
Glenn Beck and other Conservative Talkers and Bloggers Are Blamed For The Pittsburgh Shooting that Claimed The Lives of Three Police Officers

Pittsburgh Shooting Blamed On Conservatism

Douglas V. Gibbs image

By —— Bio and Archives April 7, 2009

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Some members of the Liberal Community have come to the conclusion that Conservative Bloggers and Radio Talkers caused the Pittsburgh shooting that claimed the lives of three police officers. Glenn Beck, in fact, is being directly blamed for this tragedy by The Daily KOS, and the Atlantic. Liberal talkers like Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, and the writing stylings of the Daily KOS, are proclaiming conservatives are inciting violence, and are to be fully blamed for the shootings in Pittsburgh. Of course, we must remember that these are the same kinds of folks that said "Conservatism" also caused Timothy McVeigh to set off the bomb, too.
Markos Moulitsas of the Daily KOS said on his Twitter account: "When we were out of power, we organized to win the next election. Conservatives, apparently, prefer to talk Revolution, and kill cops." This is a great example of how out of touch the Left really is. What initiated this conclusion by the Liberal Left was comments made to the press by friends of assailant Richard Poplawski as to why he might have carried out such a heinous act. According to Poplawski's best friend "Poplawski had feared the Obama gun ban that's on the way and didn't like our rights being infringed upon." Moulitsas sprang into action, concluding that "This appears to be an inevitable result of the bad economy, a conservative movement circling the drain, feeling betrayed, isolated, and defeated, and the rampant eliminationist talk from right-wing nutjobs on the radio and TV... it's important to see the aftermath of right-wing hysteria, because this is likely just the beginning. Unless the Becks (and Beck-wannabees) walk back from that ledge, they'll be to blame for more atrocities of this sort... eliminationists carry on, whipping their readers and listeners into a frenzy of panic and fear, and as a result, four little girls (and a young woman) don't have dads tonight. And I fear today was just the beginning." Note that they had no problem with whipping the public into a frenzy induced fear with their "Hate Bush" hysteria that proclaimed Bush was planning everything from martial law to segregation camps. Other leftwing writers came to a similar conclusion as Markos. Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic said this about the Pittsburgh shooting: "Many of us have worried that the heated, apocalyptic rhetoric of the anti-Obama forces might spill over at some point into violence in the hands of individuals prone to lashing out. We now have what seems to be a clear instance of that and three dead police officers. One wonders whether Fox News or the Second Amendment fanatics will chill it out a little. And then one realizes who we're talking about." Part of the reason for this liberal jump to ridiculous conclusions is that they don't understand what they hear when they listen to Conservatives speak. It reminds me of when a group of liberals got all up in arms when I stated that entitlement programs create an environment of dependency. The leftward pundits reacted by saying that it meant that I think "All poor people are lazy." Perhaps I am expecting too much sanity from people that don't understand the founding of this nation, the original intentions of the U.S. Constitution, or have any shred of common sense. The word "Revolution" to these Liberal lackies creates an automatic mental connection to the bloody portion of the American Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and any other armed revolution. So, since the word "Revolution" is being used by Conservatives, the Left assumes it means that Conservatives are proclaiming to the populace to grab their guns and start shooting anyone that disagrees with them politically. Of course, individual choice is completely forgotten in the equation, but that is of no surprise. After all, the Liberal Left does not recognize individuals, nor do they understand the context of what they are listening to. They see this nation as being populated by groups and races and affiliations. The word "individual" and "choice" never seems to pop into their minds. It is like trying to explain the love you have for your child when you see him or her for the first time after the child is born to a person who has never been a parent. Or it is like trying to make a person who has no interest in faith understand what it means to "know" Jesus - and that it is more than just "believing." I even remember during the Presidential campaigns how the Liberal Left got a hold of the idea that since Sarah Palin considered herself a Warrior for God in her Christian Faith that somehow that made her some religious radical that was ready to run out and begin shooting anyone that didn't practice the Christian Faith. The context of spiritual warfare, or the importance of prayer to a Christian, is never considered in such attacks, nor understood by the attackers. Notice, though, that these accusers are the same people who turn their eyes away and say nothing about it when Islamic Terrorists actually do begin killing people because they don't practice the Muslim Faith. The Left come to those conclusions because, like in this situation with the Pittsburgh killings, Liberals don't understand what they are seeing or hearing, and begin to make wild accusations and connections in an attempt to demonize their opponents. They don't realize the scope of their ignorance. Basically, they don't know what they don't know, but they sure think they have a handle on it. The first Americans came from an English environment where the government was structured around a king. The King had ultimate power, even to the point that he controlled how the people worshipped, demanding that they be members of the Church of England. The Colonists came to America to escape such tyranny. They came here primarily for religious freedom. When the Founding Fathers wrote the U.S. Constitution, which was originally intended to simply be an upgrade of the Articles of Confederation (but it wound up becoming something more), their intention was to set up the government of the United States in such a way that a strong central government could never become a tyrannical overlord over the people. However, realizing that human nature would eventually lead to such a possibility, they gave us the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is more than just providing us weapons for hunting, or protecting our personal property. The 2nd Amendment was indeed created so that the people may be armed in case America was invaded, so that a militia could be called up to defend the nation against foreign enemies. However, this same militia of Americans needed to be armed, also, in case a domestic enemy rose up. The Founding Fathers feared a tyrannical centralized government, and expected that someday We The People may need to rise up against a tyrannical government that is no longer for the people, and by the people. Some Americans believe that Obama's Administration is such an entity. However, our liberty is not completely gone. We still have the ability to vote, and the liberty to change the direction of this country through the means of voting, and legislation, should we choose to do so. This is why you are seeing the rise of the Tea Parties across the land. It is our way of being "Revolutionary" without resorting to the unwanted use of violence. And if you will notice, the Conservative Protests, like the Tea Parties, are peaceful, as opposed to the anti-war protests and anti-Bush protests we saw, which always saw their share of violence, and the destruction of property. Do I believe that Obama and gang would like to take my weapons away from me? Of course. There is plenty of evidence that supports that. I will not relinquish them easily, and the government has no right to take that kind of control over me. But do I condone the use of such weapons against human beings, including cops and government officials, because of that unrealized fear that the Left would like to take away my weapons? Of course not. The Pittsburgh shooter made individual choices. Conservative bloggers, Glenn Beck, or anyone else, did not place the weapon in the hand of the assailant, nor did we encourage him to take violence against anyone. And it bothers me that the liberal media jumped to the conclusions they did based on the comments of a couple of friends of the shooter. I thought the Left had an affinity for evidence, evidence beyond heresay. I guess I was wrong. Like when they all believed Sarah Palin was a book burner. It seems that the Left is willing to believe anything that supports the Liberal agenda, whether it is true or not. And if you don't like such a generalization, Liberals, then prove me wrong, and quit making such wild accusations like this idiotic thought that Conservatism made a shooter in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania kill cops. Oh, by the way, notice that the liberals that reported on this event left out the little details about the fact that Poplawski had recently been laid off from his job, and the guy got into a fight with his mother over a dog urinating in the house. Yet, somehow, they found a way to blame it all on Conservative talkers and bloggers. Another interesting tidbit is that Moulitsas of the Daily KOS is practically in the neighborhood of where the recent shootings in Oakland occurred, which claimed the lives of four Oakland police officers on March 21 by a lone gunman. NewsBusters reviewed Moulitsas's posts at Daily Kos, as well as from a Google search, and found that Markos never mentioned this shooting that happened practically in his regional backyard. According to NewsBusters, he also never tweeted about it on Twitter. Yet, three officers killed all the way on the other side of the country by someone who apparently was afraid he might lose his Second Amendment rights needed to be discussed to its fullest, and blamed on people that had no connection whatsoever to the individual. Talk about selective, agenda driven reporting. My advice to the group of Leftists that leaped to the conclusion that Conservative Bloggers and Talkers were to blame for the Pittsburgh shootings is this: Individuals can sometimes stupid things, and Poplawski was an unstable guy out of work that was kicked out of the United States Marine Corps for throwing a food tray at his drill sergeant. You Liberal Writers and Talkers call yourselves reasonable, yet you unreasonably, and irresponsibly, determined that this individual's actions, made by an individual deciding to shoot first, and think later, should be blamed on Conservative Bloggers and Talkers rather than on the man pulling the trigger. That, my friends, is the lowest you have sunk to yet.

Douglas V. Gibbs -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on “Hannity” and “Fox and Friends” on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks.  Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator.  Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.
