
In sum, regardless of what you think of the protest, Justice Rouleau’s Report illustrates, of itself, that Canada has a problem with government by the elite, for the elite and against the people

All’s not well in Heliopolis (Sunny Ways City) Liberal stooge says the Emergencies Act was justified

As expected, Justice Paul Rouleau has declared that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was justified in invoking the Emergencies Act. “I have concluded,” the judge says, “that the very high threshold required for the invocation of the Act was met.”

So how credible is that finding? My first problem, and it’s serious, is that the appointment process for Justice Rouleau was objectionable. For any real emergency, assuming you agree there ever was one, there should have been bipartisan agreement on who was to be the commissioner. Problems with the appointment arise from the fact that he’s a longstanding and paid-up member of the Liberal nomenklatura. He’d worked as a Liberal staffer and had donated to the Liberal Party. His career began with the Liberal lapdog law firm of Heenan Blaikie, the one that was to collapse in disgrace as a result of bribery scandals and maladministration. His taking the job as commissioner is then the first exercise in outstandingly bad judgment we’ve come to expect in Ottawa. It violates the most fundamental principle that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.

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By Frank C on 2023 02 17

Wake up my Canadian friends! Trudeau is a member of the World Economic Forum!!!! He is a traitor to Canada. No wonder he and his party seek to disarm the Canadian People. Rise up and fight for your freedom.

By Centrewing on 2023 02 17

Well puppets do what they are paid to do (even when they are still taking and stealing huge payments from taxpayers they are paid more to obey these globalists). We even knew before China had bought many of them and the election was a fraud. Just look at how Truedopers trust fund grew, and not from Canadians, when he took on the puppetry of a PM, I bet it is much bigger now, and what of these others including this so called judge. Look at the "lieberal/NDP WEF Party" tax paid medias and all the mis/dis information pushed by them.
These lying paid globalist insurrectionists no longer even really pretending to run Parliament, no ethics, lies, thieves running what was our countries are just traitors, insurrectionists, puppets of this sick globalist plot, and very afraid of the real people uprising and for good reason, we should be kicking them out, as we see law and order is not working.
The Hero Truckers and all of us supporters have just been given more proof yet again of how sick Canada is, this once good sovereign country used to be. Alberta really sees this best when will we all awake.

By BobF on 2023 02 17

Seems there are two types of people in western civilization today - those who have the capacity to think critically and the leftists who are naive and/or ignorant enough, driven by emotions that are pushed by the media, to accept the lies on top of lies on top of lies.

The former group (many if not all of CFP's readership, for instance) understand this sad but basic reality; the latter group are so disconnected from reality and so desirous of feeling good (as opposed to 'doing good") that they blindly accept the horse poop that is spewed forth by the left. It's really that simple.

By Mariana on 2023 02 18

Yah they were doing in their pants... the so called "politicians"

By Cal Aylmer on 2023 02 18

Well, we all knew it was going to be a complete farce. I am annoyed i spent hours and hours and hours and hours watching the hearings online (because I felt it was historic and important to witness ), but its time i spent in the company of some revolting people ( the REAL UNACCEPTABLE FRINGE MINORITY ), who are literally trying to destroy our lives and STEAL our health, wealth, land and all truth and facts are now anti semitic and racist and the new abnormal WEF-eese is printed into every document in every town rendering most subjects meaningless word salads of unscientific slogan words repeated like black magik spells until they become part of societies inner conscience by repetition, and with total censorship now there is no convincing anyone of the lies. The mess compounds and with every injustice and slap in the face and direct insult on our lives at the hands of what is a CRIMINAL cabal of truly satanic and dark people who have lost their way big time!. Rouleaux sold his soul i wonder what they have on him because that's how it works!. A dark day for Canada and any last remnant of pretence this govt isnt corrupt to the core has been truly removed. I dont know how these people sleep at night.
Of course everyone of us convoy Canadians will all just go away and submit to tyranny and re-education camps eh ?........er..........NOT!

By Just Moi on 2023 02 18

Did anyone expect anything else.

Our Dear Leader set up this show trial and Pravda, excuse me the CBC ran with all of it.

Understand that Canada extends 100 miles west of Toronto to 100 miles east of Montreal. The rest does not rate His attention. Decisions are based on opinion polls and what power can be used against the other subjects, excuse me citizens.

By dudley on 2023 02 18

Enjoy the crap you took canada and enjoy sleeping and living in the # eh

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