
Readily available energy is the foundation of freedom. We cannot let the enemies of our freedom persuade us to accept less

A Sustainable Climate Friendly Alternative to Fossil Fuels

A Sustainable Climate Friendly Alternative to Fossil Fuels
Wind power and solar are generally considered clean and environmentally friendly. Although the manufacture of their components, the generators, blades, solar cells, concrete foundations, and other parts generates many pollutants and releases a lot of CO2, the actual systems produce no CO2 when they are producing power. That makes them desirable from the viewpoint of climate change advocates. The problem with these systems is that there are essentially no good storage mechanisms for the power they produce. All the power produced is "use it or lose it". Furthermore, the power produced is unpredictable, depending as it does on the vagaries of wind and cloud, and the lack of sunlight during night.
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By Just Moi on 2023 01 14

It will never happen. It is practical, doable and affordable. It is clean and produce endless energy with no disposal toxins.

It will never happen because the rich can't make billions from building it, can't make money from selling it, and can't control the people from using it.

Nice idea, but never happen with the WEF.

By Jerry Mander on 2023 01 14

Contrary to Just Moi's comment, it is the WEF that's pushing wind and solar power and ending fossil fuel use, in concert with the UN and EU.
Some time back a water-powered car was invented and patented that electrically separated water into hydrogen and oxygen and then burned the two gases to power the car. The patents have disappeared and the inventor and his team were murdered. This is fact, you can Google it and form your own opinion on why this happened.
The thing is, all that solar and wind energy could be going to separate water into it's gas components, which are eminently storable as a power source and whose exhaust is pure water when burned together.

By Cecil Chabot on 2023 01 15

Furthur to Jerry's comment:
search.-- https://www.bing.com/search?q=a%20water-powered%20car%20was%20invented%20and%20patented%20that%20electrically%20separated%20water%20into%20hydrogen%20and%20oxygen%20and%20then%20burned%20the%20two%20gases%20to%20power%20the%20car&pc=0OCP&ptag=C2N120A4445E171FA&form=CONBNT&conlogo=CT3210127
A number of folks have developed vehicle fuels other than from petroleum. Starting in the Second World War, Germany cut off from their Romanian oil fields and with huge coal reserves developed gasification to produce diesel and gasoline. Very interesting and expensive compared to good old petroleum based fuels with the added bonus of adding CO2 to the atmosphere to help plants grow.

By Just Moi on 2023 01 15

I seem to have dropped a paragraph in my comment. I was referring to the use of methane produced by a biodigester. The infrastructure is already in place. This methane is produced naturally by any decomposing matter. All that is needed is collection of any biomass in a container, let the material decompose and collect the methane produced. It can also be connected to the natural gas pipelines. Unlike wind and solar, there is no need for massive resources and land.

I hope that this clears up the incomplete comment that I made.

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