
American Politics, News

Diving off the USS America Greg Maresca | April 27, 2024
Americans ever awaken from their agnostic stupor and realize that “salvation,” as Chuck Colson would pontificate, “doesn’t travel on Air Force One,” we will be much better off

How Do You Kill 7.5 Billion People? Ray DiLorenzo | April 27, 2024
Learn how to say NO! As Reagan used to say, "Trust, but verify." In this case, the government, all medical authorities, and the media. By all means, verify what you are told, use your own good judgment, and always trust in GOD!!

Regardless of how slick or polished it is, a lie can never be seen as something we call intelligent

Are Our Elections Legally Valid? Guest Column | April 26, 2024
USA will also be making demands for them to correct the issues and follow the law. Should they refuse, USA has an answer and will follow by taking legal action against these and other invalid elections

Information About Disinformation Milt Harris | April 26, 2024
No group has the right to dictate what the truth is. The very fact that they are trying so hard to convince us that they are the anointed ones should tell you all you need to know

Biden’s New Title IX Leaves Women Unentitled Milt Harris | April 25, 2024
The woke insanity of the left: They are not only attacking women but also the moral foundations of our society. Their arguments for equity and inclusion lack coherence and are based on meaningless delusions

Congressional Spending Goes Full Weimar Jeff Lukens | April 25, 2024
Every day, we are getting closer to the point of no return. We know that we're headed in the wrong direction, and if we stay on this path, we'll go full Weimar, carrying our cash not in wallets but in wheelbarrows.

Sadly, the left can’t see the forest for the trees because the word “gun” is involved. Their narrow-minded thought process on this issue frightens them, even when it will save the lives of children

“The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act does not preempt state abortion laws, nor does it require the killing of an innocent life."

Faith will conquer fear but it takes a heart of Christ to get there

A Short Message to All Elected Officials in America Steve Rossiter | April 24, 2024
America is telling you it is time to cut your puppet master’s financial strings and re-read the United States Constitution

This country, and even the rest of the world, are at a crossroads. Do we want the Democratic path where we choose rulers and where the individual exists to serve the State, or do we want the Republican path with representative leaders and a State tha

SCOTUS To Decide If Federal Law Can Force Abortions Liberty Counsel | April 23, 2024
“The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act does not preempt state abortion laws, nor does it require the killing of an innocent life"

Students who created this chaos need to be expelled. This accomplishes two things--First, it rids the school of some agitators. Second, it sends a clear message to those who remain that this hatred will not be tolerated… PERIOD

Florida To Allow Volunteer Chaplains in Schools Liberty Counsel | April 23, 2024
Florida joins Texas as one of the first states in the nation to officially allow chaplains in public schools

Nearly 2,000 students and 15 teachers exercised the rights to opt out of the ‘LGBTQIA+’ indoctrination

Mike Johnson and other “Deep State” operatives in Congress, foreign wars take precedence over the needs of the American people.

We can only pray that in future elections, the memory of these deliberately deceitful and politically motivated money dumps will be remembered, and more responsible people will be elected.

Johnson hasn't kept any of his promises, and he has proven, beyond a shadow of doubt, that he is an enemy of the American people

To one degree or another, all governments are designed to avoid telling the truth. And lie in their silence.

Enough is Enough Paul E. Vallely | April 21, 2024
Beyond Treason: The Aftermath of Destruction

6th Amendment—Then and Now Steve Rossiter | April 21, 2024
The 6th Amendment may be alive, but I’m not so sure how well it is

Politics, Foreign Policy and War George Mcclellan | April 21, 2024
With Joe at the helm of America's ship of state, we’re soon to go aground on the rock and shoals of poor leadership by ignorant people

Dissolve the corporate-owned, Democrat-connected, deceitful media and replace it with an honest, fact-seeking news organization, and America still has a chance at survival

Support Canada Free Press


There isn't a single person in our country who believes that stronger legislation isn't needed to eliminate sex trafficking

The Loss of Freedom Is All About The Process Ray DiLorenzo | April 20, 2024
Our country has been divided, and tribalized. We are at war, but most don't realize it. Our beloved country is being torn apart, destroyed by those who would take away our freedom, destroy our families, homes, and country. After all, it's the process

The eyes of the world are on America to see if she will surrender to Biden or stand with Trump in a consolidated effort to keep America free and moral

Exploding dog Greg Maresca | April 19, 2024
Flat income tax has about the same chance of getting through Congress as term limits or leaving a juicy steak unattended at a barbeque with the big dog lurking nearby

America needs a new birth of freedom – a renewal of the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Planned Parenthood’s annual report reveals once again that its primary mission is making huge profit by aborting innocent babies
