
Another blotch on Canada’s Flag and Canada’s day of self-deception

The Banality of Canada Day

imageFlags wave and bands play. Schoolchildren are brainwashed into believing that their freedoms come from their multicultural heritage of millions arriving from undemocratic countries, most appearing on the scene in the last 40 years. What freedoms they have left, that is. Multiculturalism is our strength they are told. In some cities like mine, if you look around the classroom you’d believe it.

Oh Canada rings throughout the Country! “We stand on guard for thee,” they sing, thinking that the song unites us all, “mare usque ad mare.” In truth, it is but another blotch on Canada’s Flag and Canada’s day of self-deception. For the truth is that from the tribal throats of the 7,000,000 or so Quebecoise of la belle Province de Quebec and many other Francophone communities across this land, an entirely different set of words emerge. Not a heartfelt testimony to their allegiance to Canada like most of us but an ode of adoration to their Catholic Church, their Quebecoise habitant traditions and their anti-English distorted and whitewashed history. imageThe veterans of WW2 parade with pride and so they should, for they are the last who know for certain they fought for the fundamental freedoms of our British-Canadian heritage. All were volunteers in the war to save mankind. Not too many Francophones in that lot and just one solitary regiment in WW1. While this is fact, we must honour those few Quebecoise veterans who understood their duty and fought the good fight. They were some of the best warriors on the battlefield. The province of Quebec however, did not support either WW1 or WW2 and wouldn’t fight today unless a war was on their doorstep. What must our veterans be thinking as they march? Their battle flag, the Red Ensign, is scarcely present and in its place, a wet-nosed “baby” flag scarcely 40 years of age that pretends to merit the honours it will take a long time yet to deserve. A flag that stands more for dishonour, neglect of freedom, and days and years of insults heaped upon our warriors by our past government’s deadly dismissal of our military’s needs. How many of our valiant soldiers have died and will yet die in our anti-terrorist mini Afghan brush-fire under that same wet-behind-the-ears flag because of our country’s callous neglect? We still lack our own air support, proper transportation, and the best fighting vehicles, aerial surveillance robots and instant response capability. Worse than even these disgraces, is the constant carping and undermining of our mission by the usual gaggle of worthless politicians and the majority of our anti-government mass media’s deliberate ongoing, mind-bending propaganda and exaggeration of our minimal (by comparison to other war theatres) casualties. Think a moment about the insane debate about whether we should fly the Flag at half mast every time a soldier dies. If we and our allies, mostly Americans, lose control of the war against Jhihadist inspired terrorism, we will reap the whirlwind of all-out war. The Flag will then go up and down in a constant daily blur. We will have to mechanize the damn thing. Remember Dieppe; 800 dead in one day or Vimy Ridge; 5,000 dead in three days, or the sinking of HMCS Valleyfield, 120 dead in an hour? These people must desist from further disgracing our country with what can only be seen as a putrid political abuse of our soldiers’ deaths and our scarcely seasoned infant flag. Yes, every dead or severely wounded soldier is a tragedy, but our meager total our 85 dead in six years of action hardly compares with the cost of a few weeks of casualties in an all out war. Yes, we should honour our dead but to undermine their professional mission by undercutting and manipulating public support is despicable. Real Canadians don’t carp about “exit strategy,” and cry buckets of tears with every soldier’s death, they get on with the job and they pay the price until they win. So why should anyone believe we really mean to “Stand on Guard for Thee?” What exactly are our children and our countrymen really committed to stand on guard for today? What are we celebrating? While our brave men and women give us reason to be proud, what really has this infant flag floating over us for the last 40 years done to deserve our adulation? Well, no doubt there are those youngsters from the families who still remember the fundamental principles that underlie our very freedoms, do intend to stand up for our ancient principles and their flag, but what they think is just and right, is not what this Flag and their anthem represents. Their Flag represents mind and thought control tribunals. Free speech as their parents knew it no longer exists. Minority groups, newcomers to Canada, have spit upon the fundamental practices and laws that gave them the very freedoms they came to enjoy, and in the process stole freedoms from us all. Unfortunately, our political leaders allowed these corruptions to take place in the hope they could suppress any and all objections to their plans and policies for Canada. It’s the oldest ploy in the book. Put the minority newcomers in the driver’s seat and have them suppress any “poor” behaviour from a few outspoken rebellious souls. Further, to keep Quebec in Canada they sacrificed any pretense of justice and fairness and it continues today. Our leaders passed the Multicultural Act of Canada. This seemingly innocuous Act has nothing to do with integrating newcomers into our Canadian Society, but rather proclaims that all cultures are the equal of each other. In other words, Canada had no culture worth any special recognition. Our Census then began to ask its citizens about their race, skin colour, national origins etc., even adding sexual orientation for good luck; no mention of “Canadian.” Their explanation of the race and colour questions; “we need to know because we will be enabled to develop special programs to meet minority needs” So Canada is no longer an association of free and equal citizens before and under the laws of the land but a hodge-podge of special groups all competing for special laws and privileges. Minorities (some of their leaders) then forced a Section into the Charter of Rights and Freedoms confirming that they were henceforth in need of special protections, plans, and laws, to protect them from the majority and to provide them with “equitable treatment.” Equitable treatment meaning special laws and programs designed to push them into jobs, positions of authority and give them precedence over everybody not belonging to one of the officially designated groups. They call themselves marginalized and forever underdogs. In fact, they are now virtually the only people our governments bother talking to. What does Canada Day mean? It sure doesn’t mean a strong country of strong individuals united in their subscription to equality before the law, free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, presumption of innocence, trial by a jury of our peers, representative government, agreement by majority vote, and a justice system that sees only evidence and not the colour of the person accused, etc. It means Human Rights Tribunals staffed by untrained bureaucrats, usually minorities, following laws of their own making; laws applicable only to the benefit of these same designated minorities and with the gall to have pushed their brand of anarchy so far that their law now takes precedence over any other law in Canada. It is unbelievable that our politicians and courts (the real ones that is) have sat by and encouraged their dictatorial and outrageous use. It is incredible that they were ever put in place in the first place. It is another huge stain upon our infant flag. So go enjoy Canada Day. It can be a nice day for a barbeque, but don’t celebrate Canada’s wonderful freedoms and cohesiveness. They scarcely exist anymore. Further, the dead weight of Quebec corrupts all of Canada. Quebec denies the rights of Canadian English-speakers in Quebec, curtails the freedoms of new minorities and pushes the French Language all across Canada with the collusion of our present government’s huge financial expenditures of over $1,000,000,000 over the next 5 years. Now we hear that once more our government will spend millions funding Francophone legal actions against English speaking provincial and civic governments in their hunt for more bilingual jobs and dominance of our civil services. As for the bureaucracy of minions that participate in these Human Rights Commissions and their kangaroo courts, they are nothing more than icons of the banality of evil. They do what they do for power, money and prestige of title. The trains that ran to the death camps in Germany and Poland, with their millions of victims, only ran because of the same type of self-serving bureaucrats. These are the same type of minions who follow orders and happily scoop up their paychecks, caring not a whit for the harm they do to the thousand years of our British-Canadian heritage and fundamental freedoms. They are the scum of the earth. They must be shunned as pariahs in our country. They dishonour our flag. There are also those arrogant and selfish Francophone activists spread across Canada who strive to push their language down the throats of English Canada’s citizens while demanding more and more of our tax dollars to do so. Not a word from these callous people about Quebec’s condemned (by the United Nations) anti- English laws. Every government of Canada is culpable too, never providing a single dollar to fight the anti-English laws of Quebec. It is a one-way street; Quebec’s votes count. English speaking Canadians are high-handily dismissed as anti-Francophone bigots. Some pride, some flag!

An ode to Canada Day

– apologies to Dr. John McRae: Oh Canada! My much abused land Glorious and free, you once used to stand True patriot love; what can that be? Costs us a fortune and speech is not free So many people no longer know Canadians once had principles we died to uphold. Oh Canada! From our warrior’s failing hands Will we catch the torch, freedom’s struggle demands? Across the ages, our principles beckon, yet again We hear! We hear! Our heroes these truths proclaim Take up the quarrel, make freedom’s stand It is our sacred duty, each woman and each man.

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Dick Field——

Dick Field, editor of Blanco’s Blog, is the former editor of the Voice of Canadian Committees and the Montgomery Tavern Society, Dick Field is a World War II veteran, who served in combat with the Royal Canadian Artillery, Second Division, 4th Field Regiment in Belgium, Holland and Germany as a 19-year-old gunner and forward observation signaller working with the infantry. Field also spent six months in the occupation army in Northern Germany and after the war became a commissioned officer in the Armoured Corps, spending a further six years in the Reserves.

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