
Are we to accept, because science says that a sexual deviant's behavior is hard wired, that we as a society should accept their actions with open arms and accommodate their behavior regardless of the damage it places on the rest of society?

Pedophiles Off The Hook?

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By —— Bio and Archives June 5, 2015

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In this day and age of social media and technology, we have all been made more aware of sexual predators and their actions than ever before. The question remains, do we still believe that sex with children is a crime, or are we now giving a pass to pedophiles in the name of sexual freedom?
Recently, all over the news and social media, ad nauseam, has been the story of the Duggars. This was a case of sexual abuse of 5 underage victims by Josh Duggar, when he was a teenager. The press had no issues with the questionable release of information about the victims even though they were under age at the time of the offense. But what does it matter if the press humiliates a child victim of sexual abuse as long as they get their story and in the process are able to discredit Christians? Who is protecting the rights of the victims? I guess the real question would be why they celebrate some pedophiles and condemn others? Does it depend on the political party or the religious affiliation with whom the offender or the victim identifies? Is it just an opportunity to trash someone who believes differently or is it really about the atrocity of the crime itself? Has the tragedy of sexual abuse really come down to politics? Can we so flippantly disregard the privacy, rights and the feelings of victims in lieu of the fame and fortune of the media? Can we really so flippantly disregard the privacy, rights and feelings of victims for political gain? Who is Lena Dunham? She is an actress on the show "Girls," and she just released a new book, which I will not name for fear of promoting anyone who victimizes a child. Hollywood and the liberal media have celebrated her and her new book. In her own words,
“One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina." "Three pieces of candy if I could kiss her on the lips for five seconds. Whatever she wanted to watch on TV if she would just ‘relax on me.’ Basically, anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying."
Does she deserve fame and fortune for her actions of sexual gratification regarding her own sister while the Duggars have been crucified for their son's actions? Could it have anything to do with the fact that the Duggars are Christians? What has our society come to when people are no longer outraged at the sexual abuse of a child in any and all circumstances? The Gawker released an article by Noel Shepard, titled, "Pedophilia is a Sexual Orientation." The following headline actually appeared at Gawker: "Born This Way: Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex with Children." The first thing we have to notice is his reference to "sex" with children and not classifying it as "rape." He speaks about research  done that, in his opinion, proves that anyone with a sexual attraction to children is wired to feel that way. He compares pedophilia to homosexuality or heterosexuality. Through this reasoning, he asks the question,
"And if pedophilia is a sexual orientation, that also means it's futile to send pedophiles to prison in an effort to alter their attractions."
If I am not mistaken, a prison term for sexually abusing a child is a punishment for your actions.  Rehabilitation occurs while you are serving your time.  Is he reasoning that if pedophilia is actually a sexual orientation that their crimes should not be punished with a prison term? Is he reasoning that because sexual predators are treated so badly in prison for their horrific actions towards children that they should not be sent to prison? If this is his argument, then how do we come to terms with how badly the pedophile treated the child they molested? How do we come to terms that we are supposed to feel bad for the pedophile and ignore the lifetime effects that the child they abused will be forced to endure? Are we supposed to excuse the actions of a pedophile while ignoring the consequences suffered by their victims? Are we to accept, because science says that a sexual deviant's behavior is hard wired, that we as a society should accept their actions with open arms and accommodate their behavior regardless of the damage it places on the rest of society? In April of this year, a California Superior Judge, M. Marc Kelly, reduced a 25-year mandatory sentence for a man who sexually assaulted a 3-year-old girl to 10 years. Kevin Jones Rojano was playing video games when he decided to sexually assault  3-year-old girl and covered her mouth so no one could hear her screams. In response the judge said, “However, in looking at the facts of Mr. Rojano's case, the manner in which this offense was committed is not typical of a predatory, violent brutal sodomy of a child case,” Kelly said. “Mr. Roiano did not seek out or stalk (the victim). He was playing video games and she wandered into the garage. He inexplicably became sexually aroused but did not appear to consciously intend to harm (the victim) when he sexually assaulted her.” “Although serious and despicable, this does not compare to a situation where a pedophilic child predator preys on an innocent child,” Kelly said. “There was no violence or callous disregard for (the victim's) well-being.” The judge then pointed to a doctor's report who said,
"Mr. Rojano was born into and raised in a dysfunctional environment.... “a great deal of family disruption and abuse, making him an insecure, socially withdrawn, timid, and extremely immature young man with limited self-esteem.”
So, we should all excuse the behavior of a pedophile because he had a bad childhood? The judge believes this pedophile did nothing that could be called violent or callous disregard for the child's well being?  Okay, my response is about to get graphic, but it seems that nowadays, the only way to get attention is to be graphic. So here goes......By his reasoning, a pedophile has not hurt a 3-year-old child by shoving his erect penis into her small anus all while placing his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming? When did we, as a society, lose all our common sense and dignity? When, as a society, did we decide that the life of our children is expendable? In an article by the Huffington Post,  it was cited that Richard Dawkins, one of the world's best known and outspoken atheists, said that he is unable to condemn  "mild pedophilia." He feels that child abuse scandals have been overblown. What has happened to our world? When a child's life and well being is no longer considered a priority, we as a society are doomed to destruction at the hands of a failed morality.  When the sexual attack of a child is viewed as a non violent act then we as a society are doomed to destruction at the hands of a failed morality. When our society starts calling the rape of a child just sex, then we as a society are doomed to destruction at the hands of a failed morality. When the powers that be decide to protect the rights of pedophiles by slowly but surely convincing the public that it is only a sexual orientation and therefore a natural act, then we as a society  are doomed to destruction at the hands of a failed morality. When the powers at be, decide that the sexual preferences of a minority of individuals supersedes the rights of the majority of Americans, then we as a society are doomed to destruction at the hands of  a failed morality. Ravi Zacharias said it best when speaking of the progressive, modern man,
"He proclaims the gospel [bible], as the last hoorah of an antiquated outlook, to a generation who is intellectually unkept, morally unzipped and volitionally uncurbed. They reveal their sickness of soul by derogating terms like morality, piety, family, work, patriotism, born again, theology , evangelical and Christianity. They dismiss [the bible] as middle class hedonism, declaring it intellectually inadmissible while meanwhile, they espouse a life that neither reason nor conscious nor spirit can support or condone......"
Will we allow this progressive movement to slowly indoctrinate our youth into believing that morality is no longer necessary because our personal feelings and sexual desires must be gratified regardless of the price paid by others? Isn't it time for us to stop this madness?

Leigh Bravo -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Leigh Bravo works in the Hospitality and Marketing Industry.  Leigh considers herself a concerned citizen interested in reaching those people who may not be aware of the entire truth. Leigh is happily married and a mother of three looking towards a better future for her kids. Leigh also writes for thetrumpet.me
