
Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlewaite, Barefoot and Pregnant: The Supreme Court and the War on Women, Hobby Lobby, Supreme Court, ObamaCare

Rev. Dr. Thistlethwaite, You Should Be Smarter than This!

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By —— Bio and Archives July 18, 2014

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My primary goal today is to save the Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite from herself and from the tyranny of socialism. You may not have heard of the Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite; I'll introduce you to her shortly.
First, a short primer on socialism. Here's how it works:
  1. Take something the government has no business meddling in.
  2. Have the government declare it a "human right"and offer it free to people.
  3. Watch people go bat guano crazy when anybody complains about this or tries to fix it.
Let's look at a hypothetical: automobiles. Cars have, from the time of their first use by the American people, been a personal, private choice. If I want a car, I buy one. If I don't want a car, I don't buy one. If I can't afford a car but I would like one, I save up my money until I can afford one. If I decide that I want a car, I decide for myself which car to buy--make, model, features, new vs. used, etc. It's my car, and my choice. Now let's say that tomorrow the government decides that owning a car is a fundamental human right, and all employers with at least 50 full-time employees must furnish their employees with cars. For the rest of society, the government will use tax dollars to make sure they get cars.
One part of society--this would be the part I belong to--would say, "Why the hell is the government getting involved in car ownership? I'll make this choice for myself, thank you very much, and as a capable, independent individual, I'll decide the make, model, and features I want, and I'll pay for my own car. (See, that's how FREE people think. That's how grown-ups think.) But there is another part of society--a large and growing part of society--that will rejoice at getting a free car at their employer's or the taxpayer's expense. And not only will they rejoice at this unexpected bounty, they will immediately buy into the idea that it is their RIGHT to have a car--and to have someone else pay for it--and they will label anybody who disagrees with this as an evil, mean-spirited, fascist who is waging a war on car-owners. It's amazing how many people can't see how illogical this is. Even reverend doctors, brainwashed in modern socialist thinking, don't get it. Remember way back in 2008 when, during one of the presidential debates, the moderator asked if health care was a right? Candidate Obama claimed that it was and that government needed to provide it to people. Candidate McCain gave some lame answer that didn't do anything to make those people who agreed with Obama wake up. I found myself screaming at the TV, calling McCain every bad name I could think of, because he was too wimpy or too stupid to give the answer that needed to be given. What he SHOULD have said was this: "Health care is a right in this country RIGHT NOW. A right is not something the government gives you. It's something the government cannot take away from you. For example, we have a right to own firearms. The government doesn't buy me a firearm to make sure I'm taking advantage of this right. The government simply can't stop me from exercising my choice to own one if I want to. The same is true for the right of free speech or a free press. The government doesn't buy me a newspaper or force the local paper to give me my own column so that I can exercise this right. But if I should write a column for the local newspaper, the government can't block me from doing so or censor my words. The same is true for health care. Right now (in 2008), people have the RIGHT to handle their health care needs as they choose. They can buy health insurance if they want, and if they choose to buy, they can choose the health plan they want. Now, they might not be able to afford the health plan they would really like. Well, I might not be able to afford the firearm I'd really like. In that case, I choose a cheaper firearm, or I improve my financial situation until I can afford the one I want. Those who can't afford the health care plan they want can do the same. That's how a free society works. But once the government decides that a right is something it should provide you, you have lost that right. If the government is paying for health care, the government gets to decide what health care you get. And if the government is going to provide health care, then the government gets to decide who must have it. Now it is no longer your choice; it is the government's choice. That is the very antithesis of rights as we know them in our country. Of course, the passage and implementation of ObamaCare has proven this to be true. We no longer have the choice to buy health insurance or not. We're forced to do so, under penalty of law. And we can't have whatever policy we want. We must have a policy selected by some governing board that knows nothing about us or our needs. You would think that people of intelligence would see that as the scam it is. You would think that people would see through this cleverly concealed power grab by the government and fight for their liberties. You would think that Americans would follow Alexander Hamilton's advice: "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel." But you would be wrong, because that second group I mentioned earlier is getting larger and dumber as we speak.

Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlewaite: Barefoot and Pregnant: The Supreme Court and the War on Women

Look how people have bought into this idea that a right is something the government gives you, rather than something the government must keep its hands off. This is where the Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlewaite comes in. The good reverend recently wrote an article titled, "Barefoot and Pregnant: The Supreme Court and the War on Women." In this article she actually wrote this in response to the Supreme Court's recent Hobby Lobby decision: How dare the Supreme Court potentially insert my employer into that issue or many other health care issues women face in terms of reproduction? Dear reader, do you see how sadly deluded the Rev. Dr. Thistlewaite is? Do you see the result of years of socialist indoctrination and how it degrades the logic of even the highly educated? I really pity the good reverend doctor; despite all of her years of schooling and study, her indoctrination has blinded her to the fact that she is being scammed by those who want to exercise tyrannical authority over her. In one sense, she's right: her employer shouldn't be inserted into her health care decisions. In fact, NOBODY should have a say in her health care decisions but her, and those she chooses to listen to. As McCain should have said in 2008, health care, being a right, should be her decision. But that means that, as with a car purchase, it should not only be her decision what options she chooses, but which she can afford to choose. If she's paying, she gets to choose. Why was her employer inserted into this decision, then? Did her employer knock on her door one day, ask, "Hey, what birth control measures are you using? If we don't approve of them, we're going to take them away from you." Or is that what the Supreme Court did? Did Justice Alito decide on a whim that employers should be making health care decisions for people? Of course not. Her employer was inserted into this decision BY OBAMACARE! When the health care law required her employer to pay for these health care issues, her employer was of necessity inserted into them. Isn't a person by default involved in something when he or she has to pay for it? Let's go back to the car analogy again. Maybe even a reverend doctor can understand this: if you bought your child a car, and were covering all the costs of that car, including monthly payments and maintenance, would you simply walk away and not pay attention to how it was driven or how it was maintained? Of course not! When it's our money going into something, we are of necessity involved in that thing. Do you really think that when you force a person or business to pay for something, you don't automatically make them involved in that thing? How ludicrous is that? How much more illogical can you be? So Barack Obama forced her employer--and all employers who fell under the ObamaCare mandate, including Hobby Lobby--to be involved in this. In fact, if Hobby Lobby was not involved, the courts would have found that they had no standing to bring suit. In fact, we can take this a step further. Instead of being angry at the Supreme Court or the vast, right-wing conspiracy that is waging a war on women, she should have written this article to express anger at Barack Obama and ObamaCare for forcing her employer to be involved with her health care decisions. Now THAT argument would be logical! But do you see what the Rev. Dr. Thistlewaite is really saying? (And here is the most frightening part.) She is more than happy to have her employer inserted into her health care issues, so long as that insertion only involves her employer coughing up the money to pay for things. Once it goes beyond that, she is filled with righteous indignation. Could you be more selfish? If the good doctor really wanted freedom from intrusion from anybody else (the government, her insurance company, her employer), then she should take full responsibility for her health care decisions--including the costs related to them. How pathetic is it when we see these things as a right that someone else owes us? That sounds more like a 15-year-old child speaking than someone with a doctoral degree. I'm hoping for the best for the reverend doctor. I'm hoping that somehow she will be able to emerge from this fog of socialist brainwashing and regain her common sense. She's obviously well educated. Maybe, one day in the future, I'll be able to say, "and she's pretty smart, too."

Mike Jensen -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Mike Jensen is a freelance writer living in Colorado.  He received his M.A. in Professional Writing from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, where he wrote his first book, Alaska’s Wilderness Highway.  He has since published Skier’s Guide to Utah along with humor, travel, and political articles for various magazines and newspapers.  He is married with five sons, and spends his free time at a remote cabin in the Colorado Rockies.
