
The record shows a long history of governing classes becoming, well, ungovernable. And when in-your-face and in-your-wallet bureaucrats become too much, ordinary folk have thrown them out of office

Racism: American Democrats and Canadian Liberals in WW II

Racism: American Democrats and Canadian Liberals in WW IIThis writer had long thought that FDR’s 1942 atrocity of destroying the well-being of certain Americans and shipping them to the equivalent of concentration camps began in the US. No, authorities in Canada had acted faster in imposing the same atrocities. In both cases driven by racism against their own citizens.  The American and Canadian citizens who suffered the shocking offense were of Japanese heritage. In both the province of British Columbia and the state of California their prosperity in agriculture and commercial fishing prompted envy and, sadly, predation.

With today’s Left in a frenzy about “racism” it is appropriate to review the hypocrisy of its racist heritage

With today’s Left in a frenzy about “racism” it is appropriate to review the hypocrisy of its racist heritage. It is just another motivation for seizing control.  Coming from a condition of no declared war, the raid by Japanese forces upon the American Navy base at Pearl Harbor was, indeed, infamous.  Canada’s speed in moving suggests that racists within the federal government were ready to go. The attack upon Pearl Harbor occurred at 2 PM Ottawa time on December 7th and on December 8th, the government under Liberal PM Mackenzie King began impounding commercial fishing boats owned by Canadians of Japanese heritage. On the West Coast. The main reason given was that it was a “defense measure”. Such intrusions upon private life were not imposed upon Canadians of German and Italian heritage. Canada, as part of the British Commonwealth, had been at war with those fascist dictatorships since September 1939 and June 1940, respectively.  Canada’s internment program began in February 1942. Men who resisted the atrocity were sent to actual prisoner-of-war camps in Ontario. Those who went along suffered being separated from their wives and both parents could be separated from their children.  In the U.S., Democrat President Roosevelt signed his infamous Executive Order 9066 that forced the relocation, en masse, of Japanese-Americans from the West Coast to the interior. The Foundation for Economic Education published on July 1, 1995 headlined “Internment Was Not Motivated by National Security Concerns”. While both parties have been overly ambitious, there are differences. Members of the Liberal Party of Canada still maintain a veneer of manners so that they can get into the best clubs. Dems want to trash them. The FBI had previously identified a few individuals who were risks and within a few days had detained them. The article pointed out that it was “special interests” that motivated the needless dislocations and confiscations. Disturbingly, Roosevelt was a racist as the following from 1925 recorded: 
“Japanese immigrants are not capable of assimilation into the American population.”

Facing Up To FDR’s Racism

Which is from an article Facing Up To FDR’s Racism by Rafael Medoff. Published in January 2018, it can be read here. Recently, in a remarkable fit of energy the Left in America began riots that became the most destructive since those of the late 1960s. The brutal occupation of six city blocks in Seattle is without precedent. Also, the spread of the violence was very quick suggesting an existing and well-financed organization. Democrat cities did pathetically little to prevent disorder. And the Left’s history since the early 1900s has shown energy and determination to the point of ruthlessness. On an international basis. As Russia showed in 1917, the policy of employing riots to obtain political power does not result in democratic government. The ambition, both externally and internally, is to destroy the one country that best represents the blessings of freedom and prosperity. Why? Authoritarians have always been compelled to destruction for the sake of destruction. Regrettably, despite instruction from the horrors of the French and Russian Revolutions to the current disaster called Venezuela, the Left never learns. Fortunately, there is a brighter side. The record shows a long history of governing classes becoming, well, ungovernable. And when in-your-face and in-your-wallet bureaucrats become too much, ordinary folk have thrown them out of office. The last such success took down the Berlin Wall in 1989, with Communist governments from China to Romania soon following.  An equally important reform occurred with England’s “Glorious Revolution” in 1688. Ordinary people have defended their best interests and perhaps it can happen again.

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Bob Hoye——

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.
