
Rick Hayes

Rick Hayes lives in the epicenter of liberal land where reality and truth will never encounter a welcome mat. An award-winning writer and photographer, with over twenty years of professional experience in both fields, Hayes started his journalism adventure after a successful, eye-opening career as a Banker in Wall Street. Although he spent his early work life surrounded by custom made shirts, expensive ties and the shiniest of shoes, Hayes was an accomplished singer, cutting a few records with a local band and appearing on one of the first cable shows. Working for a weekly New York paper, in one of the most politically corrupt areas in the State, he began investing his time trying to understand the nature of corruption.

Most Recent Articles by Rick Hayes:

Biased Media Helps Lawless Senate Ignore U.S. Constitution

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will continue to be in charge of the wide-open, broken southern border that is killing thousands of Americans, not because Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer or the 51-member Democratic majority spat on the United States Constitution but because America is without a free and impartial media.

- Saturday, April 20, 2024

How The Inner-City Can Spearhead A Positive Revolution

The March 25th murder of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller is at the top of the list of avoidable tragedies that are befalling New Yorkers on a routine basis. Still, it is a symptom of a more pernicious underlying disease called leftism.

When leftist Democrats expressed that it was okay to throw water on NYPD officers, that it was not a big deal, the crack in the dam was widened. It was only last month that two NYPD officers were kicked and beaten mercilessly while trying to arrest thugs on a crowded Manhattan street, and the perpetrators were let go after being briefly detained. And now, Officer Diller will never go home—godless leftist escalation on display.

- Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Uphill Battle To Get America Back

The forces that aim to dismantle the U.S. Constitution and turn the Republic into a Socialist state are formidable. They include Washington Democrats, the Democrat Department of Justice, The Democrat media, Democrat Hollywood, suburban feminists, and lower-income Americans.

The insurmountable fact that Democrats are above the law was on full display during yesterday's House Judiciary Committee hearing, where Special Counsel Robert Hur was questioned about his decision not to charge President Biden with a crime.

- Thursday, March 14, 2024

Why The Evil Left Will Stop At Nothing

Today, everywhere mindful and law-abiding Americans turn, they are stunned and baffled by government policies that run counter to logic and common sense.

Defunding the police, open borders, and purposely increasing the price of fuel, making everything more expensive. Yet, a whole section of society lives as if everything is fine.

- Friday, March 1, 2024

Why Are They Doing it?

Governments, corporations, and individuals do things for a reason.

What is the objective of having grade school-age children have access in their schools' libraries to subject matter that includes sodomy, rape, incest, and pedophilia, and what can be gained by deliberately destroying the buying power of millions of Americans through needlessly and artificially increasing energy costs?

- Thursday, February 1, 2024

There is what should happen, and then there is what could happen

There exists an actual ilk of people worldwide who believe they deserve to rule the rest of the world's population. These individuals have no soul, but they do have plenty of power. With their authority and influence, they have brainwashed millions of people that right is wrong and wrong is right.

- Wednesday, January 10, 2024

We Shouldn't Rely On Trump Alone

Trump is a good answer for what ails America, but not the ultimate solution to the reason America is plagued by evil. We are all in a lawless and morally corrupt cesspool, and we are sinking faster than the Titanic.

Our once-great and iconic cities are crumbling under despair, sin, and depravity. The nations' children detest the foundation on which our laws and principles are built. Spirituality is mocked, and the world's great religions are ridiculed and despised. How in the world did we get so wretched?

- Monday, December 4, 2023

The Kennedy Murder--History Now Repeating Itself

People strongly want to believe that their government tells the truth and will never harm them. It's a trust that reflects the bond between a child and parent.

So when the government tells its citizens what transpired during a catastrophic event, that information becomes the gold standard of what happened, and any other position is considered questionable.

What happened in Benghazi, the 2016 Trump-Russia Investigation and the 2020 Presidential Election have roots dating back 60 years.

- Friday, November 24, 2023

How Good Was Trump?

Trump had a tumultuous Presidency, but if we are being honest, why was that the case?

Take away the constant Democrat four-year-long fraudulent Russia hoax scandal, where everyone but Trump should have been placed behind bars. 

- Monday, October 23, 2023

What Does Biden Stand For?

The embarrassment of Afghanistan, open borders, the war in Ukraine: How can Americans know the method to Biden's madness? The answer to that can be found starting in 2008 when an unknown Illinois State Senator with no business, economic, or international track record became the 44th President of the United States.

- Thursday, October 19, 2023

How Fear-Fueled Hatred Exposed The Deep State

He who gets the story out first takes the lead in the battle of believability. Once the first set of facts becomes public and the all-powerful media endorses them, they become the accepted truth of whatever happened.

Such was the case with the JFK assassination, 9/11, and the Russian collusion falsehood of President Donald J. Trump.

- Monday, September 25, 2023

Purposeful Madness

History has shown that government-orchestrated brainwashing and propaganda via compliant media have caused many societies to support leaders and causes that ultimately destroyed the entire nation.

German Chancellor Adolf Hitler was celebrated and adored by millions of patriotic Germans. Hitler's insane policies, supported by the propaganda media, ultimately wiped out one-quarter of the German population and leveled entire German cities. Fanatical loyalty to Hitler did not cease with the ending of WWII, and hundreds of thousands of German soldiers continued to fight and die for an evil cause in a lost war.

- Wednesday, August 23, 2023

"They Control The System That Controls The Country." What Are Americans Going To Do About It?

"They"- AKA The Democrat leftist elites control the "system,” AKA--mainstream media, social media, The Department of Justice, The IRS, the entertainment industry, and education.

They have come out of the political closet and brazenly declared who they are and the kind of power they possess.

So, there is no need to pretend that the country might be in peril. America is in real trouble. A painful fact is that America is in present danger, just as threatening a future as the infamous RMS Titanic faced after hitting that iceberg in the cold Atlantic Ocean.

- Tuesday, July 11, 2023

American Mothers and Their Hurting Children

Politics is essential and tangible, while spirituality and God are a fantasy for losers who are too weak to live in the real world. At least, that's how the ruling class in America thinks.

Today, two opposing sides are seeking control of the soul of America. That's an immense statement to make, so it's worth repeating. Currently, right now, two opposing sides are seeking to control the soul of America.

- Tuesday, June 20, 2023

What Team Releases Their Number One Player?

With the shocker now settling in that the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been fired and his show canceled, conservative Americans are now realizing that a significant source of what they consider unbiased information no longer exists.

With rumors that the 787 million dollar defamation settlement with Dominion Voting Systems had nothing to do with Tucker's departure, questions regarding the exact reasons Fox decided to cut ties with its number one news show fly in all directions.

- Friday, April 28, 2023

Holy Week Has Ended, The Time To Act Has Started

The fraudulent and illegal indictment of former President Donald Trump underscores the truth that the Swamp no longer hides its hostile motives or pretends to favor the rule of law. Since Joe Biden entered the oval office, the socialist far-left Democrats have openly attacked religious organizations and American societal norms.

- Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Why Investigate?

The American political system is toxic on all levels. In the past two years, Americans have witnessed more leftist policies that defy logic than anytime in history. The more insane the policy is, the better it is to dissolve America's Constitution.

- Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Marxist Propaganda Alliance (MPA)

Words matter more than just a way of communicating. They convey an image and an impression of what is being said.

One way Americans have always communicated was through the media, but America currently needs valid media. Sure, you can find some truth, such as the weather or sports score. But what Americans consider the media is a well-organized apparatus whose primary function is dismantling American values and promoting Marxist ideology.

- Friday, March 3, 2023

The Trojan Horse Has Nothing To Hide.

A silly older man sniffing women was sold to the American people as the safe alternative to President Donald Trump. Joe Biden's assignment was to wear a suit, read words on a teleprompter and tell quips.

Biden was the Democrat left's version of the 21st century's Trojan Horse. Get the 78-year-old inside the White House pretending to be a gift to the American people, and then let the real puppet masters emerge and change the nation's demographics, destroy the economy and transform every social norm.

- Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Is It Time For Conservatives To Change Strategy?

Is It Time For Conservatives To Change Strategy?

So Kevin McCarthy is now the new speaker of the House. What can Americans expect regarding seeking justice for an unprecedented political power grab via unethical behavior, criminal conduct, blatant lying, and pronounced double standards by leftist Democrats?

The dread by many conservative Republican Americans is that the same old playbook of having useless, toothless investigations will be the safe order of McCarthy and the new House members.

At the same time, leftist Democrats are united in eradicating the traditional American family and the social and economic system; conservatives are divided because true free speech lends itself to debate and challenging each other's views.

- Monday, January 30, 2023
