
That Hamas appears in alliance with Western university student progressives should cause alarm bells of concern. We must regain control of Universities and teach true history, including the history of Israel

Hamas demands for destruction of Israel have been joined by those progressives ignorant of history

Since the October 7 Hamas massacre of over 1,400 Israeli civilians (with hundreds taken hostage back to Gaza) the Hamas propaganda arm has moved into high gear.

Despite Hamas being responsible for the current war with Israel and continuing to endanger civilians by hiding amongst them, pro-Hamas and anti-Israeli rallies have been held in various parts of Western Europe and “blue” United States.

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By Centrewing on 2023 11 10

Sadly if only history stayed true and more actually learned it. It is why we have countries and areas of the world where people who get along think and believe the same and can finally live in peace. Even looking at Canada's problems with one French Province and the rest of the country English, it has divided our country and one province has more rights than the rest and always a corrupt French PM to give them more rights while the rest of the country pays dearly for them to stay a sovereign nation within Canada but it is an expensive and not friendly way to destroy our nation and now we have included whole other groups that do not fit into English Canada but they are not welcome into Quebec and they make their own laws and collect their own taxes and decide if any of these new people can stay in their province and ship them to mostly Ontario and now as we are out of extra housing and money even are leaving them on the street with no where to live? Four million new people in a large cold country that only had 37 million citizens with too expensive and many foreign owned now housing but few jobs available even for us. But the WEF foreign French government has promised them a good home and money to come here for free health care and schooling etc. and has to fly them in or bring them in through the USA at our expense them dump them into our Provinces who then are told to pay for them. So as I am feeling many of these people hate us hate Canada want us to give more. They are running around now protesting against our peaceful Jewish now. They did a good thing though ahead of this they were protesting our sick sexualized WEF agenda bad "school" system that we joined together with them here in Canada, but now have have switched to protesting hating Jews? Looks like a set up agenda again run by the UN's WEF who now runs our countries? Yes they want us all fighting and big wars so sickening as they have planned.

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