
Government Sponsored Enterprises, Congressional Democrats Bankrupted the Nation

Obama, Pelosi and Reid Push to Dig National Hole Deeper

Predicting the future is a task made much easier if you first take a few moments to study the past. Humans are creatures of habit, and if they are poor students of history, then history tends to repeat.

In my last column, Congressional Democrats Bankrupted the Nation, I walk readers through the factual history, from 1916 to 2009, that has brought America step-by-step from the most productive and prosperous nation ever known to mankind, to national bankruptcy, in less than a hundred years. The past is clear and indisputable.... though few folks know it and even fewer seem to have learned the lesson. In summary, the federal government has failed consistently in every effort to run Government Sponsored Enterprises, GSEs. This might be why the founders, in their brilliantly thought out constitution, afforded the federal government no such right or power to “waste the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” - A mistake that Thomas Jefferson had carefully warned the nation against. If you are in dyer need of life saving brain surgery, I don’t recommend hiring the local union jackhammer operator to perform the procedure. Likewise, if you want to extend the life of a going enterprise, I don’t recommend that you hire people with a long and distinguished history of bankrupting enterprises, to run it.

The Right Answer

Any business owner knows that when you find yourself in a hole, the first priority is to stop digging. You can’t borrow your way out of debt, you can’t spend your way to prosperity and you can’t rely on people who have only bankrupted businesses, to turn the enterprise around. The most obvious outcome of the 2008 election is the fact that we have gone from digging our national hole with a shovel, to strip mining it with dynamite. It took Washington politicians seventy years to dig a ten trillion dollar national hole, first with a spoon, then with a shovel. Now that Democrats have the free hand to strip mine that hole with dynamite, it will take less than four years to double the size of the hole, in trillion dollar increments. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. There is no running from the day of reckoning. You can’t spend seventy years wasting taxpayer revenue under the guise of taking care of the people without eventually facing a day of reckoning. Today is that day... The grown up thing to do when that day arrives is to face it, deal with it, learn from it and move on. But that’s not what Obama, Pelosi and Reid are doing...

The Wrong Moves

As I chronicle in my last column [1], Democrats have an eighty year track record of making all the wrong moves concerning federal ventures into private enterprise. How many GSEs do they have to bankrupt before voters get the message that the fed is no good at running private enterprises? Fanny Mae Freddie Mac The Federal Reserve Bank Social Security Medicare Medicaid The US Postal Service All of them are GSEs, federal attempts to manage enterprises which would be better managed by private sector people who have a history of running enterprises successfully. And all of them are BANKRUPT! Yet instead of stopping the digging, the same Democrats that bankrupted them are now blasting the hole deeper at a fever pace. Forty of fifty state budgets are also bankrupt and begging for federal bailout money, from a federal government, which happens to be bankrupt itself.

Stimulate What?

Nazi Pelosi ram-rodded an $819 BILLION socialist spending spree through her House that even a dozen decent Democrats couldn’t support. No wonder not a single House Republican would support it. This, they call a “new era of bipartisanship...” History has proven that Pelosi’s spending spree will never stimulate the economy and clearly, she wasn’t trying to stimulate bipartisanship. So what is she trying to stimulate?
  • $4 billion to ACORN (famous for massive leftist voter fraud and other criminal conduct)
  • 80% federal spending, 20% tax cuts for Americans (only Americans can stimulate the economy)
  • $335 million for programs that help prevent sexually transmitted diseases
  • $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts (Hollywood leftists)
  • $70 million for a supercomputer at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Al Gore)
  • $75 million for smoking-cessation programs (no more big tobacco tax revenue)
  • $275 billion in “tax relief” focused on lower-income families (low income families don’t pay taxes)
  • The package cost more than the entire Iraq War We are a bankrupt nation allegedly on an austerity program here. What do these things have to do with stimulating economic growth? The answer is nothing! Obviously, it’s not the economy that House Democrats are trying to stimulate with $819 Billion in new taxpayer debt, which is actually estimated to cost more than $1.2 trillion when all is said and done. Democrats are trying to stimulate the growth of the federal government, via a trillion dollars in new efforts to redistribute private property taken from those who earn it and vote Republican, and given to those who vote Democrat. Pelosi is trying to stimulate the growth of America’s already bankrupt entitlement GSEs. Just in case you have any doubts about that, take a moment to watch Obama Financial & Economic Advisor Robert Reich and ranking House Democrat Charlie Rangel, as they define their idea of “economic stimulus” in this congressional hearing. Pelosi, Reid and Obama are outraged at Citi-Groups purchase of a new corporate jet, but none of them are outraged at the taxpayer’s purchase of Nazi Pelosi’s personal jet.... They are outraged at private corporate bonuses, but not at the fact that Democrats have used public office as a get-rich-quick scheme for decades... We have monumental hypocrisy on parade here! And that’s the good news...

    Senate Republicans

    Senate Republicans might need to take a lesson from the Obama political playbook. Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel looked at the Democrat manufactured financial calamity and said, - ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” In other words, frightened Americans will swallow a big fat socialist pill that they would otherwise never swallow, if Democrats just seize this opportunity to shove it down the people’s throats while they are focused on the prospects of a bread line. The stimulus bill that passed Nazi Pelosi’s House is indeed a “crisis” for every American. She took her photo op standing next to a blown up image of a gift check from congress to the average American, in the amount of $1800 per family. But absent from that photo op was a blown up picture of the $8000 bill in new taxpayer debt per American family it will cost, not counting the interest. Senate Republicans could use this crisis as the motivation they need to return to their conservative principles and values. They can and should use this taxpayer crisis to stand tall with the average American taxpayer, against this massive onslaught of secular socialist confiscation of private property to fund Pelosi’s entitlement vote pandering. Democrats knew that this crisis was coming because Republicans had warned them for years. Watch this video from a 2004 congressional hearing on the subject of Fannie and Freddie heading for bankruptcy, which would drag the entire US economy into the toilet. Four years later, on congressional Democrats’ watch and just in time for the 2008 election cycle, Fannie and Freddie went bankrupt. Banks began failing across the country and around the globe. Home foreclosures shot through the roof and home values dropped through the floor. The US stock market (and American savings accounts) lost 40% of its value and the dollar is on the brink of collapse. If there was ever a crisis deserving of real conservative Republican leadership, this must be it!

    Only Senate Republicans Can Stop the Digging

    Democrats are clearly committed to using the financial crisis they created to shove unbridled socialism and asset redistribution down the throat of every productive American. The presidential pen is being used to issue numerous Executive Orders aimed at bringing the leftist proletariat to unmatched political power over the people who pay taxes in this country. Senate Republicans must be equally committed to stopping it all! From 2001 through 2008, Republicans sounded repeated warnings of impending financial chaos. Democrats not only ignored every warning, they kept digging the hole even deeper. WAKE UP America and tell Senate Republicans to grow a spine and stand up to this insane continuation of the very policies that caused the global financial crisis to begin with.... Speak up while there is still an opportunity to put a stop to it in the Senate. Call or write your senators today! A dozen House Democrats had the good sense and backbone to stand up against Nazi Pelosi. So even if you have Democrat Senators in your state, make the calls, write the letters and send the emails. The buck stops with each of us! Here’s a link for Senate contact information – Use it or lose it!

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    JB Williams——

    JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.

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