
Benedict Arnold did more for America than Mueller and every member of his Marxist cutthroat team could even imagine doing

I wouldn't insult Benedict Arnold by comparing him with the likes of Robert Mueller

I wouldn't insult Benedict Arnold by comparing him with the likes of Robert MuellerI was surprised to hear media talking heads and politicians say they felt sorry for Robert Mueller during his testimony in Congress. Some of them called Mueller a hero for serving in the military and thanked him for his service. It didn't seem to matter to them that Mueller has taken sides with communists who are determined to transform America into another Soviet Union. If Mueller is a hero, using their logic, then so is Benedict Arnold. In fact, the capture of Fort Ticonderoga in 1775 was led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold. Arnold led the battle of Valcour Island in 1776 and the Battle of Ridgefield, Connecticut in 1777. At the battle of Saratoga in 1777, he suffered severe leg wounds that left him disabled. Arnold even used his own money to finance the American revolution. His service to America was certainly more impressive than Mueller's. Why not praise Benedict Arnold for his service?
By the way, I don't feel sorry for Mueller. I feel sorry for people like Gen. Michael Flynn that Mueller and his Democrat miscreants railroaded in an attempt to take the President down. Personally, I consider Mueller a traitor but not in the same vein as Benedict Arnold because Arnold sacrificed his wealth and well-being to secure America's freedom and independence, and that's something Mueller has never done. As a matter of fact, Arnold made sacrifices for America, that were above and beyond the call of duty. Can anyone name any similar sacrifices or contributions to America that Mueller has made? Arnold was crippled, his wealth depleted for America, and he faced an unsympathetic Congress full of people looking out for nobody other than themselves. Congress knew of Arnold's sacrifices, yet they refused to compensate Arnold for his losses, and that's what made him bitter and turned him against his former associates in Congress. I don't know of any extenuating circumstances, like in Arnold's case, that would explain why Mueller turned against America and sided with socialist/communist Democrats. The only similarity between Arnold and Mueller is their questionable loyalty. In fact, Mueller's congressional testimony made me question his loyalty as well as his integrity because the hearing appeared to be setup to allow Mueller to say, without really saying it, that the only reason he didn't indict the President was because a sitting president cannot be indicted. In short, Democrats brought Mueller before Congress to say his hands were tied, and it's up to Democrats to impeach the President, and that's exactly what Mueller tried to do.

WATCH: Rep. Ted Lieu’s full questioning of Robert Mueller | Mueller testimony

Democrat Ted Lieu of California set up the scam by presenting Mueller with a false statement about obstruction of justice. Lieu simply gave Mueller the opportunity to agree with his false statement. Lieu set it up when he said, "I believe a reasonable person looking at these facts could conclude that all three elements of the crime of obstruction of justice have been met, and I'd like to ask you the reason, again, you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the OLC (Office of Legal Council) opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct?" Without hesitation, Mueller replied, "that is correct." Mueller agreed with Lieu and then reiterated that they did not determine if the President committed a crime. The intent was to leave the question of guilt open so Democrats could continue to harass the President and obstruct justice for Democrats involved in the treasonous attempt to overthrow the President. Furthermore, Rep. Doug Collins asked Mueller this very important question: "At any time of the investigation was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered? Mueller replied, NO! Mueller's answer to Collin's question proves the obstruction of justice accusation is false. In short, Mueller's answer to Ted Lieu's setup question and his eventual walk back was designed to leave the door open for Democrats to continue with their phony accusations and investigations into the President.

WATCH: Rep. Doug Collins’ full questioning of Robert Mueller | Mueller testimony

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If Mueller's investigation was not curtailed, stopped or hindered at any time, then obstruction of justice, just like Russian collusion, never happened

If Mueller's investigation was not curtailed, stopped or hindered at any time, then obstruction of justice, just like Russian collusion, never happened. People keep overlooking the fact that there was no reason for the Mueller investigation in the first place and Mueller had to know that. I believe that Mueller knew the entire Russian collusion scam was conjured up by Democrats to use against Donald Trump and to cover up their own foreign collusion. In short, Democrats weaponized the Justice system, FBI and the CIA and used them to spy on Donald Trump, impugn his reputation, and finally to overthrow his presidency. As a matter of fact, Mueller and his team of Marxist miscreants turned the FBI into the Gestapo and the justice system into a star chamber in order to overthrow the President. It was an assault on Donald Trump that Obama administration operatives started during the 2016 campaign, with the assistance of foreign agents. In fact, Mueller's miscreants turned the justice system upside down. They turned the American justice system's "innocent until proven guilty" into the communist system's "guilty until exonerated." And as we saw, Mueller keeps reiterating that the President was not exonerated by his band of Marxists, although there's absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing by the President. Moreover, Robert Mueller's congressional testimony was set up to further smear the President, keep the phony congressional investigation going, fuel media conspiracy theories, cover up their own collusion and prevent an investigation into the Democrat's treasonous espionage operation--spying on the President of the United States. Espionage is the practice of using spies to obtain information about the plans or activities of governments or competing corporations.

Obama FBI operatives unlawfully spied on the Trump Campaign

To put things into perspective, Obama FBI operatives unlawfully spied on the Trump Campaign, used foreign intelligence operatives and planted spies inside the Trump White House. Unlawfully spying on the Trump campaign may be called surveillance, but spying on the President of the United States is the same as spying on the U.S. government, and that's called espionage. When Democrat operatives in the FBI planted spies inside the Trump administration, their espionage operation, that involved foreign agents, became treason. Then, after the President fired James Comey, Democrats demanded an investigation into the President to prevent their treasonous conspiracy from being exposed and to continue harassing the president and members of his administration. As a matter of fact, the Mueller investigation was set up to keep the phony Russian conspiracy going and to provide cover for the real conspirators, the Democrats. Besides that, Mueller and his Marxists did everything possible, including railroading innocent people, to find some crime to charge the President with. And for the phony investigation to go on as long as it did, Mueller had to be in on the scam, unless he's incompetent as the media proposed. First off, I don't believe Mueller is as incompetent as he appeared at the hearing. In fact, Mueller was competent enough to evade answering questions that would have exposed his phony investigation for what it was--a farce. Anything that would have shed light on who was behind the Russian collusion scam was beyond his purview. Mueller slithered into the hearing and slithered out without exposing the truth about anything.


No, I don't feel sorry for Robert Mueller in the least. I feel sorry for the people Mueller left in prison knowing they were innocent

No, I don't feel sorry for Robert Mueller in the least. I feel sorry for the people Mueller left in prison knowing they were innocent. Would a real hero do that? It makes me wonder how many people Mueller railroaded that may still be in prison. I feel sorry for President Trump because he has to suffer the slings and arrows thrown at him by the communist left that Mueller and the Democrats represent. Finally, Mueller willingly participated in an attempt to unseat a duly elected president, and there's no way a real American hero would have done such a thing. Benedict Arnold did more for America than Mueller and every member of his Marxist cutthroat team could even imagine doing. Benedict Arnold turned against America, became a traitor, due to feeling betrayed by the men who represented the country he had fought for. Arnold was a real American hero at one time. For that reason, I wouldn't insult Benedict Arnold by comparing him with the likes of Robert Mueller.

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Charles Wills——

Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.
