
These foes of freedom and their clandestine controllers are planning to forge the green chains of a global government for humanity in Paris next month.

We Must Defend Our Access to Energy

Every living thing needs access to energy – food, light and warmth.

But the UN is plotting to limit our access to energy. A study of human history shows what a grave threat this poses to all of us. Our distant ancestors were hunter-gatherers. They killed and ate wild animals, which provided much of their energy needs. Solar energy warmed their days, and gave life to the herbs, roots and fruits they gathered and to the grasses and shrubs that sustained their prey. Sunlight reflected from the moon allowed them to hunt and fish during moon-lit nights. The sun and moon dominated their world, so naturally many of them worshipped these heavenly bodies. The invention of stone and wooden weapons and tools increased their access to energy – hunting and gathering was more efficient with tools. The discovery of how to control fire multiplied man’s access to energy. Fire provided heat and light and could be used to clear vegetation, fight enemies and trap wild animals. Hunter-gatherers need access to land, preferably free from competitors. This led to the development of territory with defined and defended property boundaries. Property rights are thus an essential ingredient to provide guaranteed access to food and energy. Some hunters discovered they could harvest more food by maintaining their own tended plots of crops and vegetables and protecting domesticated goats, pigs, cattle and sheep from wild animals and poachers. Farms with fences allowed humans greatly increased access to the solar energy collected by plants and processed into human food by domesticated animals. The long experiment with collective and tribal farming showed that individual farmers with secure property rights produce more food and are better at protecting the long term value of their land. Tribalism and open range grazing are key factors in the recurring famines in Africa. Farmers soon realised that land with good soils, reliable water supplies and warm moist climate produces more food. A warrior class emerged to acquire and defend the tribe’s exclusive long-term access to these fertile fields. Some tribes discovered they could trade their surplus food, tools or weapons for other goods in scarce supply. This free trade increased their access to food and energy. Trade requires transport, and the use of oxen, horses, donkeys, mules and camels for transport was a great boost to trade. The horse and saddle allowed humans to hunt, patrol and defend a far larger territory. The discovery of how to smelt metals from ores using charcoal provided another great leap in human access to energy. Metals made better ploughs, spears, swords, shields and digging forks. But the giant leap for mankind was the progressive discovery of how to use that black shiny rock called “coal”; first in camp fires, then to smelt ores and, in a great energy leap, to power steam engines. Soon thousands of water pumps, factories, locomotives, traction engines, ships and electric generators were being driven by coal. Mankind gained access to an almost unlimited supply of energy via heat, light and motive power wherever it was needed. The discovery of that other marvellous hydrocarbon, petroleum, gave humans access to a powerful source of portable energy. Tractors, trucks and buses replaced wagons, coaches, horses and bullocks, releasing more energy for humans. This access to cheap reliable energy created widespread prosperity, families became smaller and people took more interest in conserving their heritage and environment. Try to picture our world before we gained access to hydrocarbon energy – there was limited energy from wood, sun, wind and water but there were no trains, electricity, motor vehicles, appliances, hi-rise buildings, hi-tech hospitals or the millions of products produced by reliable electric-powered mining machinery, smelters, refineries, fabricators and factories. Famine and poverty were common occurrences and there was little concern for welfare, culture or the environment. Cities which were choking in smog from open fires and boilers were also rescued by electricity – “the clean-coal-by-wire”. And in another bit of environmental serendipity, burning of these buried hydrocarbons is returning carbon dioxide to Earth’s carbon-deficient atmosphere to support more plant growth all over the globe. We and the entire biosphere should celebrate having more CO2 in the atmosphere: The harnessing of nuclear power then gave mankind the key to almost unlimited power for as long as people have enough sense to use it safely. Earth’s growing human and animal population depend, more than ever, on maintaining this hard-won heritage of resources, rights, inventions and infrastructure. It is what ensures future access to reliable affordable food and energy. Today the biggest threat to human well-being is the global war on carbon being run by climate-scare/sustainability zealots. They are trying to undermine and reverse centuries of discoveries and legal heritage. But they know there is no practical possibility that we can reliably energise our world with the green energy of our ancestors, even if we smothered the surface with windmills and solar shades. Their secret dream is to destroy urbanised and industrialised humanity, ban private property and free trade, close the mines, factories, farms and fisheries, tear down the fences and dams and return the decimated human race to rationed, taxed and globally-controlled dormitories and urban play-grounds. This is what these enemies of humanity really think:
"Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun." -Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" -Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme "We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects. We must reclaim the roads and ploughed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of acres of presently settled land." "My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full complement of species, returning throughout the world." -Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First! "My vision is for a country, a society, a world where we don't use any coal, oil, or natural gas because we have zero-emissions electricity in huge abundance," -Dr Alan Finkel, Australia’s new green government-appointed “Chief Scientist”.
These foes of freedom and their clandestine controllers are planning to forge the green chains of a global government for humanity in Paris next month. They must not succeed. We must defend our right to develop and use our own land, resources and property to produce abundant, reliable and affordable energy and food. Tell our politicians: “Sign NOTHING that we can’t get out of, in Paris in December.” Viv Forbes, Rosewood, Qld, Australia

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Viv Forbes——

Viv Forbes, Chairman, The Carbon Sense Coalition, has spent his life working in exploration, mining, farming, infrastructure, financial analysis and political commentary. He has worked for government departments, private companies and now works as a private contractor and farmer.

Viv has also been a guest writer for the Asian Wall Street Journal, Business Queensland and mining newspapers. He was awarded the “Australian Adam Smith Award for Services to the Free Society” in 1988, and has written widely on political, technical and economic subjects.
