
Congress, you are continuing down the path of destroying America

Your Mission is to put America Back on the Constitutional Track

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By —— Bio and Archives January 2, 2011

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Congress, you are continuing down the path of destroying America. The new members taking office in January 2011 must abide by the Constitution, honor their pledge and oath and put America back on the track of security and strength. The Congress of 2010 and prior have been "sucking the oxygen" out of America and its people with all the legislation. And we can attribute that to both political parties. Please press forward in resignations of all those that are corrupt and inept.
My request would be to Senators and Congressmen; stay in your States that you represent nine out of twelve months of the year and spend no more than three months out of the year doing the people's business in Washington. Make use of the electronic age. Three months out of the year will provide you sufficient time to legislate and vote on measures and issues with this thought in mind; "you could be a greater asset to the country, to whom you represent and to the country to stay away from the addiction of Washington and the elected officials. TheNational Call to Action of the people begins now in January 2011. And we call you to action all branches of government to do your constitutional duties and no more. You see, we do not need you other than to represent us, the People, and abide by and protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I would further suggest in the 2011 Congress that your first order of business is start eliminating and downsizing government organizations and budgets by a minimum of 25 percent with the Healthcare bill as a top priority. As well, start eliminating Federal Legislation that violates our Constitution and the "Sovereignty" of our States and Local authorities. Go to work to reduce government and spending NOW! Disallow all lobbyists and special interests groups. You work only for the People, no one else! The Declaration of Independence states: "To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.

The majority of the country and its citizens are seeing the light of our inept and incompetent leadership In Washington!

"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." From the Poem Invictus by English poet William Ernest Henley (1849--1903) that was penned in 1875. Yes, America, WE are the Masters of our Fate and the Captains of our Soul." You are watching while Washington burns and self-destructs before our very eyes but now you are starting to awaken. The majority of the country and its citizens are seeing the light of our inept and incompetent leadership In Washington! The battle is on and we shall not retreat. We will not permit the current leaders in the White House and Halls of Congress to continue in their efforts to lead us down the road of Progressive Socialism and destruction of the Republic. The Patriotic Revolution that I forecasted well over a year ago is happening now. We Constitutionalists face a battle that is unknown to our generations so we must be aggressive in our collective efforts to continue to change the tide. The Fate of the country is now in our hands and the plea from the majority of our citizens is to enforce the Constitution, severely limit the Federal Government and it's out of control spending. There is a growing list of documented violations of the Constitution and their Oath of Office by current elected and appointed government officials Lincoln issued this warning in his inaugural address, "Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one. This is a most valuable and sacred right--a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world." Being a representative republic, not a democracy, and "rising up" means other than revolution by use of arms. The people must "rise up" (Stand Up) from the grass roots across this great country as we think of the greater good of this and future generations. We are limited in the peaceful transfer of power...resignation, elections, and impeachment. That is why the Patriotic Revolution must take place to ensure survival of the Union. The oath is simple and reads: "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." Sadly, we have seen them violate their oath. Fraud, lying, and corruption are rampant and some have engaged in treasonous activities, and they effectively thumb their noses at us and have sold you to the highest bidder. The Articles of Confederation were replaced with the Constitution, which granted the federal government enough authority to cultivate, promote and secure the Blessings of Liberty. The balance of authority and individual liberty was understood. Power was confined to that which was enumerated in the Constitution with a certain and meaningful intent for check and balances. We must make it a local imperative and movement...of the People...by the People... and For the People.

"We, the People" have had enough

"We, the People" have had enough. Enough is Enough. The Obama White House and identifiable Members of Congress are now on a progressive socialist and treasonous death march and are bankrupting the country beyond expectations. We have watched them violate their sacred oath of office. "We, the People" cannot solely depend on the results of the elections. It is now that many of these public servants (and you know who they are) must put the people and country interests above self-interest by resigning and stepping down immediately. A civil uprising is still not out of the question as "pain" grips the country more each day. Hopefully, our future will reflect the citizens changed the tide in a peaceful way. This means raising your voice now to your neighbors, family, co-workers, and friends. Be the Captains of your Souls. I pray for another George Washington to appear within the year and lead us.

Paul E. Vallely -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Paul E. Vallely , MG US Army (Ret), is Chairman of Stand Up America USA.  Paul’s latest book is “Operation Sucker Punch – Blood for Our Future”. He is the co-author of “Endgame- A blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror”.
