
Obama has moved his chess pieces into positions where he is about to checkmate Israel. He is a traitor with the skills of Bobby Fischer


The word is out, patience is thinning in Obama administration with Israel. The anti-Semites in our administration, sensing Obama’s mood, are putting Israel on notice. That’s great. In 2008 Obama told Netanyahu that he’d blow his planes out of the air if he dared to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities. Then he proceeded to make a deal in 2015 with Iran allowing them a pathway to a nuclear bomb. And now after signing Israel’s nuclear death warrant, Obama’s patience is running thin. What patience? His patience for the destruction of Israel? Is he in a rush to kill us all?

Liberals side with killers in order to show their generosity towards their enemies

Obama has gathered with his little group of Israel haters, EU,UN and Russia to release a report in the near future that our group of covert Jew haters will be taking a harder line on Israel than in the past. Once again the liberal Democrats will be siding with the Palestinians who strap their children to suicide vests and stone their women to death if they look at westerners. That’s typical of liberals. They side with killers in order to show their generosity towards their enemies. Like the world wouldn’t be better off without Palestinians. Like Israelis aren’t major contributors to civilization. Obama and his goons will again focus on buildings in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem. They will also criticize Israel for demolishing illegal Arab buildings.

Obama wants to force Israel and the Palestinian Authority to create a frame work for a final status agreement

Obama is coming out of his covert Jew hatred to speak out harshly and directly against Israel. He will also criticize Israel for the legalization of some Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Obama wants to force Israel and the Palestinian Authority to create a frame work for a final status agreement. Not that he gives a damn about anyone but himself. But by creating final talks he will leave a legacy as a peace maker instead the reality of a man who reignited the war in Iraq, created ISIS, exacerbated Syria and will possibly create nuclear war between Iran and Israel. Obama has moved his chess pieces into positions where he is about to checkmate Israel. He is a traitor with the skills of Bobby Fischer.

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David Lawrence——

David Lawrence is a writer for Canada Free Press.
