
Mass GTA inoculation scheme a Holocaust

COVID-shot Echoes: I Had a Most Odd Experience Saturday

In "My troubling COVID vaccine story experiences," I wrote last year about how within a short period of time I met three men at the same recreational area who announced to me they'd had heart attacks. All three had previously taken the coronavirus genetic-therapy agents (GTAs, aka "vaccines"). Add the friend who suffered heart inflammation and the neighbor of mine who had an adverse reaction after having the shots, and it was quite a series of "anomalies." I've had another similar experience now, too. 
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By C Wells on 2022 11 17

I too know of MANY people who have been maimed and/or murdered by the covid clot shot. I never realized that genocide would be carried out by people willingly lining up to kill themselves and their children. I realize that many people were duped into killing themselves and family members. Satan is laughing and laughing. We can all thank the Dr. Deaths of Canada and the WEF rent boys Turdopey and the purtrid Singh for continually promoting genocide by vax. It's a hard thing to wrap your head around that your own government, media and medical "professionals" are trying to kill every Canadian in our communist country. May they all die a hideous, painful death and be tortured in eternal hell.

By Lumpy on 2022 11 17

The picture may be bigger than the elites merely, directing governments of the world to restrict food and energy production out of fears of “Global Warming”. This has already caused starvation in Sri Lanka, and great social unrest from farmers in Europe and Canada. Rigged elections just smooth the way for the “Great Reset” and killing us off with Fentanyl, Covid-19 and the Covid vaxx may ACTUALLY be part of the same plan.
Too, the gay/transgender agenda is likely part of this same ambitious scheme dreamed up by ivory tower liberals back in the 1970's.
The 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment by Paul and Anne Ehrlich and Obama's "Science Czar", John P. Holdren called for the ELIMINATION of 7/8 of the Earth's human population. Strict control of all human reproduction would be required. Some of the ways they recommended to achieve this end was mandatory vaccinations that would decrease human beings' fertility, the lacing of municipal water supplies with similar compounds (coincidentally, many municipal water sources in the US that include treated sewage are nowadays contaminated with estrogen. This can't be filtered out). What effect this may have is unknown. Compulsory abortion for unapproved pregnancies will be required, and societal ENCOURAGEMENT of homosexuality, as such people don't reproduce and add to the Earth's human population burden. My understanding is that anyone going through the full "transition" into the opposite sex will FOREVER be unable to reproduce, even if they manage to “transition” back…

By Left Coast on 2022 11 17

This is just the beginning . . . the killer VAX !

Dr McCullough: Any Person Dying With No Prior History of Significant Disease, It's the Vax
How long does the vaccine last in your body? What can you do if you were vaxxed? Can we even answer those questions?

Sweden did “ten times better than Chile, in fact, notorious for having the strictest lockdowns.”

Covid Deaths per Million . . . Sweden 6.7 Canada 29.2

Canada's WHO China style lockdowns killed over 4 Xs more people that did Sweden whose children never missed a Day of School nor did Business get closed. When is the investigation into the huge Failure by Canada?

By Centrewing on 2022 11 17

The only people I knew that had this covid 19 were people who had triple clot shots and also had had this planned virus more than once? One death of an 80 something old friend in a Nursing home. Many people I know refused this shot (sorry I cannot call it a vaccine still because it was invented years before this plannedemic was made loose). I never had those shots. First time I have felt fortunate not being able to walk much so I do not get out very much, but have great kids and neighbors who have helped me so much, thankfully none of them who helped me were sick with this "virus" or were they vaccinated but they did help others who had been and got sick. They still never got the virus and neither did I even being exposed to the ones who were "clot shot victims" but we all helped each other.

By VOWG on 2022 11 19

The lies are killing people. The shots are deadly.

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