
Angry racist Al Sharpton... Go find some actual racism to fight, but try not to get anyone killed. We have no room for racists at our table

Racism Kills. Right, Al?

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By —— Bio and Archives December 31, 2014

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Let me start by explaining what racism means to me. To me, racism means treating or thinking of someone in a particular way, when, with all other things equal, you would treat or think of someone of a different race, well, differently.
To me, white people who go out of their way to prove they aren’t racist by fawning over a black person, or God forbid, voting for a black person, are in fact, racist. Same goes for black people. If a black person acts or thinks in a certain way toward a person than they would if that person were a different color, they are racist. To the left, it doesn't’t count as racism if it comes from black people to the detriment of white people, but any racism is evil, no matter who it comes from, or to whom it is directed. I wonder how many people, black or white, voted for Barack Obama twice, and would vote for him again if they could, when they wouldn't’ vote for a white person with the same views or record. (Or should I say, lack of record) Race should not be an issue with the way we deal with or think of people. It is, to me, simply a descriptive word referring to someone's appearance, along the lines of words like fat, skinny, tall, short, handsome, pretty, blonde, brunette, tiny or 'ginormus'. (Ginormus is a word, isn’t it?) We have been steadily making progress toward a color blind society. Mixed race marriages used to be scandalous. Now, it is common. The people offended by a mixed race marriage are at least less vocal about it.

Angry racist Al Sharpton

Jackie Robinson was credited for being the first black person to play baseball in the major leagues, even though some would argue that the honor belongs to William Edward White, Moses Fleetwood Walker, or Weldy Walker. Now, someone’s race has nothing to do with whether a person gets a sports contract. All the recruiters are looking for is the player who can help their team outperform the other teams. We are running out of “firsts”. First black person to win an Oscar for a leading role. First black person in space. First black to play in the NFL. Supreme Court. Olympic gold medal. Secretary of State. Surgeon General. Homeland Security. Playboy Playmate. Playmate of the year. (Or so I’m told. I wouldn't know first hand.) And now, first black President of the United States. All we need now is “The first black person to be the first black person to do a particular thing, and no one on the planet makes a big deal out of it." Then we will truly be a color blind nation. Why is it that we now seem to be going backwards in regard to being a color blind society? Two words. Al Sharpton. Make that four words. Angry racist Al Sharpton. Okay, he’s not the only racist race hustler spouting off, but he is the most prominent one at the moment. Question: How many times can a person be 100 percent wrong and maintain credibility in what he is consistently wrong about? Answer: If your name is Al Sharpton, apparently there is no limit.

1987: Tawana Brawley

In 1987, Tawana Brawley smeared feces in her hair, wrote racially inflammatory things on her body, ripped her clothes, and claimed that some white men raped and brutalized her. After a six month investigation, it turned out to be a hoax concocted by Brawley to deflect her stepfather’s anger for staying out late with her boyfriend. Al championed her every step of the way, and still believes the story. In public, anyway. He was successfully sued for defamation. His main proof that Brawley was telling the truth? When cornered by a question about this, his response was “I have Tawana’s words.” In Al’s world, black people are incapable of lying, and white people are incapable of telling the truth. If a white person had that attitude with the races reversed, he would be a racist. So I feel no shame in declaring Al a racist.

1991: Crown Heights, NY

In 1991, in Crown Heights, NY, a black child was killed in an accident. A white Hasidic Jew driving an ambulance was involved in an accident, and seven year old Gavin Cato was killed. He was a bystander. Collateral damage. He wasn’t targeted due to his race. But to listen to Angry Al, you would think so. He whipped up hate and racial discord, and egged on rioters. He called Jews “diamond merchants” and other inflammatory names. As a result of the riots, Yankel Rosenbaum was knifed and beaten to death for the crime of being a Jew, 152 police officers and 38 civilians were injured, 27 vehicles were destroyed, seven stores looted and/or burned, and 225 cases of robbery were done in the name of justice for Gavin. Way to go, Al. I sure am glad that couldn’t happen today. Aren’t you? (Sarcasm intended) A shooting two weeks later was apparently also inspired by the incident. Another notch on Al’s belt.

1995: United House of Prayer

In 1995, the United House of Prayer, a black Pentecostal Church, owned a retail property. The church asked their tenant, (Jewish, white Fred Harari), to evict a sub-tenant, a record store owned by a black man. Al declared “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that a white interloper can expand his business.” In December of 1995, Roland Smith made Al’s statement come true. He entered Harari’s store, shot several customers, and burned the place down. Seven store employees died from smoke inhalation. Al strikes again. Hey Al. Proud of yourself? Fast forward to more recent events...

Trayvon Martin

A white racist racially profiled harmless young Trayvon Martin for no other reason than the fact that he was black, called the cops, and kept following the harmless young man even after the police told him not to, and cold bloodedly shot Martin. That’s true. Just ask Al. What the jury heard was that a Hispanic, George Zimmerman, with no evidence of being racist, and plenty of evidence of not being racist, saw a suspicious person of indeterminate age and race looking in windows as he walked home from the store. He called the police, and when asked “Is he white, black, or Hispanic?”, Zimmerman replied, “I think he’s black” but you could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn’t sure of this. At some point, the police dispatcher advised Zimmerman about continuing to follow Martin by saying “We don’t need you to do that”. Zimmerman complied, and started walking back to his truck. Then he saw that Martin had doubled back, approached Zimmerman, and attacked. Using mixed martial arts techniques, Martin took Zimmerman to the ground, straddled him, and starting beating the crap out of him. Among other types of attacks, he was pounding Zimmermans head against the pavement. Cage fighters call this technique “ground and pound.” Zimmerman reached for his pistol, which had been holstered up to that point, and saved his own life by shooting Martin. Cops at the scene didn’t arrest him, because it was obvious what happened. A clear case of self defense. But political pressure, largely applied by Al, caused Zimmerman to be arrested, and millions of dollars were spent at trial to point out what the cops already knew. Hey Al, how many hungry mouths could the cost of that trial have fed? Even more recent...

Ferguson MO: Michael Brown

A racist cop in Ferguson MO, Officer Wilson, stopped two black guys for no probable cause, harassed them, and at one point, started shooting one of the two guys, Michael Brown, even though Brown had his hands up and was saying “Don’t shoot”. The racist cop kept firing, shooting Brown in the back, and continued to shoot him once he was on the ground. After all, that was the story told by a black person on the scene, even though it was contrary to what the officer said, and what the evidence at the scene indicated. And, as Al will tell you, black people can’t lie, and white people can’t tell the truth. (By the way, that story teller had been convicted of lying to the police in a prior incident. I guess the police lied about that too) Al still believes that version, and so do many of the people who inexplicably still pay attention to him. What the grand jury heard was that Officer Wilson saw two guys walking in the middle of the road, and asked them to move to the sidewalk. They didn’t, but Wilson drove off, not wanting to hassle the guys for something that minor. But then he realized that the two guys matched the description of two guys who had just held up a store. Wilson went back, and Brown reached into the car, rocked Wilson’s world with punches to each side of his face, and tried to get Wilson’s gun. After warning Brown to stop fighting or he would shoot, Wilson fired twice. Brown started to run, and Wilson gave chase. Brown turned and came at the cop. The cop started shooting again. Brown stopped, and Wilson stopped shooting. Then Brown gathered himself, put his head down, and charged the officer, who resumed shooting. This was backed up by sixty witnesses, many of them black, three autopsies, and every bit of forensic evidence at the scene. Race had nothing to do with it.

New York: Eric Garner,

Shortly thereafter, racist cops unfairly put a chokehold on Eric Garner, and choked him to death. That’s the Al version. The real facts are this. The highest ranking black official in the NYPD implemented a policy of cracking down on people selling untaxed cigarettes. A black merchant called the police to complain that someone was selling “loosies” in front of his store, and was hurting his business. Some cops responded, and saw that the offender was a 350 pound man that had been arrested 31 times. A black sergeant on the scene (but out of range of the cell phone camera) gave the order to arrest Garner. Garner resisted, slapping the officer’s hands away. Seeing that Garner was getting agitated, and knowing that an agitated 350 pound person surrounded by people and plate glass windows could very easily lead to someone being injured or killed, the black sergeant gave the nod to arrest Garner. Let me digress for a moment and define a chokehold. A chokehold involves hooking one arm around someone's neck, while reaching around the other side of the neck with the other arm, grasping the first arm, often by the wrist, and applying pressure. Both arms around the neck. Got it? Good. Having said that, the cop put one arm against the side of Garner’s neck, while putting his other arm under Garner’s armpit and reached up to his shoulder. In other words, not a chokehold. This technique, used on a normal sized man, with a twisting motion, pulling on the shoulder while pushing on the side of the head, would have allowed the officer to spiral Garner safely down to the ground where he could be cuffed. In this case, it went wrong. Garner started struggling, shifting sideways by about six feet, and putting bystanders in danger. Cops are always aware of the presence of plate glass windows, and the deadly danger they pose if someone is knocked through one. There was a lot of plate glass around. The officer hung on for dear life. His and others. At some point, he may or may not have put his arm against Garner’s windpipe, but if he did, it was because of Garner’s struggling and twisting. But it wasn’t deliberate, and wouldn’t have any adverse effects on 99.999999 percent of the population. Even if they had breathing problems. But, the struggle, combined with Garner’s state of agitation, combined with all of his various health problems, combined with being too heavy to breathe when laying on his chest and stomach, caused him to die an hour later.

“I can’t breathe”

What about “I can’t breathe”? Walk in a cops shoes for a while. Arrest a few people. Some submit willingly. Some resist. The ones that resist, once subdued and cuffed, say things like “Careful, I’m pregnant”, or “I’ve had back surgery”, or “I have aids” or “I can’t see” or “I don’t speak English”, or... “I can’t breathe”. Cops hear that ten times a week. And if they complied by loosening cuffs, or otherwise giving the resistor a break, they end with an escaped suspect, or a suspect who grabs the officer's gun and shoots him with it. But it wasn’t a choke hold, and it had nothing to do with race. And now Al can add two more murders to the list of people who have died because of his over the top hate rhetoric. Two cops, gunned down for the crime of being blue. Al didn’t pull the trigger, but he was certainly a part of the inspiration for the murders. The President didn’t help. Not wanting to offend democrats, he refrained from saying what a leader would have said. A leader would have said something like “Racism is terrible. Police brutality is terrible. Both things exist. But these cases were neither racism or brutality. A case of a man physically capable of killing a normal sized man tried to harm or kill a cop who defended his own life, and a case of man committing a crime, then resisting arrest, and engaging in an unnecessary struggle that his health was unable to withstand.” He should have finished off his remarks with: “So shut up, Al. Go find some actual racism to fight, but try not to get anyone killed. Oh, and consider your pass to the Whitehouse revoked. We have no room for racists at our table.” That’s the way I see it.

Neill Arnhart -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Neill Arnhart lives in Southern Indiana with his wife, step daughter, two dachshunds named Ricky and Lucy, an Australian Cattle dog named Indiana (Indy for short) an inside cat named Elphaba, and about a dozen barn cats.  Aside from living in the US, he has lived on the island of Trinidad, and in Venezuela, back when it was nice place.

When not rousing the rabble with sarcastic essay’s, he hides behind the secret identity of a mild mannered insurance agent, specializing in Medicare, and other matters concerning senior citizens.
