
So, is a Convention of States viable or simply a pipe dream? We’ll know soon enough.

Convention of States—Reality or Pipe Dream

Article V of the United States Constitution provides a tool for the many states to have some control of a rogue federal government. The Founding Fathers foresaw the potential for the federal government to stray from the intent of the founding documents as the current American government so brilliantly demonstrates day after day. Few reading this will disagree with my assessment that the American federal government is a tyrannical, out of control, rogue police state government.

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By Robert Powell on 2023 12 13

Not to say a fools arena, for the need for regaining the Founding Documents is apparent: Why not a COS, well
here: The 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, while the 16th Amendmenst was never correctly ratified. A Two volume publication concerning this event, listing anomolies by State, and Vol. 2, notes the discrepincies and obstruction to repair. Last the destruction of our three balanced legged stool, in the 17th. The 17th destroyed the connection of powers, and the "grifters" swam in like sharks to the kill.
Similer to the issue of "Gun Control" like the Levitating gun, the Founding Documents are not the problem - Elites, Humanists, dysfuntional wealth advocates ( Rockefeller for example ) are. One example,
1908 - Philanthropic Foundations entered, along with the Federal Reserve. Creating false economics and third party funding of subversive activities, via social cover. Alger Hiss was President of Carnegie Foundation. Rockefeller Foundation funded Sociology Chair Albin W. Small at Univ. of Chicago. The idea is: There is crime in the Slums, therefore slums cause crime-eliminate Slums, eliminate crime. Guilt Association.

1913 - Roscoe Pound, Saint-Simon. Socialized Law substitutes appointed Administrators for judicial Law. This to adjust social interests over the individual rights. Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter spoke about “ throughgoing overturning” of society. It must be done from the outside and translated by those in office.

It is well established, that while these Amendments were being sold as a good, the objective was oblique. So, what is a remedy that protects, while eliminating the bad? The 10th Amendment was created specifically for this
corruption by deceit, and is not predicated on a Convention of idiots.

The knowledge of many, notes the uncontrolled risk, and with one eye closed, can see the collective two party corruption, along with the Bilderbergers, Sri-Lateral Commission, now WHO, WEF, UN, as just a smattering,
Frankly, people die over single issue orientation.
With Respect Raven6 1965 - 1993

Powerpoint to assist: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/41085340

By Liam on 2023 12 14

Even if the number of necessary states join, it is still up to Congress to call the convention. See Art V. The states must petition Congress to call a convention.

On the other hand, We the People have the Right, as per the Declaration, to alter or government. The Amendment procedure of the Constitution is only for the federal/state governments. We the People can write our own changes and need simply 50%+1 votes. Why? Because We the People are superior to the Constitution since We the People created it.

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