
Today, unfortunately, Lincoln is controversial to both Libertarians and the Left

Abraham Lincoln - Still a Great Leader to those who love the Republic!

Today, some patriotic American people who still care about the Republic may remember that it is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. However, many may not even want to remember his birthday based on their own bias or prejudice. Abraham Lincoln is seemingly still as controversial in our time as he was in his own. The state governments that consider Lincoln as a president to be honored over President’s Day weekend, confuse the purpose of the federal holiday known as 'President’s Day'. However, though some state governments honor Lincoln in such a way, there are others in the old southern states that refuse to honor Lincoln in such a way on President’s Day. The pain of the Civil War endures even into this millennium.
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By Joel Goodman on 2022 02 14

While I wouldn't have wanted Lincoln to be shot and killed, since he was, he was shot four years too late.

In saving the Republic, Lincoln destroyed it and left an indelible scar in our history.

The battle that he reeled against was the same battle that was fought in 1776 and in the Federal Convention.

Lincoln was the very nightmare the Founders presaged and feared would come into being.

To hold the country together in order to form a new republic, capable of defending itself against Europeans, the Founders allowed the continuation of slavery. That point seemed to elude Lincoln's back country brain.

Slavery would have ended in short time due to the Industrial Revolution, and eventually with less residual animosity, Blacks would have been accepted more easily, or those that wanted to leave would have left.

Today the Civil War (the second one) still does haunt Americans.

Lincoln's record in the slaughter of Native Americans is abysmal; but working with the natives tribes and taking their cause to heart wouldn't have helped his cause.

I, as a Northerner, have little respect for Lincoln, as he used the slavery issue to bolster support for his lackluster war, ill conceived war.

By C Lee Sandvick on 2022 02 14

President Lincoln is one of our heroes. Now we need another hero - a trucker.
************JUST KNOW THIS ! *********************
The LEFT does not care about a truckers convoy to stop mandates. Mandates are but a symptom of a corrupt gov’t and can be stopped at any time by them. But the truckers must not touch 2020 election fraud.
The LEFT will do anything to prevent the DECERTIFICATION OF THE 2020 FRAUDULENT ELECTION, ANYTHING !! The LEFT does not want a constitutional republic or free and fair elections.
*********** CALL FOR ACTION *************
**AMERICAN CONVOY is needed to save America.
***JUST ONE TRUCKER can start it (just like in Canada)
****SOCIAL MEDIA will broadcast this news across the country.
*****HUNDREDS OF TRUCKERS will join this convoy
******PATRIOTIC 'funding' page can be set up to take millions of dollars in donations from all patriotic Americans to pay for fuel, food, necessities for the truckers and their families.
*******DESTINATION - to drive to and surround the state capitals in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin
to compel those state legislators to expose the voter fraud they discovered and to decertify the 2020 election and call back their electors.
********ALL PATRIOTIC AMERICANS should also help by calling or/and emailing the Republican state reps in those 5 states to decertify the 2020 fraudulent election.
It is the only way to restore our constitutional republic for our future generations of Americans. Thank you.

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