
Truly, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. What we have to gain is beyond price, not just for ourselves, but for generations to come

Saving Donald Trump

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By —— Bio and Archives November 15, 2023

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The movie "Saving Private Ryan" was all about loyalty, and honor, and leaving no comrade in arms behind. The team that set out on the rescue risked everything in that effort. Today, we have another person who needs us to step up.

Donald Trump, an otherwise ordinary citizen, not a career politician, stepped up in 2016 to take on the task of restoring this country and all its citizens to the example of freedom, prosperity, and honor that it had exemplified for most of its history. Decades of a self-serving bureaucracy, endless foreign wars, an ever larger government intrusion into daily life, digressions into bad economic policies, and numerous encroachments on liberty had put America on a path of decline. A previous administration's efforts to increase the power of a central government, coupled with another's work to transform the nation into a socialist state had wreaked huge damage on the America of even a few years prior.

Entrenched denizens of the Deep State swamp didn't like Trump's encroachments on what they saw as their legitimate positions

It was into this time that Donald Trump stepped forth. In just a few short years, his policies led to a period of economic growth unseen for over forty years. America was prospering, with energy independence, no new foreign wars, and even a peaceful solution to a Middle East situation that had eluded diplomats for years. Bureaucratic red tape was cut. A Constitutional government was being restored. A typical New Yorker, brash, abrupt, and outspoken, but also someone accustomed to getting things done, many found him somewhat less than presidential in demeanor, but nonetheless liked what he was accomplishing.

Too many, however, saw their power and status under threat from this upstart outsider. Entrenched denizens of the Deep State swamp didn't like his encroachments on what they saw as their legitimate positions. Third and even fourth generations of bureaucrats, like hereditary aristocrats of Europe, felt entitled to the power of their positions. Contemptuous of all those "common" people of the midlands who hadn't gone to the right schools, and who actually did useful things instead of pursuing more status and power, these aristocrat wannabes set about to undermine and thwart a legitimate President's efforts.

One of President Trump's greatest sins in the eyes of the Elite was that he considered all us peasants equal to the elites. How dare he be so egalitarian! What value is being superior if there is no-one to be superior to, and no one to bow and scrape to your magnificence?! Therein lies the problem.

Elites were able to twist and distort his call for help to appear to be a call to overthrow the government

Our Declaration of Independence begins: " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--". Donald Trump, and all us miserable riff-raff had the temerity to actually believe that drivel! How unscientific! How plebeian! It has been well established by scientific science that even though all animals are created equal, some animals are more equal than others.

It was bad enough that the Elites had to put up with him for four years. He could not be permitted to be re-elected. If that were to happen, the damage to their structures and authority could be catastrophic. The Elites might actually lose control of all the peons as they became prosperous again. All that prosperity leads to freedom so the economy had to be destroyed to make people insecure and dependent on central authority. While the goal was enslavement of the people, Donald Trump stood in the way.

He saw the preparations being made to rig the 2020 election, and called out for help to ensure that our Republic would survive. Too many at the time did not believe, and the mechanisms for election manipulation were too well set. A convenient "pandemic" cemented the preparations to "fortify" the election and ensure that Trump would not be allowed to be elected. It was necessary to show all those uppity citizens where the real power lay.

In fact, the Elites were able to twist and distort his call for help to appear to be a call to overthrow the government - a call to insurrection. Instead of a call for investigation of the wrongdoing that was the real usurpation of power, the Elites and their complicit media friends characterized any questioning of obviously questionable election results as an attempt to overturn a "legitimate" election. Anyone who questioned the results was painted as a far-right domestic terrorist seeking to overthrow the government and replace it with a totalitarian Christian theocracy that would subjugate women and kill gays. Such, at least, were the fantasies of the Left.

FBI, the Deep State enforcement arm, was used to hunt down J6 participants to strike fear into the hearts of any who would protest

It was necessary to hunt down and make an example of those who visibly supported Trump's efforts to expose fraud and obtain a fair and accurate accounting of the will of the people. The Elite Left knew that they had to maintain the illusion that their plans and powers were what the People wanted. Thus it was essential that anyone who questioned them must be intimidated to silence. Those daring to question must be persecuted and punished in order to deter others.

Hence the FBI, the Deep State enforcement arm, was used to hunt down J6 participants to strike fear into the hearts of any who would protest. Murderers, thieves, destroyers of public property could be ignored as they did not represent a threat to Elite power. Those who supported Trump and honest elections, on the other hand, were too dangerous to the "proper order" to be allowed to go unpunished and must be made to serve as an example for anyone who would question the authority of the Elite.

This fear of Donald Trump and those who support American ideals of liberty, justice, and opportunity for all, has only grown stronger as they see their control slipping from their grasp. As for all such throughout history, as the formerly powerful see their power waning, they become more desperate.

The current attacks on Donald Trump, with bogus lawsuits and false accusations that he encouraged and promoted insurrection, are but last ditch efforts to prevent the will of the people from expression. The idea is that if they can remove Donald Trump, all this popular effort to restore America will dissipate, and business can return to usual. 

Donald has stood in the breach for us. He has defended us, fought for us, and now needs our help. Loyalty demands our assistance, honor requires our efforts.

The people will be docile, quiet, and quit trying to tell their betters what to do. The sheep will continue to be shorn and slaughtered according to the rightful order of things. All that is needed is to eliminate Donald Trump.

So now we come back to Private Ryan and Donald Trump. Donald has stood in the breach for us. He has defended us, fought for us, and now needs our help. Loyalty demands our assistance, honor requires our efforts.

The Elite Left has stacked charges against him to ensure that at least one of the charges will be upheld—cynically knowing that there will always be some who believe that multiple charges must mean that the defendant is guilty of something, even if it is not clear what. Corrupt judges have permitted these perversions of justice to continue. Corrupt prosecutors have brought false charges to levy against not only Donald Trump, but anyone who might be a threat.

The Left has even attempted to remove Donald Trump from the ballot as a way of ensuring that we the People have no way to express our rightful choice. Let there be no mistake. All the actions taken against Donald Trump are really only attempts to maintain control over us by silencing our voices and those who would speak for us.

The preparations for manipulation of the 2024 election are ongoing now. The Left knows it cannot afford a repeat of 2016 and must ensure that only their choices, not ours, are allowed. If we wish to remain a free people, we cannot allow them to prevail.

We must also remove all the laws and regulations that have been put in place to facilitate election fraud

We are far from powerless. If the Left wants to remove our candidate from the ballot, let us return the favor and use the same methods to remove their candidates from the ballots. It is said that we should treat others as we wish to be treated. The Left has shown us how they wish to be treated by how they treat us. Let us accommodate them. Let no candidate of the Left appear on any ballot of any state. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

We must also remove all the laws and regulations that have been put in place to facilitate election fraud. Mail-in voting, long recognized worldwide as one of the most effective tools for election fraud, must be eliminated. Ballot drop boxes, another tool to introduce fraudulent ballots into counts must also be eliminated. Dirty voter rolls can be made impotent by returning to single day, in-person voting with photo ID. Yes, this is voter suppression - it is suppression of illegal voters and supportive of legal voting.

Many of these fraud promoting elements have been written into laws and regulations, but they can be removed by the same way they were emplaced. We need to call, email, speak at hearings, and make our voices heard, not once or twice, but daily until our so-called representatives hear and obey.

This is our country and our government, not theirs. They are our representatives, not, unlike some would have us believe, our rulers. Let their attempts to intimidate and control us merely confirm our power and strengthen our resolve. Let righteous anger support our drive for fairness and honesty in our government. Truly, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. What we have to gain is beyond price, not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.

David Robb -- Bio and Archives | Comments