
Via 2nd, 9th and 10th Amendment Measures

Obama Re-Unites the States!

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By —— Bio and Archives June 24, 2009

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." -- The Declaration of Independence
Obama and his Marxist minions thought that the 2008 election gave them an unfettered mandate to dismantle our Constitutional Republic by establishing a One World secular socialist powerhouse in Washington DC, forever running roughshod over the people and the states without any worry of revolt or reprisal. They were horrifically mistaken! This is not democracy, its fascist totalitarianism, and our Founding documents provide the people a peaceful remedy. Our nation's Founders not only anticipated a day when the federal government would become destructive of the desired ends, Life, Liberty, individual Freedom and Happiness, - they provided the mechanisms by which to thwart such evil and preserve freedom for future generations. In my search for an answer to the most common question from readers today, "What can we do to stop the Marxist Obamanation from destroying our country?" -- I have come across countless well-indented and energetic initiatives by an increasingly desperate population; from the TEA Party movement to the "birther" movement aimed at making Barack Obama keep his campaign lie, to be an ethical "transparent" president, and many more. Many speak of a second Civil War, or an armed Revolution to re-instate the 2nd, 9th and 10th Amendments and the values enumerated in our founding documents. But most Americans remain hopeful that a peaceful solution can be found and I believe that a peaceful solution has been found, though I expect that the ultimate leftist reaction to the measure will not be peaceful at all. Because the left does not know or respect America's founding principles, they will be blind-sided by them when the time comes.

Obama Re-Unites the States!

Convinced that Obama and Pelosi will continue to use -- actually, abuse - the weight and power of the federal government to destroy the United States of America and the Constitutional Republic that has made America the most prosperous and powerful sovereign nation on earth, the state legislatures have begun a process that will likely end with a federal government only a fraction of its current size and scope. Immediately following the election, Democrats functioning as the Democratic Socialists of America made it very clear that they interpret democracy just as Thomas Jefferson did more than 200 years ago, - a system by which 51% of the people can take away the rights of the other 49%. But would the silent majority remain forever silent? Obamanation was in clear violation of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the Constitution and it doesn't look like the states are going to be silent on the matter. In this way, Obamatrons have done this nation a great service by forcing the people and the states into this corner, where they have no choice but to return to our founding documents in search of a solution to an increasingly anti-American federal government, drunk with unbridled power. The states are re-uniting around the founding principles and values... and not a moment too soon! When all else fails, we must return to the basics and that is exactly what is happening all across this country today! State legislators are rushing to turn the tables on Obamanation in such a way that the Obamanation will soon be rendered completely impotent. When 97% of its revenue stream vanishes in an instant, the Marxist game is over and the good guys win!

Stage One -- The Tenth Amendment

Six states have already passed Tenth Amendment legislation reasserting state sovereignty and states rights. Eight more have similar legislation passed in at least one of their houses, pending passage in the second house before moving to their governor's office for signature. Nineteen more states have now followed their lead, introducing Tenth Amendment legislation in their states and every day, more are following. In fact, less than ten states have failed to get on board the effort as of today. Over the next few weeks and months, more than 40 states will have passed Tenth Amendment bills reclaiming their sovereignty and power over the federal government, reminding Obama and his mindless minions that the Fed exists at the pleasure of the people and the states, not the other way around. Obama's dictatorship will come to a screeching halt...and it couldn't happen to more deserving scum.

Stage Two -- Enforcement and the Second Amendment

Simultaneously, as each state passes sovereignty legislation under the Tenth Amendment, most are also passing a Firearms Freedom Act, reasserting the right of the people in their states to "keep and bear arms" under the Second Amendment, specifically rejecting any future effort by the federal gorilla to disarm American citizens, even under circumstances of "national emergency" or so-called "Martial Law." Obama's Marxist measures might work under your average third world dictatorship, which the Obamanation regime clearly thinks it is running today. But this is the Unites States of America we are talking about, and the Fed is by no means the final say in anything. The people and the states will have the final say here -- just watch! Idaho, being one of the first to pass Tenth Amendment legislation, is now the first to initiate Stage Two, in which asserting their renewed powers, they seek to force the federal government out of their state and local affairs. The people have now gotten behind the state legislature in their demand to run the Fed out of their state via a statewide petition based on the Tenth Amendment. Once the people's Second Amendment Rights, state sovereignty and power over the Fed is secure, stopping the Fed from dictating to the states, there is only one final stage remaining as the states move to turn the tables on an out of control Fed...

The Final Stage -- Retaking Total Power

Now reminded that the Fed exists and serves at the pleasure of the people and the individual sovereign states, one final step is needed to strip the Fed of every ounce of power it abuses today. The states must act upon the measures established by our Founding Fathers for just such an occasion. Although more than 40 states are in the process of re-establishing and re-asserting Tenth Amendment rights, only 38 states (3/4) are actually needed for the final stage of reclaiming the people's control over the runaway Fed. In 1913, two Constitutional Amendments passed that virtually eliminated individual and states rights over the federal government.

The Articles of Confederation, adopted in 1781, reflected the American fear of a strong central government and so retained much of the political power in the States. The national government had few responsibilities and no nationwide tax system, relying on donations from the States for its revenue. Under the Articles, each State was a sovereign entity and could levy tax as it pleased. - When the Constitution was adopted in 1789, the Founding Fathers recognized that no government could function if it relied entirely on other governments for its resources, thus the Federal Government was granted the authority to raise taxes. The Constitution endowed the Congress with the power to "…lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States." Ever on guard against the power of the central government to eclipse that of the states, the collection of the taxes was left as the responsibility of the State governments. [1] Prior to 1913, the Fed was largely limited to revenue collected and donated by the states and the Fed existed and served at the pleasure of the states as a result. In addition, the US Senate was designed as a house of "state representation" elected by the state legislatures, not the state populations. The passage of the 16th Amendment allowed the federal government to levy and collect taxes on individual and corporate income, as well as wages. From this moment forward, the states and the people would exist and serve at the pleasure of the Fed. The passage of the 17th Amendment removed direct representation of the states and states rights from the equation. Senators would no longer serve at the pleasure of the state legislatures, but at the pleasure of the populous, exactly like the House of Representatives. State representation in Washington DC was eliminated by the 17th Amendment and repealing the 17th would reinstate state representation in Washington. To completely turn the tables on the runaway Fed, these two amendments must be repealed and only 38 states are needed to do it. More than 40 are on the right path already!

As Easy as One, Two, Three...

Reclaim state sovereignty and states rights (more than 40 already are) Reassert states rights, backed by Second Amendment rights within each state (more than 30 already are) Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution -- Do we have the nerve? Repealing the 16th Amendment is the most important stage of the battle for control of the United States of America. So long as the 16th Amendment remains intact, the Fed will remain in control and the people and their states will exist and serve at the pleasure of the Fed, just as it has since 1913, when the Fed gained control of private revenue and assets. Today, 45% of federal budget revenue comes from individual income tax, 36% from taxes on wages and 12% from corporate income tax (all of which the Founders deemed "unconstitutional" and unethical). 97% of federal budget revenue, over $2 TRILLION per year, comes directly from taxes on income, which was made possible by the 16th Amendment in 1913. [2] Guess what happens to the Fed when they lose 97% of their operating revenue? Can the Fed survive a 97% budget cut? Let's get real for a moment... There is NO SUCH THING as "corporate income tax." Every penny taxed at the corporate level is passed on to employees and consumers in lost wages and higher prices. There is NO way to tax a corporation in a manner which is not passed on to employees, stockholders and consumers, all of whom will pay taxes on the same revenue again. Corporate taxation is nothing more than hidden or double taxation, every penny of which is passed on to individuals. The Founders believed that taxes on wages were unconstitutional as they were taxes levied against personal labor, as in "slave labor." At the time income taxes were first allowed, it was only on actual net income, investment earnings, not wages, and only 1% of the population paid income taxes. How does that compare to today? We must thank the extreme left for forcing the states and the people into this corner, because without being forced to take immediate and severe actions to protect and preserve freedom and the Constitutional Republic at the state and local level, Americans might have just stumbled along the path to global socialism without even noticing they were losing their nation... Only extreme situations will bring about extreme measures.

What Happens Next?

Completely unable to fund itself after the repeal of the 16th Amendment, the states are now back in full control of the federal government, and to the extent that one can even exist at that point, it must once again serve at the pleasure of the states and the people. It is no secret that 60% of the Fed budget is wasteful and unconstitutional spending. The only way to stop it at this late date is to stop the flow of revenue needed to continue. It is the one major flaw in the concept of Marxism. All forms of communism and socialism are entirely dependent upon the ability to take the earned assets from some, for redistribution to others. End the revenue stream and you have ended Marxism, communism, socialism, call it what you want, its real name is totalitarianism. [3] Obama and Pelosi think that the American people and the sovereign states exist and serve at the pleasure of the federal government and that they were elected by 51% of the people to take away the rights of the other 49%... In some third world toilet, this would work. But it won't work in this country, where the left has simply confused excessive peaceful "tolerance" with broad "acceptance. They should have paid better attention in history class. This has been tried in this country before, by the British throne. Before our Founders established the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, only armed revolution was possible as a remedy. But thanks to our Founding Fathers, more peaceful solutions are now available. Stages One and Two are already underway in more than 40 states as of this writing. Stage Three is the final stage necessary to end Obamanation's current rush to dismantle the Constitutional Republic. Face another reality here: EVERY individual who voted for these leftists running DC - cast his or her vote in a blind effort to gain access to the earnings and assets of other Americans. They no longer hide behind titles like "liberal" -- they openly admit to their belief in Marxist principles and openly oppose all forms of freedom, especially economic freedom, aka capitalism, and they are not at all shy about it. The 16th Amendment gives them the right to take whatever they want without asking or even saying thank you! Americans who believe in freedom and liberty need not be at all shy about their pro-American agenda either. To be sure, you will be called every name under the sun for trying to block these people's theft of your hard earned assets. Repealing the 16th Amendment will cause a crash of a different sort. But the only way Americans and their states can stop the Fed from bankrupting everyone, is to bankrupt the Fed first. Only if the people save themselves and their state governments first, can they save this country. The left has spent decades redefining individual ambition and achievement as nothing more than luck driven by greed. They will not let go of these ideas or your money without a fight and that's where the violence will come from if the American people muster the courage to take back control of their nation by retaking control of the revenue stream, state-by-state. Retaking the nation via peaceful measures established by our Founding Fathers is just that simple. One, two, three, and you have control of your nation back. The 546 nuts running Washington DC will be headed to the unemployment line for a change. Now THAT's the kind of change most Americans can believe in! The people and their state legislators have already taken steps one and two. It will be interesting to see which state has the courage to initiate step three.

Timing is the Issue

Will Obamanation beat the states to the finish line? Obamanation is in a mad dash to dismantle the Constitutional Republic before the people can catch up and stop them. State legislators are now in a mad dash to position the states to regain control over the Fed. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins... The finish line is the 2010 mid-term elections. If Obama holds on until then, he will have the power through redistricting to retain power for the foreseeable future. If he is shut down before then, his entire anti-American cabal is out of business for a couple centuries. We are living in times of historical significance. If Obamanation reaches the finish line first, the Unites States of America will live in bondage under a failing Fed for generations. But if the states beat them to the finish line, freedom will reign for at least another 200 years! These are exciting times to be alive! Think there are no members of congress who are on your side? Get to know the folks at The Patrick Henry Caucus right away! [4] Want to help your state reclaim sovereignty and states rights and then take all of the money out of Washington DC? Join the Tenth Amendment Center and get involved. [5] The state legislators are giving you a position and a platform by which to take back control of the Fed and your country! Use the links below to go do your part, do it now and keep doing it until the job is done! Do it TODAY! Vital Links PETITION TO THE IDAHO LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR [1] [url=http://www.treasury.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml]http://www.treasury.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml[/url] [2] [url=http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/background/numbers/revenue.cfm]http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/background/numbers/revenue.cfm[/url] [3] [url=http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=totalitarianism]http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=totalitarianism[/url] [4] [url=http://thepatrickhenrycaucus.org/]http://thepatrickhenrycaucus.org/[/url] [5] [url=http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2009/02/11/three-cheers-for-the-10th-amendment-movement/]http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2009/02/11/three-cheers-for-the-10th-amendment-movement/[/url]

JB Williams -- Bio and Archives | Comments

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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