Joe can be reached at: jcrews@ghhres.com

Joe Crews -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Joe Crews is an Architect who lives in northeast Texas and practices in several states throughout the southern and central U.S.
