
FBI: "Framing Baffled Idealists, to engineer their destruction, in the name of justice"

AG Garland's Next Inevitable Move: A New Fake Trump Prosecution w/ More Faux 'Facts' 

In perhaps the most inevitable segue in fake news history, the FBI must now try to improve on their signature move--cooking up a fresh bowl of slander to dump on Trump. Not so easy, you say? Well, when everyone knows of a cadre of liars oozing with power who're untouchable by any court, it would be silly to bet against them. And since the FBI did it before, and got away with it, you can bet they'll do it again. 

How about this for a proposed FBI motto:  "FBI: Framing Baffled Idealists, to engineer their destruction, in the name of justice."    

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By D3F1ANT on 2022 08 12

The GOP (and, sadly, We the People) will stand by and watch this unfold...just like tje last fake prosecutions. Then we'll watch as they overtly crank up the election theft machine and rob us again in 24.

By Lumpy Rutherford on 2022 08 12

I believe that the Biden Administration wants to trigger the American people into an armed confrontation with federal agents to enable Biden to declare martial law, and delay all elections indefinitely. Stolen elections have consequences
Fun Fact: There’s no constitutional authority for ANY armed federal police force operating in the 50 states, with the possible exception of the U.S. Border Patrol in pursuit of illegal aliens…

By Bill Daniel on 2022 08 12

When Lyndon Johnson first ran for office, and won, everyone knew the election had been rife with fraud, and his slim, questionable margin of victory was certainly no popular mandate. Critics began calling him "Landslide Lyndon,".

Lyndon Johnson did not like President John F. Kennedy; obviously Kennedy made a bad pick for his Vice-President. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m.

Lyndon Johnson hired the hitman. “Johnson’s mistress of 21 years, Madeleine Duncan Brown, who bore him an illegitimate son, said that Lyndon Johnson told her on the eve of the assassination, ‘After tomorrow I won’t have to deal with those Kennedy SOBs no more.’'

In August 1964, the United States entered the Vietnam War after reports of an unprovoked attack in the Gulf of Tonkin. But the reports were false — and the president knew it. The Johnson administration got their war, But it was based on a lie!
I remember watching the TV and the protests against the war. “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?”

I was really impressed with President John F. Kennedy, the last Democrat I ever respected and liked. Soon after his assassination I joined the Navy.

The Biden Administration, by far the most corrupt in American history, only exists because a corrupt FBI has condoned the corrupt counting of votes. They condone the deaths of thousands of Americans, and a lot of my friends, killed with injections which is not really for the disease.

Americans killed by LBJ, and his fake war, is nothing compared to the lies and murder by the Corrupt Biden Family and the corrupt Biden Administration.

Bottom Line :

By Centrewing on 2022 08 12

The more sickening their agendas get, to what, just to show us what they are capable of? This is just another really stupid agenda, their lies and their medias lies should be known by everyone at this point? I agree with Judi's article today too, it is really unreal beyond stupidity for anyone still believing anything from these destructive immoral "woke" "progressive" "Schwabs UN Davos WEF puppets agendas".

By Chris on 2022 08 13

Fabricate faux charges against them as being female body inspectors. FBI. And have them explain their way out of that one. That is about the level of integrity that they are bringing to the table anyway.

By bigredoneanddone on 2022 08 14

"Once upon a time, the FBI fought organized crime.
Then the Federal Bureau of Investigation became the ORGANIZED CRIME"

By Mark G. Kent on 2022 08 14

Before we reform the FBI, first they have to be deconstructed. The best solution to deconstructing the FBI is to use guided missiles. Then they can be rebuilt with brand new patriotic Americans. Actually, I don't think we need them at all. We got along just fine without them until the 20th century when the progressives started infiltrating all our sacred institutions. Disband them permanently and put any survivors in prison.

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