
Fascist leftism, a death cult embedded in a Democratic Party

Terrorism, fascism, political correctness, and sexual violence: Four Horsemen of the Left

It has been more than a quarter century since social workers in Rotherham, England and elsewhere began reporting that young women and girls were being "groomed" (i.e. drugged, beaten, raped, threatened with death) and then pimped out by ethnic minority (i.e. Islamic) taxi drivers living in their "community." The girls were beaten and worse if they tried to escape. Some were murdered. Easy Meat: Inside Britain's Grooming Gang Scandal, is a hard book to read, but it should be required reading. Maybe universities and colleges could make it their social-consciousness-raising community read for the beginning of next school year. And maybe hell will also freeze over.

With no First Amendment to protect them, and with hate speech laws spreading like a mental black plague, the police bloggers never stood a chance

In Rotherham, the few social workers not already seduced into senselessness by the daddy pimp of them all--Sir Political Correctness --were quickly schooled by their superiors to look the other way--away from evidence of child rape --or lose their jobs. The same government bureaucrats who suppressed the social workers also shut down the blogs being written by brave policemen who were trying to warn the public about the perverse takeover of policing by Sir PC and company. With no First Amendment to protect them, and with hate speech laws spreading like a mental black plague, the police bloggers never stood a chance. See here and here for other police accounts of the effect of identity politics on police work. Amassed against the police who wished to treat everyone, you know, equally, were globalist multiculturalists, academicians, politicians, preening media, and other gilded birds in gilded high rises successfully imposing a racial regime that would make a Victorian phrenologist blush. Police blogging was merely the last, impotent line of defense for the wrong types of victims victimized by the wrong types of criminals.

Once the police blogs were forcibly silenced, the girls of Rotherham, and, in fact, all of Britain was on its own

Once the police blogs were forcibly silenced, the girls of Rotherham, and, in fact, all of Britain was on its own. The lights went out, to Winston Churchill and Mark Steyn. Always before the lights go out, speech is silenced. As leftists in America shut down free speech on college campuses across America--and they won't stop at college campuses --take lessons from that, as you will. Officially, the pimped-out girls of Rotherham were extra-legally deemed guilty of being "raped while white." Officially, their rapists were extra-legally deemed innocent of child rape and pimping on the grounds of being "rapists while minority." This is precisely the deadly calculus of identity politics as it has played out in law enforcement for 50 years now, for half a century, for the entire time Bill Cosby, for example, has been drugging and molesting starlets and student coaches and supermodels. Bill Cosby may sneer that it is "racism" that motivated the belated charges of sexual assault against him, but he is only half right. It is indeed racism--racism against his victims and on his behalf --that enabled him to get away with sexually abusing woman after woman for decades with no consequences. What woman, black or white (and Cosby's victims span the color spectrum) would be stupid enough to come forward and report being raped by America's black dad?

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Meet the new lynch mob. It's no different from the old lynch mob, except it's not called a lynch mob anymore: it's called "justice."

Whether you are a poor white child in foster care in a slum in England being passed around by a gang of Pakistani thugs or a high-class, black supermodel being drugged and molested by America's funniest black man, political correctness dictates that you will be held responsible for the rape visited upon your body because black males can't possibly be held responsible for the rapes they commit because they are black males. Meet the new lynch mob. It's no different from the old lynch mob, except it's not called a lynch mob anymore: it's called "justice." And so when an ethnic minority man detonates a bomb at a teenybopper's concert, why do politicians even bother to denounce the violence? They, after all, are the ones responsible for the body count. They are the ones who tied the hands of the real police and turned policing itself into thought policing of non-terrorists. They are the ones who shut down public discourse about immigration and terrorism. They are the ones who purged from decent society anyone who dared to voice what everyone is thinking, all the time now: what if we could go back to the time when women could walk the streets unmolested and little girls could grow into women without being turned out by throngs of hate-filled Islamists treating them like discarded bags of meat, to quote one prominent imam? What if England could go back to being England, where Winnie the Pooh was the concern of 10-year-old girls, not how many sex acts they would need to perform in order to avoid being beaten by their pimps as the pimps showered them with anti-Christian, anti-female, anti-England "hate speech," which is the only flavor of hate speech allowed these days. Heck, such speech is practically a sacrament in some circles, including official ones. What if England could go back to the days of the Beatles, when the only danger one faced at a concert was the danger of going a bit deaf from the hysterical screams of teenyboppers screaming, not in horror at watching their chums' limbs being torn from their bodies, but screaming with joy at the harmless pleasure of being a teenage girl with a crush on a boy band? Not only don't these things exist anymore in England: the right to talk about them doesn't exist anymore either.

Terrorism, fascism, and political correctness are frequent fellow travelers with sexual violence

And it can happen here. The leftist mobs attacking conservative speakers on college campuses; the unpunished hate crime hoaxes; the media's dishonest trumpeting of this or that imaginary "rising tide" of white supremacist hate; their dishonest participation in burying the real hate hoaxes; their decades-long cover-up of violent crime committed by minorities--all this isn't mere proto-fascism: it is full-blown fascism. Terrorism, fascism, and political correctness are frequent fellow travelers with sexual violence. How better to suppress and render docile half the population than by threatening them sexually? And how much easier is this when the predators have the ace in their pockets of special exemption from culpability for their crimes because of their ethnicity or race? New York City's Puerto Rican Day parade used to be notorious for acts of "wilding" and "whirlpooling," in other words, gang sexual attacks committed against women unlucky enough to happen upon the throngs of males who felt entitled to grab and molest any woman in their path. Just like the police in Rotherham, the police monitoring the Puerto Rican Day Parade were told to shut up and stand down in the face of those sexual assaults because the offenders were ethnic minority men, and you can't blame ethnic minority men for committing sexual violence. This year, in addition to the usual unmentionable sexual threats, the Puerto Rican Day parade is honoring a leftist terrorist just released from prison by Barack Obama. So first, Obama spat in the face of the police and civilians murdered by Oscar Lopez Rivera by springing Rivera from prison, and next, Mayor Bill de Blasio is excitedly marching with Rivera in a parade with a reputation for gross sexual abuse of women. Maybe Hillary Clinton isn't the Democratic Party's biggest optics problem after all.


Fascist leftism, a death cult embedded in a Democratic Party

Bill Ayers, Obama's unrepentant terrorist mentor, also has a history of sexual perversion and sexual violence that doesn't seem to bother the types of people who honor him, such as the universities granting him tenure and speaking honoraria and the dumb bunny grade school teachers who elected him to run curricular studies for the largest K-12 teacher's professional organization in the United States, the American Educational Research Association. If merely trying to blow up cops and soldiers and civilians were not enough for the collective idiots who teach your children, one would hope that Ayers's sexual history might give them pause, but apparently it never did. Back in the Weathermen days, Ayers was known for arranging inter-racial re-education sex sessions to punish white females for being white females. Such stories were hardly uncommon throughout the civil rights era. When I was researching the feminist movement of the 1960s and early 1970s in university archives, I found scores of similar stories by female civil rights workers who were forced to degrade themselves sexually--often in public --to "make up for" societal prejudice against black men. And female civil rights workers of all races were also pressured to keep quiet when they were raped by black men, a not uncommon occurrence. There is a direct line from Rotherham to raped-and-silenced civil rights workers to Bill Cosby grousing that he's the "real victim" of his sexual exploits that literally dozens of women have called rape. There's a direct line between Al Sharpton literally trying to lynch a white gang rape victim by inciting a crowd to attack the police van transporting her to the courthouse and Al Sharpton being invited to the White House and being honored at Democratic Party conventions and being given a show on MSNBC. There is a direct line between police being silenced in Britain if they tell the truth about sexual abuse of girls by minority men and police being told to stand down as women get gang-raped in broad daylight at the Puerto Rican Day parade, a parade that is now honoring a terrorist on sidewalks dusted not so long ago with the pulverized bones of other American victims of terrorism. The direct line between all these things is fascist leftism, a death cult embedded in a Democratic Party so cynical about its own acceptance of some sexual violence and some terrorism that no person who identifies as a Democrat can possibly look in the mirror and honestly confront themselves about such things. And when you can't acknowledge your own culpability in the death cult within your own political party, there's only one thing left to do: outlaw any speech that tells the truth about it.

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Tina Trent——

Tina Trent writes about crime and policing, political radicals, social service programs, and academia. She has published several reports for America’s Survival and helped the late Larry Grathwohl release a new edition of his 1976 memoir, “Bringing Down America: An FBI Informer with the Weathermen,” an account of his time infiltrating the Weather Underground.

Dr. Trent received a doctorate from the Institute for Women’s Studies of Emory University, where she wrote about the devastating impact of social justice movements on criminal law under the tutelage of conservative, pro-life scholar Elizabeth Fox-Genovese.

Dr. Trent spent more than a decade working in Atlanta’s worst neighborhoods, providing social services to refugees, troubled families, and crime victims. There, she witnessed the destruction of families by the poverty industry, an experience she describes as: “the reason I’m now a practicing Catholic and social conservative.”

Tina lives with her husband on a farm in North Georgia. She blogs about crime and politics at tinatrent.com.
