
Who will pick up the spear and the flag to lead believers to band together for the sake of their children and grandchildren?

One Voice

By Jim Ross Lightfoot ——--April 29, 2019

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One VoiceLet me preface this with a couple of personal remarks. First, I’m just an old country boy that grew up in the 1950s. Second, I hold no degrees from famous institutions of higher learning. Third, I am a strong believer in our maker God and His son Jesus Christ. Fourth, It is my belief that we have to make our own way in this world, the exception being those with mental and physical handicaps; and these are people we need to help. Last Sunday was Easter. Christians around the world celebrated Jesus rising from the dead and ascending into Heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father.

Christianity is under attack from the political left, radical Islam and other terror groups

Would it not be a wonderful thing if all those people could/would speak in a unified voice to protect and advance all they hold sacred? Christianity is under attack from the political left, radical Islam and other terror groups. Witness the burning of churches, the killing in Sri Lanka and many other countries around the world. Closer to home God has been taken out of our schools, our government and our lives by the political push of the socialism lie being perpetrated, expanded and espoused by the Democrat party and their followers in the mass media. In the eighty times I have traveled round the sun on this precious planet we call Earth, memory serves me well to remember how it was in America before the socialist lie was starting to be pushed. We had true freedom and with it came the responsibility to care for ourselves and build a strong country, based on a Constitution and Bill of Rights that has never been duplicated in the world. A formula that has taken us through times good and bad but it always held us together, even after a Civil War. Until now. It started many years ago with government deciding it could make better decisions than we, as individuals, were capable of making. Nice sounding Federal programs started to become the law of the land through our Congress, each one a little more socialistic than the last.

Creeping socialism was hard at work chewing away at the foundations of our country. Politicians of both political parties learned that they could be employed for life if they garnered enough votes. Giving things away was a handy tool to use. As a result we have a Congress made up of lifetime professional politicians and it is tearing us down. Candidates for President are openly espousing the socialist lie in order to gain followers and their votes. No one seems to be fighting back. There certainly isn’t a political party that has engaged in the fight to save us. So, on Easter Sunday this thought came into my mind; what if all the believers in Jesus and God would speak in one loud voice to put this assault on us down. The one tying virtue between Catholics, Methodists, A.M.E., Baptist, Congregationalist, Pentecostalism, and the list goes on for many pages, is they ALL believe in Jesus and the good and the promises he has brought to this Earth. Yes, the different denominations have their own interpretation of the Bible and what is the appropriate way to worship and pray. Fine, no problem; that is our protected right to freedom of religion.

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But the common denominator of belief in God and Jesus is the one thing that cannot be denied. That belief silently ties us together. What do you think would happen if all these believing people would start to speak in one voice against the socialist lie and the removal of God from our country? What would happen if every time the socialist left uttered a word promoting their agenda it would be answered by believers from all over this land? What would happen if believers pulled every town and city together? A brick building is constructed one small brick at a time. Believers getting together a few at a time could build into a gigantic force to turn back the evil of creeping socialism and put an end to the left socialist lie. This old man fears that this may well be the last chance to save our country; the last chance to return her to a nation of law and not political give aways to gain votes. Who will pick up the spear and the flag to lead believers to band together for the sake of their children and grandchildren? Step forward. We need you now.


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Jim Ross Lightfoot——

James R. Lightfoot, Lightfoot Strategies served in Congress six terms, starting in 1985 and retiring in 1997. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal and General Government (TPS) of Appropriations, he had jurisdiction over 40% of Federal Law Enforcement (Customs, Secret Service, ATF, FLETC, and IRS enforcement).
