
Corrupt politicians are always immoral but, considering the Democrat’s actions against Trump, are they also subversive?

The Subversacrats

The SubversacratsIn this 1980s presentation, former Soviet journalist Yuri Bezmenov describes the Soviet Union’s comprehensive long-term subversion strategies which, by surprising coincidence, look oddly like our world today. (Below) “The highest Art of warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time as the perception of reality in your enemy is screwed up to such an extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy and that your system, your civilization, and your ambitions look to your enemy as an alternative, if not desirable, then at least, feasible.”

People vote belief, which is why Fake News is such a powerful subversive weapon

That is how Yuri described the general philosophy of Soviet style subversion, a sneaky strategy developed from the teachings of famous Chinese General Sun Tzu, who according to Yuri, was required reading at the time. The Soviets weren’t foolish enough to believe that “perception is reality”. In fact, the entire point of subversion and propaganda is to attack reality by messing up perceptions, which leads to incorrect, or Fake, beliefs that once set can be leveraged into political exploitation. How? People vote belief, which is why Fake News is such a powerful subversive weapon. For instance, Carbon taxes and COVID lockdowns are our reality, but they are based on the false perceptions that CO2 drives the planet’s climate and COVID-19 is an indiscriminate killer rather than a targeted culler preying on the already weak and vulnerable.

Four stages of Soviet subversion

The four stages of Soviet subversion were: Demoralization: It takes 15-20 years to “educate” one generation of students into hating their country. Time for a wholesale curriculum review? Destabilization: Disrupt society’s institutions, destroy law and order, separate people into antagonistic groups, grow an anti-country media, co-opt prominent politicians and figures, and poison the political process with violent clashes. Crisis: Occurs when legitimate bodies cannot function and are replaced with non-elected committees, further separating the people from the ruling class. Normalization: This phase is subversive and not as benign as it sounds. The country is stabilized through force, and all opposition is targeted for elimination, including the useful idiots who helped spread pro-subversion propaganda. They are no longer needed at this point and will become a problem when they comprehend what they’ve wrought. Sadly, the military is the only force capable of undoing the takeover at this stage. Worth noting is the fact that President Trump has called up the National Guard. As Yuri, also known as author and ex-CBC journalist, Tomas Schuman, explains, subversive tactics are designed to covertly destroy the enemy’s ideas and institutions from the inside. Obviously, subversive success requires inside help and, critically, the suppression of any and all truths that expose the seditious, possibly traitorous, actors. This bring us face to face with Democrat actions and media deceit in the age of Trump.

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Planning To Fail

Obviously, any private corporation that plans to fail will succeed in suicidal fashion. However, when it comes to public service, planning to fail pays multiple subversive dividends. The persecution of General Michael Flynn, Trump-Russia collusion, and the quid-pro impeachment fiasco are three examples of Democrat plan-to-fail plans in action. Recently released documents show that General Michael Flynn, Carter Page, President Trump and other people inside the President’s orbit are innocent victims of astounding corruption at the highest levels of government and law enforcement, quite possibly the greatest political scandal in US history. The Democrats, Fake News, and their Deep State associates KNEW these truths from the beginning. They also KNEW they had no choice but to engage in criminal activities in order to prevent the public from ever learning how far the Deep State Kraken’s tentacles reach. Thankfully, their Flynn flam is about to end, even if Judge Sullivan attempts to conjure another ridiculous delay in hopes of derailing the president’s re-election. If that happened, Sullivan would have little to fear as his cronies would regain power and redouble their assault on Flynn and Trump. However, if Trump is re-elected, Sullivan’s direct link to the corrupt cabal would be exposed. Also, once free, Flynn will be able to speak about what he knows, a scenario that must terrify the Deep State that tried to frame him. I recommend the mass purchase of popcorn for that movie.

Mueller’s fake dossier-inspired Russia probe

Mueller’s fake dossier-inspired Russia probe took two years, dozens of agents, and more than 30 million dollars to produce a report that failed to find evidence of a Trump-Russia crime. There was Russia collusion however, such as the odd sale of 20% of US strategic reserves to Russia’s Rosatom through a Canadian firm, Uranium 1, during the Obama years when Hillary was Secretary of State. Then there is the Clinton’s work with Russia at Skolkovo, a technology partnership intended to transfer sophisticated weapon technology from the US to Russia. The Impeachment gambit made for dramatic TV, but turned out to be another Schiff show as, once again, all eighteen witnesses admitted, under oath no less, they had no evidence of a Trump crime. They voted to impeach Trump knowing they needed two thirds of a Republican controlled Senate to convict him of, well, no crime. It’s absurd on the face of it, but there was a point. It’s called subversion.

The Contemptuous Cost of Subversion

Step back a moment to consider the consequential impact of these failed plans on the tax paying public whom the Democrats purport to represent. Taxpayers pay the salaries of both elected Democrat officials and the Deep State, along with the Republicans and President Trump. The Democrat fraudulent gambits force a response, meaning Republicans are compelled to spend money and resources defending themselves. Of course, the media treats the vile accusations as absolute truth.


The deliberate waste of taxpayer resources is a contemptuous act at the best of times, worthy of serious jail time

The re-allocation of resources weakens the administration’s ability to run current programs and also hampers the development of new legislation designed to improve the lives of Americans. And, by sheer luck, the Democrat’s accusations feed the news stories for years, allowing their Fake News partners to forward fake narratives so that the “perception of reality in the enemy is screwed up”. In the end, taxpayers are directly funding their enemy and their plans, funding their team to battle it all, and as a bonus, are saddled with a less responsive, less effective government. The deliberate waste of taxpayer resources is a contemptuous act at the best of times, worthy of serious jail time. When one adds in that subversive efforts are aimed at the heart of one’s country, the crimes turn to sedition, worthy of a long stint at Guantanamo. However, when foreign entities are involved, sedition twists into treason. “Steele dossier source was investigated by FBI for Russia links, Barr says”, states a New York Post headline. As the source for Steele’s salacious dossier was a Russian who attempted to bribe officials, the coup collaborators may be facing the death penaltyhttps://www.wesh.com/article/feds-put-inmate-to-death-seventh-since-execution-restart/34151951, which has been used seven times since its recent restart. Former CIA director Brennan and FBI directors Comey and McCabe are in deep, treasonous trouble if Trump wins in November. Bill and Hillary may be Cuba bound as well. Obama will likely skate, but his reputation will be forever stained. Mr. President, Make America Free Again.

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Mark Gray——

Mark Gray hails from the Kirkland Lake, Ontario area and has spent over 30 years as an Analyst/Developer in Big IT, mostly in Calgary’s Oil-And-Gas Sector. Creator of an non-partisan, analytical methodology that seeks out and identifies Bias and Deceit embedded in weaponized information.
