
Johnny MacRino and Marco

The Death of a Political Career

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By —— Bio and Archives June 11, 2013

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What's the quickest way to lose the confidence of the grassroots patriots that were a driving force in your election to the United States Senate? You align yourself with the biggest Progressive RINO in said Senate, Johnny MacRINO. It apparently escaped the notice of Sen. Rubio and his chief advisers, that the activists supporting him have long been outspokenly critical of Sen. McCain.
Having expressed my feelings, both vocally and in writing, to Sen. Rubio's staff on numerous occasions, one would think someone in the Senator's camp would have taken notice. Perhaps before choosing his mentor in the Senate, Marco Rubio may have missed this from a town hall meeting in Minnesota during the 2008 Presidential campaign. A question and answer taken from this gathering goes as follows: Q: My wife and I are expecting our first child, in April 2nd, next year. And frankly, we're scared. We're scared of an Obama presidency... John McCain: First of all, I want to be President of the United States and obviously, I don't want Senator Obama to be. But, I have to tell you, he is a decent person, and a person that you do not have to be scared as President of the United States.
Excuse me, Sen. McCain, "he's a decent person and we don't have to be scared of him as President?" I, for one, admit I have grown more terrified daily. This quote from Johnny Mac in a 1997 speech to Ohio Wesleyan University sums up the good Senator quite nicely, "Although human beings often attempt self-delusion, we cannot forever hide the truth about ourselves from ourselves. It will make itself known to us by means of our conscience despite our most strenuous effort to suppress it." You're right, Senator, you cannot forever hide the truth about yourself. So, Senator Rubio, are you seeing where this is going? How has your parroting of Johnny Mac damaged what could have been a promising political career? Let me count the ways. First up, we'll address the amnesty bill, that according to your talking points isn't really amnesty. To swallow that would require all Americans be part of Obama's "low information voter" contingent. Sen. McCain has been a proponent of amnesty, except when he's campaigning, for many years. In touting the new amnesty bill, Sen. MacRino paid homage to his good buddy, former Sen. Ted "I didn't know she couldn't swim" Kennedy, as follows; "If we do succeed, and I think we will, it will be a testimonial to Ted Kennedy's effort years ago that laid the groundwork for this agreement. You will find that this agreement has very little difference from that of the legislation that was led by Sen. Kennedy some years go." I can't begin to tell you, Sen. Rubio, how proud I am that the man I worked tirelessly for, is helping to fulfill Ted Kennedy's dream. You campaigned as a proponent of limited government, but now you help write legislation expanding the scope and power of government. The job of government is to protect our borders and our sovereignty, not countenance an alien invasion. I suggest you go back and read this line from your State of the Union rebuttal speech, "But government’s role is wisely limited by the Constitution. And it can’t play its essential role when it ignores those limits". Were you simply paying lip service to the Constitution? Might I suggest you actually read said document? I also call your attention to the oath of office you took upon entering the Senate; “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.” Please explain to me how your promoting the illegal alien invasion into my country upholds the Constitution. Seems to me you truly believe you and your fellow gang members are empowered to subvert the Constitution and the rule of law. It comes as no surprise a recent poll showed your support among grassroots conservatives plummeting. I'm betting it will plummet further as your Univision interview admitting legalization comes before border security becomes widely known. Rest assured I am circulating it far and wide. Here is an English translation of Rubio’s remarks. Johnny Mac has steered you wrong, Senator. This massive amnesty bill has ensured your legacy will be characterized by this Youtube video, Marco Rubio: The Amnesty Man. Well done, Sen. Rubio. We're proud of you back home. Next up, let's examine the attack on five conservative House members who had the courage to question the Muslim influence in the Obama White House. The primary target of the smear campaign was Rep. Michelle Bachmann. And what was her mistake? She challenged Johnny Mac's good friends, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin. She was immediately castigated for having the spine, so sadly lacking in many of her male counterparts, to stand up and question the possible existence of Muslim extremists infiltrating our government. Sen. McCain took to the Senate floor and proclaimed, "These attacks have no logic, no basis and no merit, and they need to stop. When anyone, not least a member of Congress, launches specious and degrading attacks against fellow Americans on the basis of nothing more than fear of who they are and ignorance of what they stand for, it defames the spirit of our nation, and we all grow poorer because of it". At this point I would like to remind everyone that the erstwhile Senator has openly referred to the Tea Party as "hobbits" and the Congressmen actually standing up for the American people, Senators Cruz, Paul and Lee, and Representative Justin Amash as "WackoBirds". Not to be outdone, Senator Rubio, the talking McCain sock puppet, came out parroting his guiding light with his own condemnation of Michelle Bachmann stating he disagreed with her "baseless call to investigate" Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the U.S. Government. Just what expertise has empowered you to determine the call to investigate was baseless, Senator? There are many articles and much proof substantiating not only Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, not to mention the other Muslim extremists that permeate the Obama Administration. One can only assume a pat on the head from Johnny Mac outweighs taking the time to actually research an issue. Now Sen. McCain is calling for arming the rebels in Syria. That's always worked out well for us, so what could possibly go wrong? Johnny Mac recently traveled to Syria to gather information proving what good guys these "freedom fighters" are. As usual, McCain made us all proud when he was photographed with an infamous terrorist that was involved in the abduction of a group of Lebanese pilgrims. Of course, once the photo was made public, Senator McCain's staff said he was unaware of the individuals he was meeting with. They truly do believe we're all imbeciles. Somehow I must have missed Senator Rubio's statement regarding this. And then comes Florida's favorite son with his call to arm the Syrian rebels. Senator Rubio stated there are plenty of weapons in Syria, but we should provide them with ammunition so they don't feel abandoned by the west. He attempted to justify this by saying ammunition is not weapons per se, but is essential to the weaponry. Well, duh, ammunition is essential to the weapons of Americans also, Senator, but you propose to give ours to the Syrians. In case you haven't noticed we are experiencing higher prices and a shortage of ammunition. I'm part of the west and right about now I'm feeling pretty abandoned by you. As for their being plenty of arms in Syria, try looking into the gunrunning that led to Benghazi, or is the silence on this issue coming from you and Senator MacRINO an indication that you knew about it from the beginning? Now, Senator Rubio, let's discuss your recent statement on the NSA spying on American citizens, "The threat that we face -- largely radical, political Islamists -- is probably a threat that is going to exist for the rest of our lifetimes. It's just the reality. We have to deal with it. The world changed after 9/11, and it changed after Boston. It's just a struggle to try to balance our deeply held convictions of privacy and freedoms and liberties with our need to provide for national security." No, Senator, we don't have to deal with it. This is America, not some tyrannical third world country. I remind you of this quote from Benjamin Franklin, ”People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.” You may be quite comfortable becoming a willing subject of the government, but most Americans are not. Remember that pesky little NDAA bill you told us was for our own protection and not to worry about? Could it be that bill combined with the spying by the NSA is what led to Patriot Groups being placed on the Army's List of Domestic Hate Groups? What about the IRS Gestapo targeting conservative groups? From where I'm sitting it looks like you and Johnny Mac helped put a target on our backs. I would also like to talk to you about your continual votes in favor of sugar subsidies. I'm sure it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that one of your largest campaign donors just happens to be Flo-Sun, Inc., who just happen to own Domino and Florida Crystals. Please say Hey to the Fanjul family for me and tell them they're welcome for all the taxpayer subsidies they have received over the years. I recently received an email from you, Senator Rubio, asking for money. I note the irony in the name of your PAC, "Reclaim America". Your statements in the email. "The scandals of the IRS, Benghazi and the Department of Justice have all proven how deceitful big government can be" and "This month has been a terrible one for those of us who believe in the Constitution, free speech and transparency in government" are certainly true. I simply find it insulting that you espouse them as if you believe them and, far worse, you would think I believe you. As found on a common sense definition website:
CYNIC: Somebody who has been around long enough to have seen it all before, and thus is not buying it this time. Senator, color me a cynic! Sorry I missed the deadline to donate, Senator Rubio, but my money won't be coming your way. I need it to buy ammunition before you give it all to the Jihadists in Syria.

Paula Helton -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Editor’s Note: Paula Helton Passed away on December 27, 2014.  She will be greatly missed
Paula Helton A Great Patriot.
