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The Democrats: Feeding fear to the USA

If there was any doubt that the Democrats in Congress are the leading fear mongers in our nation's capital, then look for no better example than their vicious and false attacks on the Republican proposals to repeal and replace ObamaCare. The Democrats also believe their supporters and voters are amazingly gullible and easily confused. They are! And the Democrats know that most people do not have the time to sort through the smoke and BS they spew, such that eventually they and their supporters believe it must be true, which adds up to a sense that the nation is falling apart, and that the Trump Administration is the worst in history.

Democrats, liberal media allies' latest brew spew of lies--distorting every aspect of the Republican health care plans

The nation is on a historic path to prosperity despite the Democrats' efforts to slow it down, and resist what's good for the people and not the political class. The Democrats and their liberal media allies' latest brew spew of lies has focused on distorting every aspect of the Republican health care plans. They did it to the House version while most in the media never bothered to set the record straight, and now their fear mongering is focused on the Senate Republicans' plan. It's worth the time to read Dan's point-by-point rebuttal of former President Obama's criticism of the Senate bill. Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck Schumer's criticisms and distortions are along the same lines, except they may state the same lies using different words. For example, neither of the Republican plans cuts Medicaid! They are just not allowing the out of control expansion that the Democrats would allow. The Democrats like to talk about the "number of Americans" who will be left out of being able to get health care coverage. That "number" is all over the place, and no one seems to be able to show that number is anywhere near correct. My team and I are constantly following news stories about the Republican health care bills, and the stories never talk about the people who have premiums and deductibles so high that they effectively do not have coverage. News stories also never talk about the employers who will welcome the Republican proposals, because it will make it more affordable for employers to help employees to have health insurance coverage. Why? Because the Republican proposals would allow people to select the coverage they want, instead of what the Democrats in Congress want to mandate.

News stories never talk about the lies the Democrats told to pass ObamaCare in 2010

News stories never talk about the lies the Democrats told to pass ObamaCare in 2010. Average annual premiums will go down about $2,500, they said. Instead, many premiums went up $5,000 or more. If you like your doctor then you can keep your doctor. Nope! Many doctors could not afford to provide the health care the government mandated for the prices the government wanted to pay. And the biggest insult of all! "We have to pass it so you can find out what's in it." Yes Nancy, we must all be stupid! Surprise, some of us are not! I'm past trying to not be politically harsh with my words to describe what the Democrats and their media allies are trying to do to the American people. The fear they are perpetuating is hurting this nation instead of helping it to move forward. But as Scott Rasmussen points out with the actual title of his new book, "Politics has failed, America will not". That's our optimism in the midst of a sea of fear!


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Herman Cain——

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain
