
Today, without any further delay, conservatives must renew our mutual pledge to one another, to include our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor

Reaching Beyond The Echo Chamber

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By —— Bio and Archives May 23, 2013

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With unrelenting determination, we should help fellow citizens understand why the concept of “one nation under God” is essential to preserving America. At an ever accelerating pace, we are tolerating one set of rules for “ordinary” citizens and a separate set of rules for “elite officials” intent on lording over the ordinary. If allowed to continue, these double standards will be the demise of our republic. America is based on a total rejection of the British caste system that respected heredity and rewarded royalty.
The old adage that it’s impolite to discuss religion or politics in public is a damnable lie. Our nation’s very future depends on our civic outreach and our ability to talk, engage and educate those with whom history and truth is absent. We are all teachers now. Conservatives should purposefully initiate political conversations by courageously engaging with those whom we disagree. The purpose of these conversations shouldn’t be to win an argument, but to find honest, common ground. For us to be effective, we must speak without malice or sarcasm, no matter how difficult it might be to bite our tongues. Being argumentative or disrespectful is totally counter-productive. Daily, we should tutor the poorly educated, being sensitive to the fact that millions around us are misinformed victims of academia, media and politicians. Yes, the discussion topics I recommend do involve issues specific to Barack Obama. And no, these discussions are not designed to inflame tempers or rally public support for Barack Obama’s impeachment. The five discussion topics below use current events to highlight extreme cases of societal double standards. To the extent we can help people understand how double standards endanger our personal liberty, economic freedom, free speech and property rights, the sooner they will understand and embrace constitutional conservatism.
We must remain ever mindful that the America we inherited, and the America we hope to pass to our children and grandchildren, requires the preservation of truth. We must freely and generously share the proverbial salt if we hope to preserve the actual truth upon which our shining city rests.

On Associations

A – The media instructed voters in 2007-2008 that Barack Obama’s personal and professional relationships with a known terrorist (Bill Ayers), a Palestinian activist (Rashid Khalidi), a known communist mentor (Frank Marshall Davis) and a black liberation pastor (Jeremiah Wright) were meaningless and irrelevant for the purposes of drawing any conclusions regarding his character or suitability to serve as President. B – In 2010, the IRS began profiling conservative, limited government, pro-life and pro-Constitution individuals and groups, examining their relationships with donors, members and elected officials, their personal thoughts, political views, books they read, Facebook and Twitter posts and even the content of their private prayers. Q 1 – Why should examining relationships be irrelevant when voters are forming judgements about a liberal President, but relevant when the IRS is examining relationships of conservative voters? Using the unlimited police powers of the IRS to examine, audit, intimidate and inflict financial ruin only on voters out of favor with the ruling majority is a form of tyranny.

On Impeachment

A – Republican President Richard Nixon was widely deemed worthy of impeachment for his actions that primarily involved “Republican Party vs. Democrat Party” political misdeeds. B – Today, evidence has surfaced that the Treasury Department, IRS, EPA, Department of Justice and others have targeted, audited, harassed and intimidated more than 500 groups and thousands of innocent citizens, merely for the content of their political thoughts and personal beliefs. These powerful federal agencies that have abused and terrorized innocent citizens directly reported to the executive office of the President of the United States of America. Q 2 – Should Democrat President Barack Obama be widely deemed worthy of impeachment, just as the media and the Democrat party demanded of Richard Nixon?

On Competence

A – We are being told that since 2010, Barack Obama knew nothing about his IRS profiling and targeting conservatives, Christians and Jewish groups. We are told Attorney General Eric Holder knew nothing about his DOJ wiretapping the Associated Press for sixty days, or the electronic surveillance and criminal conspiracy allegation against Fox News’ top Washington correspondent, James Rosen, simply for doing his job. We are told Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was unaware of the multiple requests for additional security prior to the September 11, 2012, Benghazi terror attacks. We now have testimonial evidence that Hillary’s statements before the Senate that she did everything possible to respond to urgent cries for help while the Benghazi battle was raging, was totally false. B – Our national media micro-analyzed every aspect of George W. Bush’s gestures, words and movements for the 72 consecutive hours immediately following the September 11, 2001, terror attacks on New York City, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania. The media’s appetite for analyzing of every word Bush uttered was virtually n Q 3 – Why do Americans still have no idea exactly where Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were during the seven hours our nation was under terrorist attack? Why are we being told this question is “irrelevant.” Why is the majority of our media accepting Obama’s and Clinton’s every word at face value?

On Priorities

A – Our government ignored desperate pleas for military help after receiving multiple “2:00 am calls” from two decorated Navy Seals in Benghazi, Libya. Both Seals were murdered by al Qaeda terrorists soon after their calls went unanswered. In fact, the White House actually took the exact opposite of what the Benghazi Seals requested; we now have direct testimony that two official “Stand Down” orders were issued, prohibiting all military assistance for our Benghazi heroes. B – Within hours of a below average, aging NBA player publicly announcing his homosexuality, Barack Obama found time to issue an official press release and place a personal phone call congratulating Jason Collins for his courage. Q 4 – Who decided to deny urgent calls for help from courageous Benghazi Seals under attack, but prioritized making personal calls and statements about a NBA athlete publicly declaring his homosexuality?

On Trust

A – Only conservatives that requested 501(c)4 tax exempt status were personally visited, sometimes within hours, by multiple federal agencies, ranging from the IRS, to Homeland Security, the Secret Service, the EPA and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). B – We are being asked to believe that very different government agencies, each reporting directly to the Executive Office of the President, took swift, independent action against conservatives, purely by coincidence, and without any executive level coordination. We are being told only low-level civil servants acting independently, with no inter-Agency coordination or direction, and without any White House knowledge, in the midst of a heated presidential campaign. With 100 percent of the “mistakes” accruing to the benefit of Democrats. Q 5 – Nothing to see here, folks? The essence of the Democrat party’s response to recent, high profile cases of double standards is this; “If only Republicans would simply focus on helping Obama enact his fundamental transformation, we could put these silly, partisan questions behind us!” If we accept these criminal abuses of power without full investigation and independent prosecution, we will have so emboldened federal bureaucrats with a level of power and hubris that our great republic may not survive. Today, without any further delay, conservatives must renew our mutual pledge to one another, to include our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. We must leave our personal comfort zones, engage with our political opposites and get belly to belly, nose to eye, neighbor to neighbor. Let’s lose our egos and leave our echo chambers. We have a country to save.

Rob Cunningham -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Rob is a writer, filmmaker, small business owner, constitutional activist and blogger at RobCunninghamUSA.com. He’s co-founder of a leadership and training company with his wife, previously worked as a investment banker and mortgage industry consultant, flew as a Delta Air Lines pilot and served seven years in the USAF, including 33 combat missions during the 1991 Gulf War. He holds a degree in management information systems from the University of Georgia. You can follow him on Twitter @Rob_Cunningham.
