
Encourage those my age, and younger, to limit their exposure, and send the less affected age groups back to work. Wearing masks and gloves, if necessary. Because the clock is ticking

You are faltering, Mister President

You are faltering, Mister PresidentEach shutdown day after May Day, Trump’s support drops a notch. He was conned by the Big Government Doctors. He said, “Two very smart people came into my office”. Though unnamed, we know who.

The President surrendered the U.S. economy

One a fawning, male admirer of Hillary Clinton. The other a CDC and PEPFAR advocate for the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI). The President surrendered the U.S. economy to their judgment. And by May Day, nearly 30 million American workers will be unemployed. What was packaged as a way to save American lives, has morphed into a way to dispirit Trump’s base. And it’s working. First, the white coats—a powerful symbol of scientific infallibility—downplayed the danger. Later, their complicit media converts their discounting into criticism of Trump. When their diagnosis shifts, their media, with hair-on-fire, chant the fear that millions of Americans will die unless the economy is closed. There is no review or rebuttal from within the “scientific community”—an entity that, for now, retains the once impeccable, but now discredited, reputation of the “intelligence community”. The politicians line up in support—bipartisan-like. Which means, of course, it cannot be challenged. Congress dispenses a cornucopia of financial aid with money recently printed by the Central Bank of Shangri-La.

Congress dispenses a cornucopia of financial aid with money recently printed by the Central Bank of Shangri-La

A cadre of mostly Democrat governors, who live surrounded by State Police bodyguards and chauffeured in black suburbans, dive into their new mission. “Shut her down” becomes the new “Get her done.” The governor of Georgia takes his delegated responsibility seriously, and opens up his state. He gets booed by the left, and, oddly enough, by the President who says “I’m not happy with him”. Peaceful protests pop-up, led by out-of-work citizens who want relief from unemployment. They’re overwhelmingly Trump supporters, today. Someone sneaks in a Nazi sign and the media jumps all over it, of course. The routine of the Virus Press Conference bleeds impact and relevance. It degenerates into the President calling out the standard merchants of fake news. No news there. Just old news. No longer entertaining news. Boring. Trump speculates out-loud about disinfecting people from the inside. He should know better to do that in a room where sharks constantly sniff for blood. The sharks bite, ‘cause that’s what they do. If he intentionally bated them, it’s time to shut-down that urge. We get it—they’re corrupt.

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The routine of the Virus Press Conference bleeds impact and relevance

He later says it was a sarcastic remark. That doesn’t wash. Better to say, “Look, I was just thinking out loud. ‘Spit-balling’. Get a freaking life!” To the point: It’s time to shut down the shut-down. People can go to a hardware store, but not their barber—even if the barber is wearing rubber gloves and a mask. And a hazmat suit. If a friend in Michigan doesn’t wear a mask to the pharmacy to get his BP meds, he’ll face arrest. Gruppenführer Gretchen will see to it. A crew of workers within reach of each other dig a trench for the footings of a nail shop in a strip mall. But wait, nail salons must remain closed. The shutdown rules are a Rubik’s Cube with no solution. All the while, Joe Biden sits in his basement—- like Chris Cuomo pretended to do— while, sadly, his mind leaves the house. Outside, the Democrat Party meets to figure out who Trump will face in November. Slim Pickens. If Trump intends to win against the Mystery Contestant, he needs to attend, not just to his base, but to the American people. Encourage those my age, and younger, to limit their exposure, and send the less affected age groups back to work. Wearing masks and gloves, if necessary. Because the clock is ticking. Link to Executive Order


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Lee Cary—— Since November 2007, Lee Cary has written hundreds of articles for several websites including the American Thinker, and Breitbart’s Big Journalism and Big Government (as “Archy Cary”). and the Canada Free Press. Cary’s work was quoted on national television (Sean Hannity) and on nationally syndicated radio (Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin). His articles have posted on the aggregate sites Drudge Report, Whatfinger, Lucianne, Free Republic, and Real Clear Politics. He holds a Doctorate in Theology from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL, is a veteran of the US Army Military Intelligence in Vietnam assigned to the [strong]Phoenix Program[/strong]. He lives in Texas.
