
Restoration of Freedom in 2012

“You asked for it!”

William R. Mann image

By —— Bio and Archives August 3, 2011

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"They roll and rumble, They turn and tumble, ... As piggies do in a poke."- Sir Thomas More, Works, 1557 Let's Make a Deal! ... The Price is Right! ... Wheel of Fortune! ... and Jeopardy! ... all rolled into one. This isn't the "Toyota" that we "asked for." But it is the one we deserve considering how many Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals and RINOs we have allowed to remain in Congress.
I was taking a wait-and-see attitude about this whole debt drama. There is hyperbole on both sides. But, I am beginning to wonder if there is no bottom depth for Congressional deception and "deal-making" Democrats and Republicans. My Goodness! Just take a look... So tell me: What on Earth are we afraid of? Why don't we finally stand up and sock the other side in the mouth when they attack us with lies? [I am figuratively speaking of course ... I forgot that only the Left gets to talk like that.] The Left already call us Hobbits, Nazis, Mean-Spirited, Killers, Evil, Terrorists, Hostage Takers, a Satan Sandwich, Witches or Witch-Hunters [figure out that contradiction ... as if Satan can oppose Satan ... ]. Why do we take this? We have turned the cheek too often since the days of Barry Goldwater. Are we afraid of the "McCarthyite" name-tag? Not-so-Breaking News: Historical documents recovered from KGB files at the collapse of the Soviet Union clearly show that SEN Joseph McCarthy was mostly correct. And yes, Nixon Haters, Alger Hiss was really a KGB Operative. So go ahead, name-callers, make my day. From this day forward we must counteract the Left's vile behavior. This is nothing more or less than to declare our interests and vow self-defense from future attack.
So why are so many of us still afraid to call the Left out in Public? This isn't your Daddy's or your Grand-Dad's America. Allow me to say it. The American Left is indeed made up of Communists, Socialists, Fascists, Statists, Revolutionaries, and enemies of the United States Constitution. These revolutionary groups far outnumber the old Social Liberals. Most of the revolutionaries hide behind the political label: "Progressive." They violate their Oath to the Constitution daily in a thousand little actions and harmful mantras and uncivil political speech. Oaths mean little in their Leftist Ideology. The Left seeks to destroy our Free Republic and erect a Collectivist State on its ashes. You won't be able to recognize the "new America" because it will not be a free country ... and you will not be free. Isn't it interesting how Nancy Pelosi hid behind the gentle and sincere Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's in the House Chamber on vote day? Pelosi shamelessly used this opportunity to portray and characterize what nice, reasonable people make up her Democrat Caucus. Pelosi even voted for the Bill. The next day, she sent out her minions to call Republicans and Tea Party folks "Terrorists" who want to "blow up the World Economy." Wait a minute, fact check time. How is that? Which Party has most relentlessly driven us with Keynesian Economics into endless Debt, Government Stimulus, and Deficit Spending cycles? The Democrat Left did this to support its Social Welfare State Agenda over the decades through FDR's failed New Deal, Truman's failed Fair Deal, LBJ's failed Great Society, through Carter's Malaise, and Bill Clinton's supposed "Prosperity through Taxation". Theirs has been an ever "progressive" march into bigger government, higher taxes, and curtailment of freedoms. The only way to make this budget mess work for the good of America is for Conservatives, Libertarians, the Tea Party and the few remaining sane, real Democrats to go on the offensive and expose the extra-Constitutional shenanigans, the scandal, the corruption, the outright usurpation of authority, the hidden spending, and yes, the sedition that is lurking and skulking in the halls of the White House, the Congress, and our Courts. The GOP Congress must introduce bills to curtail, control, limit, and eventually eliminate the collectivism and restore individual opportunity. Along the way and through the process they can investigate, uncover, and prosecute the scandal, the corruption, the violations and usurpations of our the Constitution and Public Law. I keep hearing this nonsense from the deceivers: "We are all Americans and we are in this together, and we need to work together to fix this." Horse-puckey! Shall we not offend man, but mightily offend God? What? Do we not see? Do we really deep down believe their atheist humanism? ... their worship of perfect man? As the great warrior-leader Joshua said to his people, " as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord." Shall we believers in God's American Exceptionalism do less? We will fix this only when this Nation of Americans first return to worship and trust in God as our Creator, Benefactor, Protector, and Redeemer. But have you just recently seen the Atheist Left mock, ridicule and try to stop Governor Rick Perry's Day of Prayer and Fasting for our Nation on August 6th in Houston. But the worm may be turning. A clear thinking Federal Judge dismissed the case as having no standing. But the hooting and hollering has just begun. You see, the Left likes the First Amendment when it protects their vile attacks and seditious intent. They abhor it when it does what the Founders intended: Allow for Free Assembly, Free Speech, and Freedom of Worship in the Public Square. We will fix this only when get a spine and recall, impeach and try, or defeat every subversive working against our Constitution. These adversaries of Constitutional Government are ignoring the People. Did you hear Obama yesterday? For him, nothing has changed. After all of his Potemkin machinations he still intends to erect a rubber-stamp Super-Congress and a "fundamentally transformed " Super-Welfare State. The "Sun King" will rule through his Unelected Czars, Appointed Spokesmen, Elite Guardians, and a Propaganda Ministry within the largely Marxist Media. He intends to ignore the House of Representatives, self-appropriate funds, and rule by Executive Order. Watch and see. Meanwhile, he will remain aloof, speak Big Brother platitudes and give Big Brother scoldings via Teleprompter and staged Press Conferences. Folks, recall that ignorant lady voter in the 2008 Campaign talking about the "Obama Stash" We all laughed. But ask, "What did she know that we did not ... was it really laughable ignorance, or a 'Freudian slip'?" Communism and Fascism, Collectivism and Marxism can happen here. Lest we kid ourselves otherwise. It happened in Europe, Russia, China, and elsewhere. It would be foolish to think otherwise these days. This would be a mistake. The transformation has all been happening here slowly, but in earnest since the days of FDR:
  • When the Liberal-Left found out that the Big Lie worked well on the American Electorate too.
  • When the Liberal-Left found that it was very easy to commit voter fraud. When you do it, simply charge the other side with voter intimidation, and Jim Crow.
  • When the Liberal-Left discovered that Bread and Circus was believable and desired by any given Majority of Voters on any given day.
  • When the Liberal-Left discovered that foreign money could get into their campaign war chests with only small improvable protests from the Right.
  • When the Liberal-Left decided it could launder a gun-running operation to Mexican Narco-Terrorists in order drum up support against the 2d Amendment
These are not traditional Democrats. Traditional Democrats are now mostly Tea Party people. Some time ago, I wrote a few columns suggesting that we quit arguing the merits of limited government while using Marxist terms and definitions in our argumentation. We co-opt ourselves when we continuously use the term Capitalism, Capitalist and Big Business to describe Free Enterprise, Free Marketer, and Entrepreneurship. We defeat ourselves when we allow the terms like: Social, Collective, Shared, Sacrifice, Fair, Service, Christian to be subverted into Marxist dialogue. We do not intend or want these words to mean that generous and independent Americans want Big Government, and false Security at the expense of Liberty. I have also mentioned that our National Security should not be synonymous with World Security. I am tired of being characterized as an Isolationist [ in the 1939-40 sense of that word]. What a cheap shot! Whatever happened to the Washington's Warning, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Great American Navy and our Mighty Army and Air Force as Guardians of Freedom from a home base and not overseas? Why are we still thinking and fighting "over there?" What happened to enforcement of the Democrat's own War Powers Act? A hallmark of the Revolutionary State is constant war against "enemies" from without and within. Obama still has a plan for an Internal Security Force. I have read a Rand Study for this concept. Our Founding Fathers resisted embroilment in these far away conflicts. Please. Study the History of Europe and see their unending struggles and their "progress" from the Feudal Society to the Modern Collectivist State. In modern times this is bolstered by Utilitarian Theory and State Atheism. They have replaced Christianity first with "cultural Christianity" and now with "Multi-culturalism." Look. See what is going on in "peaceful, socialist, collectivist, multicultural Norway. As much as things have changed in Europe, they have remained the same. Serfdom remains. It just looks different because time has passed. A pig with lipstick,wearing a tutu, and ballet shoes is still a pig. Is that what Americans want? Really? Now look at Libya and please explain to me why the United States is diplomatically recognizing this hodge-podge, rag-tag, splintered group of anarchists and "freedom fighters" [whatever that means]. What are we doing there? Why are Americans dying in Afghanistan? What has become of Democracy in Iraq? What exactly are our interests in trying to modernize a religious zealots mired in 6th Century customs of servitude, ignorance, and brutality? While we focus on Obama's domestic election vaudeville, better men and women that die every day in scorpion and snake infested hell-holes for dubious Internationalist objectives! What on Earth is wrong with us? Can we only watch one screen in our multimedia age? Do we only watch what the State Media shoves down our throats? Their cynical and callous casualty figures, photos, and statistics oddly no longer apply to Barack Hussein Obama. Why? This steady agenda and diet of crisis, war, debt, misery, and danger is all out there to digest. But we can break this cycle and this diet. I humbly suggest that we had better step back, shake this nonsensical Marxist brainwashing out of our heads. Yes, there is much in this "Debt Deal." We will no doubt come to regret it, but we still have to deal with it. I truly believe that a Free People can think, chew gum and tie their shoes all at the same time. We are here because we allowed ourselves to be ground down and put down. We can and must dismantle or stop these modern Leftist versions of the Stamp Act and the Intolerable Acts. But must not fall on our swords like the protagonists did at Masada. The skirmishes on Lexington Green and Concord Bridge fired the shots of freedom heard 'round the world. The Alamo showed noble sacrifice for the cause freedom and the founding of the Republic of Texas. The Battling Bastards of Bastogne were soldiers all, elements the 101st Airborne Division who, though surrounded, fought off a determined Nazi German offensive in 1944. They too, give us a solid example of what we have potential to be. American defenders of freedom only become better as time goes on. Just look at today's magnificent Defenders of Freedom for proof. I frankly think we could be headed for a mighty Restoration of Freedom in 2012. But, we need to quit bickering and crying in our beer and start working on our agenda, not theirs. If we are to survive as a free people then we had better start acting like free people.

William R. Mann -- Bio and Archives | Comments

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].
