
Decent Americans should hope that the OWS represents, the dying gasps of an ideology that, has killed more than a hundred million people in a quixotic search for social justice

Walking along Avenue J(ew)

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By —— Bio and Archives November 18, 2011

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On Wednesday, it was reported that some vandal had sprayed a sign at the Brooklyn subway stop on Avenue J, and turned it into Avenue "Jew." Here are some of the comments left by readers. All of the grammar, syntax and spelling--or lack thereof--has been left intact:
  • "It's about time!"
  • "the Jews deserve everything they get."
  • "yes while you have been swindling the masses with your Zionist Jewish supremacy and your chosen people sham...but worst then you are your so called christian goyim stooges"
  • "Nearly every "anti-semitic" thing you`ve seen on the news in the last 10 years has been by a jew."
  • "US support of Israel and interference in the Arab world caused 9/11."
  • "That graffiti was most likely committed by a jewish trouble maker. Jews are well known for orchestrating 'biased' 'hate speech' graffiti, and blamining it on gentiles in their jewish media, and jewish hate groups ADL, SPLC etc.."
  • "Could it be people in this country are getting fed up with the Jews....the way people over the last 5,000 years have? Nah. But why do you suppose every civilization in human history tries to rid themselves of Jews?"
  • "With a 'friend' like Israel, who needs enemies?"
  • "Oy, da poisecution, like six tousand years of suffering wasn't enough? (end of yid whining)"
  • "At the end of the day, nothing happened to any Jew but the Jews are getting a lot of attention. Oh, it's another Holocaust."
  • "this is gonna be great, when we find out that its jew marking their own territory!"
  • "I know - how could any non-Jew support Jews? They are evil incarnate."
  • "Jews are always victims--even when they were instrumental in murdering millions (via starvation) in the name of communism. THAT is why the 'evil Nazis' didn't like the 'poor, innocent Jews'--they enslaved and murdered millions under the banner of communism."
  • "Jews are the demons behind the corruption of mankind."
  • "Sadly most anti-jew things like this are done by Jews for the coverage. A local synagog near my house spray painted swastikas on their building to help bring people back because attendance was low. It was sad because the vandalized their building in places that made it obvious who did it. I just don't ever see non-Jews in the USA giving a crap about someones religion. The Jews that run the media are quick to jump on this so they can help beat the drums of war for Iran. Sadly, that is where all of this new crap like this is heading."
  • "It may very well have been a Jew who did this. It's a relatively common cultural thing for Jews to put the word 'Jew' into words to make puns or other types of humor. Check out the Schmaltz Brewing Company, for example. They have beers named 'Jewbelation,' and 'Rejewvenator.' And they refer to their beers collectively as 'He'brew' or 'jew brew.'"
  • "Ave J--ew. Looks like the ADL and Foxman are busy trying to play the anti-semite card again. Simply going around and trying to deflect heat from Bloomberg is being protested by Occupy Judaism, by creating a string of anti-jewish scenes in the past few months is getting laughable. How about the fact that the ADL is a government,UN and CIA owned fraud jewish group that not only writes the anti-jewish speeches for the CAI created Al Queida but also has an Al Queida leader, in N. Africa, is a fat jew from the ADL? I mean give it up already!"
  • "When it comes down to it, Jewish communities kind of make themselves hated. They are always protective of their own religious people, but when it comes down to it, if you're any other race getting mugged and a Jew see's you.. chances are they're not going to give a rats # about you. They separate themselves from the rest of the community. They have their own schools, own buses, own churches, and some might even go to the extent that they do have their own rules. How are people around the community suppose to interact or learn about your religious beliefs as well as start a friendship with every individual within the same community. Notice how "Jewish neighborhoods" are vastly 99% Jewish. Where most other neighborhoods have other ethnicity. In my opinion, I think the Jewish community should give, treat, be treated like everyone else. Otherwise, hate is drawn upon them"
  • "'Hate crimes' were invented by the Jewish people to protect the Jewish people from antisemitism."
  • "Jews account for less than 2 % of the US population, yet they make up half of all politicians, doctors, lawyers, published authors, actors. It doesn't make sense. There's something fishy going on."
  • "They might have looked up the history of Knights of Templar and seen they were the first ones to collect taxes. created by the Jews about 1118. I know it isn't all the Jews fault, but the devil worshippers who are over the Jews too. The Jews were protesting the other month about the high taxes and stuff they were having to pay also.The only way the Jews will ever see peace is kick the devil worshippers out that run their government also and give back the land that was stolen. The court set the boundaries of that land and they should've bought the land if they wanted more, not take it because that was stealing. That was the moto of Lucifer 'decieve, lie, steal and kill' Honest people buy stuff when they want it and if they think they have a legal right to it, take them to court and get it the legal way."
As most of my regular readers know, I am not Jewish. But I am a student of history, and one thing I can tell you is that the surest path to totalitarianism is the one that begins by singling out a specific subset of a nation's population, and blaming them for everything that's going wrong. If that has a familiar ring, maybe it's because the latest incarnation of this strategy, known as the OWS movement, is playing itself out, even as I write this. Understand what the insidiousness of their slogan, the "ninety-nine percent versus the one percent" is really all about: an "enemy" comprised of one percent of the population is easy to identify, easy to scapegoat and, above all, easy to attack, if this movement gets out of hand. Understand who most of the adherents of this movement are: the historical descendants of every useful idiot who's ever been unwittingly conscripted into a rabble army--enabled by people with far more sinister motives than the rabble itself. Understand that those enablers are people who cannot achieve the kind of power they desire by legitimate means, so they must stoke the rabble in order to achieve it. How easily is the rabble stoked? Look again at the comments above and keep in mind that they have been written by people living in the freest, most prosperous nation in the world. Keep in mind that both the communist and Nazi parties have lent their support to the OWS movement. Keep in mind that the American left, from the man in the street to the man in the Oval Office, is dedicated to dividing Americans by race, religion and most of all by class. Without Us versus Them, all of these self-professed champions of the "little people" would be relegated to the margins of the American experience. The facade of hope and change has crumbled. In less than four years it has been replaced by the fear and resentment which now represents the most viable path by which our current president and members of his party hope to maintain their power. It was power bestowed upon them by people who were willing to believe the unbelievable, many of whom have had their lofty illusions smashed against the rocks of reality. Decent Americans should hope that the OWS movement represents, not a new beginning, but the dying gasps of an ideology that, in its most virulent incarnation, has killed more than a hundred million people in a quixotic search for social justice that doesn't exist. Moreover it can't exist: every society which has ever demanded rigid equality has always required an equally rigid enforcement class to maintain it. It is that enforcement class which wishes the OWS movement to succeed. One suspects that comments such as those above have long been harbored in the hearts of some people. That these same people now feel so comfortable in expressing them is appalling--and frightening.

Arnold Ahlert -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Arnold Ahlert was an op-ed columist with the NY Post for eight years.
