
People who are fed up with Washington DC elitism, the vulgar waste of the peoples resources, and the 24/7 assault on individual freedom and liberty

The Real 2010 Massachusetts Message?

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By —— Bio and Archives January 26, 2010

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imageIn the days following the Tea Party victory and the overturning of a long time Democrat held senate seat, in the bluest voting district in America if you can imagine, I received several calls from radio shows asking for my take on “the message behind the Massachusetts miracle…” I see only two important messages worth mentioning…
  • Anyone wondering what power the people have, should wonder no more
  • No incumbent is safe…
Republican Party elites think it was a Republican success. It wasn’t… Democrats think it was another rebuke of old Bush policies not yet remedied by the Obama administration. It wasn’t… Independents think it was a sign that now is the time to build a third party. It wasn’t… Tea Party and 912 groups are wrestling for credit, when in fact - the outcome of the election was the net sum result of all of their efforts combined. No one group could have done it alone. Politicos from the extreme left to the extreme right and all points in between are scratching their heads trying to figure out how to build upon what happened in Massachusetts. But their efforts to make partisan gains from the demise of the “Kennedy seat” might be blinding them to the real message behind the Brown win.

The people are mad as hell and they aren’t going to take it anymore!

The people behind the Brown victory were not Republicans, Democrats or Independents. They were all-the-above, and more importantly, they are all-the-above who are fed up with Washington DC elitism, the vulgar waste of the peoples resources, and the 24/7 assault on individual freedom and liberty. I have heard the word “constitution” from more lips in the last year than I had in the preceding forty-nine years, combined! For the first time in my life, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, conservatives, liberals and libertarians are all talking about the constitution, enumerated powers, limited government, and the fact that no matter who is in elected power, the constitution is under assault by the very people who have take an oath to uphold and defend it.

Is the Constitution a Partisan Document?

Do Democrats take a different oath of office than Republicans? Is only one party supposed to uphold and defend the US Constitution and the Charters of Freedom while the other dismantles it? Eighty percent of what the federal government involves itself in these days is beyond the enumerated powers of the federal government. More than sixty percent of federal spending is outside of the scope and power of the federal government, according to the US Constitution. The people have finally awakened and realized that their federal government has been slowly but surely bankrupting the nation with a plethora of unconstitutional policies for decades now. They also realize that BOTH parties have played a role in that effort. In the five years that Republicans controlled the White House and Congress, 2001 - 2006, the national debt increased an average of 6.4% per year, from $5.8 trillion to $8.5 trillion. When Democrats controlled the purse strings from 2006 – 2008, the national debt increased at an annual rate of 7.6%, from $8.5 trillion to $10.02 trillion. But in the last year under Democrat control of both the White House and Congress, our national debt has increased from $10.02 trillion to pushing $14 trillion, a 40% increase in just one year, and that’s without passing nationalized health care, cap and trade, amnesty for illegals or any of the BIG TICKET items Democrats still hope to ram through before losing power. Meanwhile, the nation and world are clearly less safe from international terrorism and “the people” are losing their rights while known terrorists are afforded all of the protections intended for only legal US citizens, under a US Constitution that Washington DC leaders seem to think a waste of paper. The Massachusetts election was a rebuke of ALL of it!

Do only “conservatives” Love Freedom?

I don’t think so… Even the liberal peaceniks of the 60s loved the idea of individual liberty. Thomas Jefferson was a “liberal,” in the original meaning of the term, in favor of a maximum degree of individual liberty. Libertarians are liberals with an eye on fiscal responsibility. Most independents are not “moderates” when it comes to the Constitution. They are maybe the MOST concerned with the destruction of our constitutional republic, by leaders of both political parties. Conservatives are by nature and definition, all about “conserving” the founding principles and values that allowed the United States to become the most prosperous peaceful people ever known to mankind – the Charters of Freedom. So who is it that still thinks the political left is on the right track in America?

No Incumbent is Safe!

If Tea Partiers were under the illusion that they elected a “conservative” in Massachusetts last week, that daydream ended hours later when Scott Brown announced that he would be stumping for RINO-extraordinaire, John McCain. As Tea Party darling Sarah Palin was announcing her intentions to campaign for McCain, the US Supreme Court was busy announcing that John McCain is in the business of passing unconstitutional laws. Not a good way to kick off the campaign season… Even “read my lipstick” sweetheart Sarah Palin won’t be able to save John McCain from the wrath of Tea Partiers, 912ers and town hall goers in Arizona. They have had a target on McCain’s chest since his “amnesty for everyone” days. So, the message politicians from both parties had better pay attention to is clear. If you have a history of voting outside of the enumerated powers in the US Constitution, you had better start sharpening up your résumé. Washington DC elitists are headed for the unemployment line. The people are not mad at the other guy… It’s you they want to remove from office!

JB Williams -- Bio and Archives | Comments

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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