
Maxine Waters, Andre Carson, Debbie Wasserman, Van Jones, Jimmy Hoffa, Nancy Pelosi

PDS   Progressive/Liberal Delusional Syndrome

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By —— Bio and Archives October 13, 2011

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The Progressive Movement started early in the 20th century with Teddy Roosevelt leading the way, but the movement crosses party lines, and needs to be exposed for its anti-American, racist roots. Presented are comments from the Liberal Progressive Leadership of this nation, proving that these people are truly delusional.
While speaking at a Los Angeles Town Hall event recently, Rep. Maxine Waters introduced an interesting idea when it comes to banks and loan modification. According to her, it’s up to the federal government to make sure people can afford their mortgages. So much so that it’s time the president “bring the gangsters in, put them around the table, and let them know that if they don’t come up with loan modifications and keep people in their homes, that they’ve worked so hard for, we’re gonna tax them out of business.” Maxine Waters, enough said, but more from her as we go. It was the Dems and their plans that got the banking crisis started, Franklin Raines of Fanny Mae, cooked the books and earned millions in bonuses for packaging toxic assets as investments for Wall St. and Dem legislators fought to keep Bush from passing new regulations to fix the abuses. But Maxine wants more of this corruption.
At a Congressional Black Caucus event in Miami, Indiana Democratic Rep. Andre Carson used some incendiary words to describe what he believes is the Tea Party’s stance on African Americans. Carson’s comments, first exposed by The Blaze, betrayed the congressman’s belief that Tea Partiers on Capitol Hill want to see African Americans “hanging on a tree.” Carson’s comments invoked the comparison of racist Jim Crow laws to current Tea Party actions:
“[Tea Partiers would] love to see us as second-class citizens…some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree.”
And now, for the first time, Rep. Carson is personally defending his remarks. A spokesman had earlier reaffirmed the Congressman’s comments. Carson tells CNN, “I stand on the truth of what I spoke.” Is this guy for real, or did he miss history is school? It was Democrats/Progressives who passed the Jim Crow Laws, it was Democrats who formed the KKK, lynching Blacks, it was Democrats who fought to keep Slavery, it was Democrats who segregated the Military, it was Democrats who wrote the labor laws to keep blacks out of the workforce, it was LBJ who first threatened to filibuster the Civil Rights Laws in the Senate he later signed as President, Martin Luther King was a conservative Republican, and I believe he would have been a tea party member if he were alive today. Margaret Sanger, formed Planned Parenthood as part of the Eugenics movement, a movement that believed Blacks were second class humans, and should be removed from the gene pool, and PP, was to be the instrument to get them to volunteer to abort their children. All the racism in this nation must be laid at the feet of the Democratic Party and Progressive Ideology, a group who is using the black man as a pawn in their socialist power game. Major Democratic Fundraiser at Van Jones ‘Take Back the American Dream Conference’: The American Dream Is Totally About Sharing and Redistributing the Wealth Because Free Houses and HealthCare Are a Right. Since when was the Soviet dream, the American dream? Oh when the commie lover Woodrow Wilson became President. No, Van, the real American dream is, equal opportunity to succeed, if you work hard, you can succeed in this nation, but for the Progressives, that is not enough, victims are needed in order to gain political power. During a recent segment on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas launched into Republicans and President George W. Bush when he asserted that 9/11 was a “political opportunity,” not a tragedy for Republicans. The reason, according to Moulitsas, is “because they were able to take that and use it to stifle their domestic critics, push through a radical agenda, try to silence anybody who opposed him [Bush].” “It essentially won him another term in 2004 based on 9/11 because he wasn’t popular on any other matter. So, for Republicans, even today, 9/11 is the gift that keeps on giving. The fact that 3,000 people died is incidental to them. They don’t care about that. What was there was a political opportunity and he took it.” And FDR knew about Pearl Harbor before attack and did nothing for political gain, WRONG. Why can’t we accept that Bush was deeply moved and angered over the unprovoked attack on American citizens and took the steps to fight the war that was thrust upon him? At least Bush knows the names of those who gave their life to protect us, unlike Obama, who can’t even remember his first CMH winner was DEAD. What happened politically has nothing to do with what Bush felt after the attack and the fact that he could not prevent it, not that anyone could, given the intelligence climate in this nation. Nancy’s Crazy Class War Conspiracies: The Rich Won’t Pay Taxes Because They Want to Be Immortal, GOP Hates Kids & Keeps Wages Low to Force People to Pay Bank Fees And Liberal Democrats believe this, while not paying their taxes, right Warren, Tim, Joe, AL? Wisconsin Gov. Scott “Hitler Reborn” Walker’s plan was going to destroy the state. Well, things haven’t turned out quite as the liberal screamers and union thugs claimed. In fact, we’re seeing that these EVIL plans by Heir, Walker are working as planned — meaning: they’re fixing the problems. Calling a Republican Hitler is pretty common, they must teach it in the communes, but history shows that the NAZI’s were socialists. Which leads me to the next fact, it is the LEFT who is guilty of killing and detaining citizens of the various countries that Communism/Socialism has been tried, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Guevara, Castro, to name a few of these mass murderers, add Wilson and FDR to those who detained US citizens, yet the left celebrates these criminals, you don’t see something wrong with that? Thomas Roberts’ comments came in response to former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum‘s answer during Thursday’s presidential debate about gay service members in the military. Santorum said the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell “amounted to “social experimentation” and, if elected, he would re-instate a similar policy. “I get out of all of these things that many of these candidates would rather take legislation to build a time machine and go back in time to where, uh, we had, you know, no women voting, slavery was cool. I mean, it’s just kind of ridiculous,” Roberts told fellow MSNBC host Chris Hayes. No what is ridiculous is progressives using this issue, and lie. Come on it was Southern DEMOCRATS who supported slavery, were and are the racists who want to keep the black man on the plantation of government servitude. I am so tired of the lies, these people make me sick, and to think the black leaders believe them, and blacks on welfare worship them, and their lies. CARNEY: "He wants to speak before Congress because he recognizes that while there are things he can do without Congress, and he will do them, there are actions that need to be taken with Congress that require legislation to grow the economy and create jobs. And he wants to go to Congress, speak directly to members of Congress, and layout his proposals." Where in the Constitution is the President a DICTATOR? Didn’t a guy in Germany overstep his constitutional power in order to solve the nation’s problems, and we know how that turned out. "I understand why extending unemployment insurance provides relief to people who need it, but how does that create jobs," Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler asked Jay Carney at Wednesday's WH briefing. Carney responded: "Oh, uh, it is by, uh, I would expect a reporter from the Wall Street Journal would know this as part of the entrance exam." "There are few other ways that can directly put money into the economy than applying unemployment insurance," Carney said. Carney answers the question: "It is one of the most direct ways to infuse money directly into the economy because people who are unemployed and obviously aren't running a paycheck are going to spend the money that they get. They're not going to save it; they're going to spend it. And with unemployment insurance, that way, the money goes directly back into the economy, dollar for dollar virtually." But then where is the INCENTIVE TO GET A JOB, it is this kind of Keynesian insanity that has gotten us here, every dollar the government takes out of the economy weakens it, so unemployment insurance payments have no NET benefit. But is sure BUYS votes. "The interesting question is: What is it about this president that has stripped away the veneer of respect that normally accompanies the Office of the President? Why do Republicans think this president is unpresidential and should dare to request this kind of thing? It strikes me that it could be the economic times, it could be that he won so big in 2008 or it could be, let's face it, the color of his skin. This is an extraordinary reaction to a normal sequence of events," MSNBC contributor Richard Wolffe said on "The Last Word." Whenever anyone opposes this man, it is because of race, really, not because no other President in history would have attempted to hijack an opponent’s debate for a political campaign speech? If this was so important, why not interrupt his vacation, one of the many vacations this president has had, I think he has spent more time spending our money flying around than he has in Washington, and we shouldn’t question that? But then the cry of Racism is the heart of the Democrat playbook, call anyone racist to shut them up. Despite the simple fact that the dems are the historical racists of this nation. Texas for Dummies: U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Doesn’t Know Texas Has Largest Job Growth in U.S. But She Is Sure Texas Has Low Pay, Dangerous Work Conditions and a Lousy Education System The truth is unimportant to the leftist, so please do not confuse them with the facts, you will be called a racist if you do. “I’m not afraid of anybody,” Waters said at the summit in Inglewood, Calif. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned, the ‘tea party’ can go straight to Hell.” If a Tea Party member said anything like this, they would be excoriated in the press, but Waters says it and nothing. If you want civility in a debate, you need to give it. Maxine Waters threatens to nationalize U.S. oil industries. Yep the real socialist/communist agenda comes out in spades. Late last month, at a fund-raiser in her hometown of San Francisco, she discussed those wonderful days of 2007, when the Democrats retook control of the House and raised the minimum wage. It hadn’t been increased for a decade. “It was kept down for the purpose that people would not be able to live on that. They’d have to borrow against home-equity loans, against their mortgages.” For the record, the minimum wage in California (and Massachusetts) is $8 an hour. How many people making eight bucks an hour can afford a mortgage, let alone a home-equity loan? “They’d have to live on credit cards, and what are they doing when they’re doing that? They’re paying fees to the banks.” So that’s it! Those bleeping Republicans. Nancy then went down the list of the programs that the greedy GOP is gutting. “You wonder, do their children breathe? Do they drink water? Why do they not care? But they don’t. But they don’t.” Remember when she used to have her Air Force jet stocked with Johnnie Walker Blue? Wonder what she’s sipping nowadays. I double-dare you to diagram this next sentence: “Imagine that they are protecting the tax cuts for top 2 percent, it’s really more higher than that, lower than that, I mean a higher number — percentage of people excluded for who they’re looking out for The hate the rich rhetoric from a 35 million dollar idiot, I wonder what she would say if she was asked to give up everything her and her hubby earn. And she fought to prevent the min wage increase that she touts, from effecting her business in American Samoa, the hypocrisy of it all. The Washington Times reports: House Republicans [Thursday] declared "something fishy" about the major tuna company in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco district being exempted from the minimum-wage ... Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa had some profane, combative words for Republicans while warming up the crowd for President Obama in Detroit, Michigan on Monday. "We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war, they got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner. It's going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We're going to win that war," Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said to a heavily union crowd. "President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong," Hoffa added. Has he looked at a Tea Party crowd, looks a lot like the hard working Americans he wants to mobilize, could it be they are looking for a corrupt America where they can dictate policy to us peons. "I’m talking about a jobs program of a trillion dollars or more. We’ve got to put Americans to work. That’s the only way to revitalize this economy. When people work they earn money, they spend that money, and that’s what gets the economy up and going," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told NBC's "Meet the Press." If it has not worked in the past, why does anyone think it will work now, you want jobs get the hell out of the way of business. CUT TAXES, it increases the amount of income, CUT REGULATION, and get companies moving, drill for energy and you will get jobs, Keynesian economics does not work, no matter what the government SPENDS, they had to get it somewhere, taxes, inflation, debt, no matter what it is a drain that does not reap benefits. Willie Geist, MSNBC: "You mentioned infrastructure. You're talking about a huge stimulus program, rebuilding bridges, roads, and schools, and everything else. We already had a stimulus package that most Republicans deemed ineffective, almost a $1 trillion. What makes you think this time around that your fellow Congress people, people across the aisle from me, would go along with me this time if they didn't think the last one worked? Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chair: "Well, the Republicans who think the Recovery Act (stimulus) didn't work are simply wrong. The Recovery Act, as of the beginning of this year, created an additional 3.6 million jobs. We have -- the Recovery Act had a direct impact on making sure the teachers, firefighters, police officers were able to remain in their jobs. It begun -- it helped begin to turn the economy around. 50% of it was tax breaks to small businesses and to the middle class. So every economist you would talk to that is worth their salt acknowledges that without the Recovery Act we would not be continuing on the upswing. We would still be either stuck or spiraling downward. So the Republicans can't make up their own facts. The bottom line is the Recovery Act had an impact." Another Progressive that has drunk the Keynesian Kool-Aid, 16% real unemployment is good? Barry said if we passed it unemployment would not top 8%, even with the cooked books number they use 9 to 10% I think is greater than 8%. All those “jobs” they saved was nothing more than a payoff for the unions and the dem re-election coffers. Tea Party Zombies Must Die’: New Online Game Lets You Gun Down Beck, Bachmann, Palin Really, didn’t Barry say after Gabrielle Giffords was shot, we needed to re-instill a civility to our debate? If this was about killing Obama, Waters, Pelosi et al, the howling would be heard all the way to the space station or even the moon that they believe we did not go to. MIAMI -- The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida plans to challenge the state's law requiring new welfare recipients to pass a drug test. An ACLU spokesman told The Associated Press Wednesday the lawsuit is being filed on behalf of a 35-year-old Orlando man, Luis Lebron. The spokesman says Florida's drug testing law is unconstitutional, saying it violates the Fourth Amendment's search and seizure protections. No further details of the lawsuit were immediately available. If you don’t want to take a drug test, don’t apply for assistance, why should the tax PAYER pay for some drugged out losers habit. I am all for helping those who cannot help themselves, but really, too many able bodied adults are getting a check from the government not to work, do we need to support their drug habits as well? Gov. Rick Scott signed the drug testing bill into law in July. Under the law, welfare applicants must pay for the drug tests. If they pass, they'll get reimbursed. If they fail, they can't get benefits for at least a year, and could face child abuse charges. A new biography of Jane Fonda by Patricia Bosworth reveals a lifelong lament by the famous actress: “My biggest regret” Fonda is quoted during a “feminist consciousness-raising session,” according to the book’s account, “is I never got to f*** Che Guevara.” Typical of the left, idolize a mass murder, and want to f*** him, but true pioneers of freedom and liberty are excoriated, demonized and become the target of lies. 7%, that is union membership in this nation, is that the middle class? Well according to Hoffa it is, and somehow the Tea Party, which encompasses all walks of life and “Corporations” want to destroy the middle class. Let me explain something to Hoffa, corporations rely on the middle class to be customers, if there are no buyers, corporations go bankrupt, but then the unions have been trying to destroy corporations for decades, and in the end hurt their union members, crazy, certainly. The Years of Shame—Paul Krugman Is it just me, or are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued? Actually, I don’t think it’s me, and it’s not really that odd. What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not — was deeply shameful. The atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it became a wedge issue. Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush raced to cash in on the horror. And then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight, for all the wrong reasons. A lot of other people behaved badly. How many of our professional pundits — people who should have understood very well what was happening — took the easy way out, turning a blind eye to the corruption and lending their support to the hijacking of the atrocity? The memory of 9/11 has been irrevocably poisoned; it has become an occasion for shame. And in its heart, the nation knows it. I’m not going to allow comments on this post, for obvious reasons. Didn’t Bill Clinton first establish the doctrine of regime change in Iraq? Was it not the liberal progressives who used the Iraq war to regain power in 2006, and the presidency in 2008, and yet they did nothing to end the war or close Gitmo. Isn’t the travesty here the lies the liberal progressive are using to justify their treason? Reich: Government Has To Spend More to Get Out Of Debt Really, does that work for your household; I know it doesn’t work for mine. Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who believes pensions have not in fact burdened state budgets, made the bold assertion: “The mantra that the Recovery (stimulus) Act did not work is such baloney.” The Florida Congresswoman made the statement on Fox News Monday in defense of President Obama’s $447 billion American Jobs Act. Schultz, who thinks Obama “really knocked it out of the park” with his latest jobs plan, said the act will be paid for by the “wealthy and more fortunate” who, according to Schultz, are “not paying their fair share now:” “At the end of the day, we have to make sure that we don’t continue to deepen our problems by laying off more teachers, firefighters and police officers. We have to make sure we put construction workers back to work like the American Jobs Plan would do by investing in the infrastructure we need, and we have to make sure that this is paid for by folks who are not paying their fair share now, making sure that the wealthy and more fortunate step up to the plate, and that’s how we’re going to get this done.” Ok Debbie, where are the jobs? Didn’t the Dems say that with the stimulus unemployment would not o above 8% and would be 6.5% by now? So what went wrong, or are you full of it. Isn’t it better to have more TAXPAYERS, than to raise the rates on a few, who are already paying more than 80% of all the income taxes collected? Of course you don’t think so, in your delusional world the “rich” are evil and need to be punished by turning all of their money over to the government, but in doing so, don’t you kill the private sectors ability to create jobs, and is it not important for the private sector to continue to grow faster than government? Because Debbie, is it not true that the private sector pays for the teachers, firefighters, police, and your over inflated salary? I could go on and on, take for example the delusions of the Wall Street Occupation, where their demands are a living wage for everyone regardless or employment status, free healthcare, education, housing, food. Well my answer why work? And if nobody needs to work, who will pay for all this “free” stuff. Do you know what happens when the government “pays” for everything, well; we all become servants to that government working in what jobs the government chooses for us. How did that work for the Soviet Union, or is working for Cuba or Venezuela? It is true that there are nutjobs on the right. But believing the earth is 6000 years old, or we should return to isolationism may be nuts, but it does nothing to hurt others, unlike progressive dogma and their welfare slaves. The delusions on the right get over reported, and demagogued but from the left the media treats them as the truth. In fact liberal progressive’s measure intelligence by how many of these delusional falsehoods one can accept and even believe. If Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster were progressives, we would have to believe in them also or be called small minded racists.

Jeff Jenkins -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Jeff Jenkins, is an avid golfer, freelance writer, believer that the truth is the only responsibility of the press, and believes in the power of the informed individual over government tyranny.
