
Obama is rushing his idea of economic recovery to market and the market is reacting violently

Obama’s Failing Economic Recovery Plan

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By —— Bio and Archives February 19, 2009

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Despite trillions in so-called “economic stimulus” efforts from Washington elites, economic experts continue to predict “tougher times ahead and more stimulus needed.” Democrats strong-armed their 40 year wish list of leftist spending through congress without a single supporter across the aisle and even seven fellow Democrats opposed.
Members of congress were not even allowed to read the 1070 page document before being forced to vote on it and Obama signed it into law before keeping his campaign promise to allow voters at least five days to view the product before signing it. Investors have been fleeing from the market for more than a year now, in preparation for the new administration, dropping the DOW average from its 14,000 high to its current 7,600 low. The people have already lost nearly 50% of their savings. And every time Democrats make another move, investors retreat from the market even further... Why? Obama is rushing his idea of economic recovery to market and the market is reacting violently, leaving economic experts to predict worsening conditions ahead, despite the trillions in new taxpayer debt being pumped into the system. According to the Democrat Obama plan....

The primary aims of the recovery plan must be:

  • to put people back to work;
  • to sustain the purchasing power of individuals and families and their access to health care, especially among those experiencing unemployment and underemployment;
  • to invest in infrastructure, education, and alternative energy sources and thereby enhance the long-term productivity of the economy and work force; and
  • to refinance distressed mortgages so that families can stay in their homes, neighborhoods can recover, and home values can stabilize. Such an effort would also improve the value of the “toxic assets” that the subprime mortgage crisis generated.

Marxist spending spree and laundry list of socialist power grabs

This all sounds nice, huh? So why are private investors still fleeing from the market in record numbers, driving stock, retirement account and private property values even deeper into the financial toilet in response to the Obama economic recovery plan? You’ve heard me and many others refer to the Democrat Plan as a Marxist spending spree and laundry list of socialist power grabs. Some of you have tried to shout down those who use these terms to describe the current Democrat strategies in Washington DC. Some of you accuse Republicans of playing politics in their efforts to stop the Democrat WASTE bill from becoming the law of the land. And now, several GOP governors are rejecting “their fair share” of the fed funny money.... Well, it’s time for American voters to grow up and face reality. Although the above four point stimulus priority list matches the Democrat Plan 100%, I actually borrowed it from the economic recovery plan proposed by an organization called The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) here. In short, Washington Democrats adopted lock, stock and barrel, the Socialist economic recovery plan. Obama didn’t think it up. Pelosi and Reid didn’t even dream it up. They adopted it from the Democratic Socialists of America, which happens to be the largest Socialist organization in America today, and the primary US representative for the International Socialists Organization. They explain their agenda in a single paragraph on their web site here.
“Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.”
This is the basis for the Democrat “stimulus package” put forth by DSA’s legislative arm, the Congressional Progressive Caucus and signed into law by Resident Barack Hussein Obama two days ago. And this is why private investors are fleeing an economic system which is officially, no longer free... In short, private investors never invest in socialism unless they are going to be the new economy Czar like George Soros, after all of the private industries have been successfully nationalized.

Stimulating What?

66 million American voters voted for American Marxism in the name of “change.” Most of them didn’t know that’s what they were voting for and some still won’t get it even after reading the DSA Economic Recovery Plan along side of Obama’s plan, and finding no discrepancies. But as you can see, private investors get it all too well. Obama’s package isn’t designed to save the free market economy. It’s designed to replace the free market economy with a full-blown socialist nanny state run by Czars and a Democrat dictatorship anxious to nationalize banking, energy, technology, transportation, communications, health, food and drinking water. All of it is in their so-called stimulus bill, if you have the time and stomach to read it. Frankly, it’s just plain sickening! No intelligent private investor will invest in unbridled Marxism. And by the way, NO private business will hire people while they are being taxed and regulated out of business. To fully comprehend how investors are reacting to Obama’s Marxism, watch this short CNBC video clip of investors... Obama’s stimulus package is destined to finish off the free market system that Democratic Socialists in Washington have been systematically dismantling for decades. If you don’t know it, learn it by reading my recent column, Congressional Democrats Bankrupted the Nation. Facts are stubborn things. Too bad too many Americans lack the courage to face the facts.

A Fool and his Country are soon Parted

The decision is already made. Americans chose to trust Obama & Co. instead of themselves. The free market cannot self-correct when it is no longer a free market. 3 million private sector jobs have been lost so far and that number will double before year end. Many of these jobs will not be replaced during the Obama administration. Some will be replaced, but by new government jobs funded by taxpayers. The free American economy is being squashed. “Evil” capitalism is for all practical purposes, dead. Its heart is still beating for the moment, but Democrats are fully committed to finishing it off. Capitalism is mean spirited and unfair. It only provides well for the productive. It does nothing for the non-productive, or the under-achiever, which happens to make up today’s Democrat Party constituency. Of course, only the productive pay taxes, which fund all welfare programs, and only “the rich” fund charities. But who cares about the facts? They only get in the way of the leftist agenda. It isn’t a stimulus package. It’s a wealth redistribution bill. Taxpayers and investors know it and they are reacting accordingly. Nanny state dependents don’t know it yet, but they soon will.

Only Days Old and Already an Abject Failure

Those ambitious enough to read 1070 pages of pork barrel spending will find a list of Marxist redistribution efforts that will do absolutely nothing to stimulate the recovery of the free market economy. It will do just the opposite. It will grow the federal government at a record pace and increase the national debt at a rate that will choke what little life remains, out of the free market system. It will make the dollar worth less than a dime, and drive every American household into a corner where socialism looks better than the soup line. It will strip away what is left of states rights and penalize those who resist. As Obama was signing the bill into law, he was already telling you that the bill would not work. His economic advisors were out promoting the next several rounds of trillion dollar spending sprees the next morning. They all know that what they passed, won’t work. It wasn’t designed to work. It was designed to grab industry after industry and in that way, it will work. It was an abject failure the moment it became law. Think not? Watch how many more trillions you will be sold since the first trillion didn’t work... before it even has a chance to work. It’s not designed to work, stupid! (If stupid is as stupid does, then 66 million American voters have certainly earned the title. If the shoe fits, kick yourself with it!)

Past the Point of No Return

American voters agreed to a trillion dollar investment which is not designed to produce a return. In doing so, they have passed the point of no return. They no longer have the power to stop the additional Marxist spending sprees soon to be forced through congress down similar partisan lines. Obama has already “made history” and affected very real “change.” He signed the most partisan bill in US history into law and the free market dropped another 300 points while he was signing that bill. Republicans have no power to stop them and the American people have their heads in the sand, hoping against all logic, for some miraculous result from a bill designed to trash capitalism, not save it. American citizens are losing their savings, their jobs and their homes and they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Socialism has failed everywhere it has ever been tried and it will fail in America too. You can’t replace private sector investment with government waste. You can’t replace private sector employment with government employment, because you can’t pay for it... 66 million Americans made a mistake that will cost them, their children and grandchildren, their freedom. Well done! Forget your next move. You have no next move. It’s checkmate! There is no way out of this corner except through the fire now. For the next few years, the price of gross ignorance will be beyond your imagination. But on the other side of the fire, America will emerge, once again the most conservative God fearing nation on earth. Nothing will bring a nation back to its knees like broad based personal tragedy will. The home of the brave is currently run by cowards. The land of the free is foolishly hoping for a free-ride. But there ain’t no free lunch. Didn’t your parents tell you that? It’s too bad Americans have to learn history the hard way. They could have simply studied the past in order to understand the present and see their future. Since they were too busy to do so, they will have to re-live it to believe it... But don’t say you were never warned! People have been warning you for years... Stay tuned. It’s about to get really interesting! The people who voted for this crap with pay the heaviest price. Now that’s justice! Has a single Democrat voter noticed that the ten most over-taxed states in the nation are also the most bankrupt states in the nation? In order of the most over-taxed and still financially challenged first...
  • Connecticut
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Nevada
  • Vermont
  • Rhode Island
  • Massachusetts
  • California
  • Washington
  • Maine
  • I bet not... But then, why bother with such silly little details. By no coincidence, these are also the ten most over-regulated states. Oh yeah, they are all BLUE voting states too! Wake up America! Check the fruit on the Democrat tree before you buy anymore Marxist rhetoric.

    JB Williams -- Bio and Archives | Comments

    JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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