
To Tell The Truth: Only problem -- there is no real her, moreover, this is not a game show we are playing

Would the real Hillary please stand up?

Obie Usategui image

By —— Bio and Archives March 14, 2015

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If you were not born in the 1960s or '70s, chances are you never got to watch a T.V. panel game show that first aired back in 1956, appropriately named "To Tell The Truth". The show featured a panel of celebrities whose object was to pose questions to three contestants as a way of identifying which one of them was the real character for his or her unusual occupation.
All the while, as the two other contestants / impostors, went out of their way to impersonate the real character, through their answers to the panel. After questioning, the host of the show would ask the real character to stand up. As I watched the developments in the latest chapter of Hillary Clinton's scandals, to wit, her decision to conduct official government business in a private email account, my very first thought or reaction was: "Here we go again". You know what, for anyone of sound mind, these Clintons, both Hillary and her darling hubby Bill, as far as I am concerned, symbolize everything that is wrong in America. Both in their own right, are really, if you think about it, two despicable characters in every which way you can think of. Matter of fact, I think whomever first thought of the term "white trash", must have had some kind of ominous premonition with these two on his or her mind for coining the term. Last time I checked, the term suggests: "outcasts from respectable society living on the fringes of the social order, who are seen as dangerous because they may be criminal, unpredictable and without respect for authority, whether it be political, legal, or moral"[1] Now, if you think about it, this description is as precise a version as you will ever find to describe what these two [the Clintons] are all about.
Both these guys, have, all throughout their lives, sought-out to climb the political and social ladders leading to "the promised land" of the rich and famous -- a climb, they daringly thought could only be attainable through Prince Machiavelli's pillar belief that: "anything can be done no matter what the consequences may be for the end result will be justified, the method used to attain it is of no consequence"[2], and...so they have. In a twisted way, perhaps, we may even conclude the Clinton's lives, have, in fact, lent some credence to the Prince's axiom, as they have literally gotten away with murder and, mind you, I do make this claim in its literal context, as, in fact, there are some alleged deaths related to these two characters. To think that Bill Clinton was once the president of our great nation and that wife Hillary now stands to make a run for the office, is, a far as I am concerned, a colossal insult to American's intelligence -- a desecration to common sense and a despoliation to good judgment. No two other characters in the political history of this nation, could have so flagrantly besmirched the justice system of our country as these two ever have, and...to associate either one of them with any part of the presidency of this noble nation is simply put -- a true aberration; a disparaged version of misguided truths. Hillary's recent email scandal should not come as any surprise to anyone. Matter of fact, as far as I am concerned, again, Hillary's dubious ways, make husband Bill's lies such as "I never had sex with that woman", pale in comparison. A brief glance at the woman's resume, can make your hair stand-up as you swiftly realize nothing will stop this woman from getting what she wants -- a poster child for the Prince, maybe? You bet. No, she did not stand by her man when she was ridiculed by husband Bill during the infamous Lewinsky scandal. All she did was, stand by him, as a means of self-fulfilling her future political aspirations, albeit those of becoming president some day in the future. As well she has. We must all remember that our former First Lady, former Senator, former Secretary of State, and present presidential contender, bloomed amidst a time of great political controversy; amidst a time when young liberal Americans in all colleges and universities around the nation, clamored for the upheaval of the "establishment" and the systematic annihilation of the "status-quo", thus her closeness to Saul Alinsky - Americas' most fervent detractor, bar none. Thus her Wellesley College thesis: "There is only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model". In it, Clinton advocates Alinsky's most important contribution to the radical cause as his embracing of political nihilism -- to "blame political systems such as capitalism and democracy for mankind's shortcomings and hardships, therefore essentially a need to do away with them [the systems] in their entirety." Just the thought alone that this woman would be capable of embracing any of Alinsky's doctrines should be in and of itself, sufficient grounds for disallowing her to run for any office in the U.S. government. That simple. In the years that followed, Hillary's scandals and controversies propagated in relation to her boundless ambitions. There was Whitewater -- a legendary real estate deal gone bad, where both Hillary and Bill used political clout to coerce an employee in Madison Guaranty Savings, a lending institution, into making an illegal loan. Later, Madison was busted, costing taxpayers millions of dollars. Throughout Clinton's quintessential soap-opera, Hillary befriended Vince Foster as partner in a law firm which represented and defended Madison. Later on, during Bill Clinton's presidency, Foster was named deputy White House counsel. On July 1993, Foster died and while his death was officially ruled a suicide, to this day, many believe Foster's enigmatic death to be a conspiracy relative to his role and participation with the Clintons in the Whitewater scandal. And then there was the Benghazi attack of September 11th, 2012, which yielded the death of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, officer Sean Smith, security personnel Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, all followed by a nauseating cover-up campaign led by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -- in my estimation, the ultimate culprit for the deaths of the four Americans which could have been easily prevented had the Secretary of State shown enough care and desire to protect and defend the life of the fallen heroes, miserably massacred by a mob of unruly animals. As usual, the impending need to remain silent in order to shield the presidential race from such major disruptions, as was the untimely death of four Americans, was ample reason for conceiving a nefarious scheme that could withstand the test of credibility -- one so heretical that the majority of Americans would not even attempt to question. And so she did. Clinton, coincidentally, fell with an ensuing concussion that prevented her from testifying on the Benghazi events. How convenient. Once again, Clinton had managed to be above the law of the land one more time. She always is. Her Ponzi scheme, was, once again, a most insidious plot shamefully designed to hide the truth from the American people. And, as usual, Clinton got away with it, as to this day, the Benghazi details are as sketchy as Clinton and the administration wants them to be. The only one time she talked about it [Benghazi] in public, she was evidently upset as she lost her temper questioning what difference did it all [Benghazi] make at that stage? My answer, a lot of difference Mrs. Clinton -- a lot. In yet another major controversy, the aspiring presidential candidate found herself at center-stage in another set of highly questionable circumstances regarding the Clinton Foundation's double standards and willingness to accept tens of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Algeria and Brunei -- all countries which the State Department she once headed faulted for their records on sex discrimination against women. The Foundation was fine with taking money from all these countries, while on the other hand, espousing women's human rights -- an issue which Clinton will undoubtedly spotlight in the forthcoming 2016 presidential platform. But then again, the Clintons are all about amassing fortune and power, a legacy that started as early as the time when these two peas in a pod met back in their heyday. So, the point I am trying to make here is no, we should not, under any circumstance whatsoever, none, give Bill all the Pinocchios. Most, in fact, should go to Hillary. Matter of fact, I personally think that, he [Bill] was trained by her to lie and cheat as the surest way of climbing the power-ladder, proven at the very start of it all, while he recklessly admitted to the American public he had smoked marijuana in earlier years, but had never inhaled it! Hello! So, no, his lies as ghastly as they all may be, are, nonetheless, harmless compared to hers. If you have paid close attention to her life, Hillary is an obsessive-compulsive liar. Think about it. In an airport she happened to run into Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb Mt. Everest. She told the man that her mother had named Hillary after him. Only problem, Mr. Hillary had not made news climbing anything until five years after Clinton was born. In yet another story from her book 'Living History', Clinton talks about her high school years when she was on a soccer team and had a race-related incident with a black student as she tried making a point about her intimate knowledge of racism. Only problem, there was no soccer team at her high-school in the 1960s when the incident was supposed to have taken place. And then there was this well-known lie where Hillary claimed her daughter Chelsea was endangered on the September 11th attack, claiming her daughter had just gone jogging in the Towers when the planes hit them. Only problem, her daughter Chelsea disclaimed her mother's story as she publicly admitted to being on the opposite side of the city and was woken up with a phone call telling her to watch the news. In a campaign speech during 2008 presidential elections, Clinton claimed to have been imperiled by sniper fire while landing in Bosnia back in March 1996 on a goodwill trip to the Balkans. Clinton said: "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of greeting ceremony at the airport...but instead, we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." Only problem, a CBS video of the then Senator's visit to Bosnia was made public later in the week. In the video, rather than dodging the hostile sniper attack, Mrs. Clinton and daughter Chelsea are shown being greeted by an eight year old child and Bosnia's acting President. Jokes were made by U.S. soldiers that the only shots the Senator could have heard were those from the practice range. Comedian "Simbad" who was also present with Senator Clinton during the Bosnia visit, declared that he was not aware of any sniper fire as claimed by the Senator. I guess the moral to my story here today is as real and as straightforward as understanding this woman poses a great threat to our nation. Greater perhaps than many of us are willing to accept or concede. After all, the woman's authentic skill to deceive the public has, regretfully, gained her a large following, especially as she manipulates a gender-driven platform aimed at gaining most of the women's vote in the 2016 elections, albeit my hope that the very same universe of women she is appealing to are more than capable to discern the realities now becoming self-evident, as to what this woman is really all about. Yes, Hillary's final claim to fame and power comes in the form of seeking to win the 2016 presidential elections as the final chapter in a long-lasting political career plagued with disparaging controversies, including but not limited to the death of noble Americans. As she does, I beg of all of you, to help America help itself by not letting this woman to become our next president, as if she does, we will all live to regret it, far more than we can ever imagine. Obama's presidency has all but set our country back in ways we never thought possible. Our only hope to regain the lost values once nobly willed to us by the Founding Fathers of the country, is not to elect this woman as our next president, if nothing else, as none of us, really knows who this woman is and what she is all about. I leave you, as I started, with the thought that we all do as the host of the 1950s game show To Tell The Truth did, and that is to ask Mrs. Clinton for the real "her" to please stand-up. Only problem -- there is no real her, moreover, this is not a game show we are playing. May God save America.

Obie Usategui -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Obie Usategui (The Patriot Obsever) and also runs AFCV-Americans For Conservative Values.  Obie is also the author of The Beginning of the End—“The transition to Communism in our own United states has come peacefully, ironically, via democratically-sanctioned elections”
