
Sexism, Homophobia, Racism, denial of Global Warming

The new morality

All cultures require a set of moral principles in order to maintain a sense of self-worth. Our own culture is currently in the process of redefining our understanding of morality to better conform to the dominant social and political ethos. All that was once a moral imperative is now passe and a new sense of morality is appearing on the social and cultural landscape.

Issues such as premarital sex, cheating on exams, attending church, drug use, abortion and a long list of others have gradually eroded from the moral radar and have left a vacuum that is being filled by a new set of moral values. Interestingly these values, while they assume a moral importance, have little to do with morality in the absolute sense and tend to be more political as well as relative in nature. The terminology that defines this new morality involves words such as "sexism", "homophobia", "racism" and my own personal favorite "denial of global warming". It's pretty easy to be a moral person nowadays, given that nothing is really expected except that one talks the talk. For example, Al Gore, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this year, touts the hysterical message that the planet is rapidly warming due to mankind's activity and within a short period of time we will face ruin unless we change the way we live. Gore predicts that the polar ice caps will melt and the oceans will rise by as much as 20 feet, inundating all the coastal areas on earth, drowning millions of people and ultimately destroying the habitat of thousands of species of life. Yet Gore consumes 20 times the energy that the average American family uses per year and he rationalizes his profligate waste of energy by purchasing "carbon credits" (from himself). So Gore, for all intents and purposes, is one of the most moral people on the planet given his position on global warming and the fact that he "reduces his carbon footprint" by purchasing carbon offsets from a brokerage of which he is the principal shareholder. Belief in global warming has now assumed religious proportions with those who question the orthodox explanation for our changing climate being labeled "deniers". In another age those who defied orthodoxy were deemed "heretics" and tortured or burned at the stake. There appears to be little difference in our current attitudes and the attitudes displayed during the Inquisition, except we no longer burn people at the stake. Other examples of this new morality abound as many who are vehemently opposed to the death penalty find it perfectly acceptable to snuff out an unborn baby's life in the name of a woman's right to control her own body. Those who are morally opposed to racism or sexism are perfectly okay with the concept of "reverse" discrimination as affirmative action programs punish those who have traditionally been more fortunate in finding professional advancement and rewards those groups who have traditionally found advancement difficult, due to their race or gender. We view our welfare programs as more than just a social safety net in the belief that everyone should have a minimum guaranteed annual income. And while this looks good on paper it condemns generations of individuals to the scourge of poverty by making them dependent on government largesse and keeping them from actualizing their potential. We define fundamentalist Christians as "scary", yet condemn those who express concern about radical Islam as being "Islamophobic". We vilify those who chose to smoke cigarettes as social pariahs, treating them worse than many minorities were treated in the bad old days, all the while feeling superior for not smoking. We want to inconvenience owners of firearms through onerous regulations, yet we balk at punishing those who commit violent crimes in the mistaken belief that every criminal is capable of being rehabilitated. Few graduates from our universities possess the tools necessary to make a meaningful contribution to society, as throughout their educational career self esteem trumped achievement. Now we're turning these unfortunates loose to fend for themselves with a less than adequate skill set. But they all seem to think very highly of themselves. The morality that we are abandoning is the glue that has held our civilization together for centuries. The morality that we are adopting in its place will only speed up our decline, as it requires almost no meaningful commitment on the part of individuals. On the contrary, being moral is now easier than ever with no effort required.

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Klaus Rohrich——

Klaus Rohrich is senior columnist for Canada Free Press. Klaus also writes topical articles for numerous magazines. He has a regular column on RetirementHomes and is currently working on his first book dealing with the toxicity of liberalism.  His work has been featured on the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others.  He lives and works in a small town outside of Toronto.

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