
Another Hugh Betcha/Stoos Views Exclusive.....

Ebeneezer Biden: Better at Giving Away Your Money Than His

--Satire Recently, Ace Reporter Hugh Betcha--named Univision's "Most Trusted Conservative Reporter, 2015," and MSNBC's "Reporter We Would Most Like to Hang Out With, 2015" overheard a discussion in the ObamaMedia about Republican politicians' charitable giving habits. Since liberal politicians are so caring for the poor, since Hillary is taking a nose dive in the polls, and kindly Uncle Joe Biden is about to enter the race for President, Hugh decided to explore the would-be Democrat standard bearer's history of charitable giving. Certainly his private giving must match his avowed love of and desire to help the poor. But just when Hugh thought that there was no politician stingier than Barack Obama--who, before he became President, gave as little as .6% of his income to the poor--lo and behold we find that Obama had picked as his running mate, a man who gives far less to the poor than Obama himself. While Obama's tax returns prior to his 2008 election reveal a portrait of a man who privately gives very little to the poor--less than any Republican Hugh knows--Joe Biden gave even less. In fact, Biden's past history of charitable giving is so abysmally poor that he makes even Obama look like Santa Claus. Biden may well have been the stingiest man in the Senate before he became VP. For two of the most liberal politicians in Washington, they were embarrassingly conservative when it comes to reaching into their own pockets and helping the poor, whose cause they pretend to champion. If they thought that the public actually knew how little they do to help the poor, these two hypocrites would never again spout their populist drivel about Republican "trickle down" economics or criticize the Republicans for not doing enough to help the poor.
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